As many of you know the metal used in the gimbals of the Cougar are only good for a year or two until the metal starts to wear out and cuase slop in the center. There have been 4 or so "mods" you can buy that completely re-engineered the gimbals and solved the issue (I have the "Uber-II-NXT ones in mine and love them), but the price of some of these mods was not exactly easy to accept for many folks.
Anyhow, I thought I'd share this with anyone who wanted to fix the design/materials flaw in their Cougar without breaking the bank. It is very simple, very inexpensive (compared to others) and certainly solves the issue. It will not remove the X-Y axis transitions that some flyers do not like, but I know some folks DO like the transitions and this mod will keep tham.
Here's the link for more info: