I'm at work right now. Stock exchanges, markets around Europe are open, and trading. I think this is just not right.
All our governments had spoken and, as usual, mourns, condolences, "deep" feelings were offered. Yet when it comes to facts. NOTHING is done.
Why the heck stock markets are still open, when U.S. one is closed? Is it ethic that when americans come to work on wednesday or thursday, the find markets some 10% lower? Is it right that we feel the pain on U.S. situation, still we can't join them in their pain, and take a break to rethink and pray?
Man, I'm really ashamed. Shame on us

I think we should be declaring some time of international duel about this. This thing is too big to limit it to nice words. Words are important, signs are more. Market operation today is making money over the blood of inocent people. It's stupid too. Is taking advantage over people who [edit]can't[/edit] possibly act.
Really sad today

Man, I wish I was american today.
[ 09-12-2001: Message edited by: Pepe ]