Author Topic: what is this?  (Read 1173 times)


  • Guest
what is this?
« on: February 26, 2001, 08:26:00 PM »
// (c) 2000, Inc.  All rights reserved.
//var service_host = "";
var schema_url       = "";
var spp_langs      = "";
var service_host   = "";
var customerid      = "1 wgqR1-gryQv2-mT3eV2-xxIQm4-CgRx51-Kac2h2-cKQOA3-rSXC11-aJ4OF2-3xdx3";

var hide = "";

var doc_blank      = "/lf/blank.html";
var doc_blankform   = "/lf/blankform.html";
var doc_process      = "script/ssrv.cgi";

var mid_doc;

var spellWin;
var is_window_opened = false;
var opened = false;

var asc = false;

var ssrv_host;
var port;
var ssrv;
var ssrvname;

var IsProxyVer = ((navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 5") != -1) && (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Mac") != -1)) || (navigator.appVersion.indexOf('4.5 ') != -1);

var later= (navigator.appName == 'Netscape') && (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("5.0") != -1);

var lang;
var ctrl;
var url;
var force_reload;
var intlang;

var ctrlObj;
var formNum   = -1;
var ctrlName    = '';
var i;

var d;

function doSpell( p_lang, p_ctrl, p_url, p_force_reload, p_intlang) {

   lang = p_lang;
   ctrl = p_ctrl;
   url = p_url;
   force_reload = p_force_reload;
   intlang = p_intlang;


   if (is_window_opened)
      if (spellWin.frames.length!=5) is_window_opened = false;

   var isMSIE = (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer');
   var Ver = navigator.appVersion;
   if ( (isMSIE && parseInt (navigator.appVersion) < 4) ) {
      alert("Our SpellChecker feature does not support Internet Explorer 3.0.  However, it does support the following browsers: IE 4+, Netscape 4+ ( 6.0).");
   if ( (navigator.appName == 'Netscape') &&
        ( (navigator.appVersion.indexOf('3.0') != -1) ) )
      alert('Sorry, currently we do not support Netscape Navigator 3.0, Internet Explorer 3.0.\nPlease upgrade your browser.');
   var wWidth      = 488;
   var wHeight     = (hide.indexOf('[sw]') == -1)?440:325;
   var botf   = 167;//159
   var s      = '';

   if (ctrl.constructor && ctrl.constructor == String)
      ctrlName = ctrl;
      formNum  = -1;
      ctrlObj  = eval(ctrl);
      wWidth   = ctrlObj.clientWidth < wWidth ? wWidth : ctrlObj.clientWidth;
      wHeight  = (ctrlObj.clientHeight > wHeight ? ctrlObj.clientHeight : wHeight);
      i = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < document.forms.length; i++)
         if (document.forms == ctrl.form)
      if (i==document.forms.length)
         formNum = -1;
         formNum = i;

      ctrlName =;
      ctrlObj  = ctrl;
   var tmp = ctrlObj.value ? ctrlObj.value : ctrlObj.innerHTML;
   if (tmp == '' || tmp == null)
      alert('Nothing to check.');

   if ( lang == '' ) lang = 'en';
   if ( == '' ) = 'sp_ch_opener_window';
   wndname =;
   if (hide.indexOf('[eb]') != -1)
      spellWin = window;
   else {
      if (!is_window_opened)
         spellWin ="", "spch" + getHostStr(, "width=" + wWidth + ",height=" + wHeight + ",toolbar=no,resizable=no");


   d = spellWin.document;

if (!is_window_opened || hide.indexOf('[dc]') == -1) {
   if (hide.indexOf('[ch]') != -1)
      s =
      '<script>' +
      '\nvar cFlag = 0;' +
      '\nfunction uHandler(){if (cFlag == 1){cFlag=0;open("' + url + '?cmd=terminate&txt_ctrl=' + + '");}}' +
      '\nfunction lHandler(){cFlag=1;}' +
      '</script\>' +
      '<title></title>' +
      '<frameset onload="javascript:lHandler()" onUnload="javascript:uHandler()" rows="96,*,'+botf+',0" frameborder="No" framespacing=0 border=0>'
      s =
      '<title></title>' +
      'function dounload() {'+
      'if (frames.length==5) {'+
      'if (frames[4].parentOpen)'+
      'opener.is_window_opened = false;'+
      '} else {opener.is_window_opened = false;}'+
      '<frameset rows="96,*,'+botf+',0'+((asc)?',0':'')+'" frameborder="No" framespacing=0 border=0 onunload="javascript: dounload();">'
      s +=
      '    <frame name="navbar" src="' + service_host + doc_blank + '" marginwidth="2" marginheight="0" noresize scrolling="no" frameborder="no" framespacing=0>' +
      '    <frame name="mid" src="' + ((IsProxyVer)?service_host + doc_blank:"about:blank") + '" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" noresize scrolling="auto" frameborder="no" framespacing=0>' +
      '    <frame name="bot" src="' + service_host + doc_blankform + '" marginwidth=1 marginheight=1 noresize scrolling="auto" frameborder="no" framespacing=0>' +
      '    <frame name="spellsuggestall" src="' + service_host + doc_blank + '" marginwidth=1 marginheight=1 noresize scrolling="no" frameborder="no" framespacing=0>';
      if (asc) {
         s +=
         '    <frame name="unload" src="' + url + '?cmd=unload" marginwidth=1 marginheight=1 noresize scrolling="no" frameborder="no" framespacing=0>';
      s += '</frameset\>';;

   d = spellWin.frames[1].document;

   if (later) {
      setTimeout(called_later, 10);
   } else {


function called_later() {

   if ( d ) {
if (!is_window_opened || hide.indexOf('[dc]') == -1) {
      var s =
         '<body>' +
         '<form name=frmSpell method=post action="' + service_host + doc_process + '" lang=' + lang + '>' +
         '<input type=hidden name=slang value="">' +
         '<input type=hidden name=intlang value="">' +
         '<input type=hidden name=text value="">' +
         '<input type=hidden name=cmd value="">' +
         '<input type=hidden name=trg_url value="">' +
         '<input type=hidden name=trg_wnd value="">' +
         '<input type=hidden name=txt_ctrl value="">' +
         '<input type=hidden name=svc_time value="">' +
         '<input type=hidden name=statinfo value="">' +
         '<input type=hidden name=customerid value="">' +
         '<input type=hidden name=schema_url value="">' +
         '<input type=hidden name=spp_langs value="">' +
         '<input type=hidden name=hide value="">' +
         '<input type=hidden name=ssrv_host value="">' +
         '</form>' +
         '<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica" size=3>Loading...
         if (hide.indexOf('[cp]') != -1)
            s = s + '<a href="" onclick="parent.opener.parent.cTL.focu s(); parent.close()">Abort SpellChecker[/url]  ' +
               '<a href="" onclick="parent.opener.parent.cTL.form .submit(); parent.opener.focus(); document.location = \''+service_host+doc_process+'?ssrv_host='+ssrv_host+'&cmd=eos&customerid='+customerid+'&sessionid=0&hide='+hide+'\'; return false">Send Without Checking[/url]';
          s =   s + '</font><center></center>' +
      var f_dst;
      if (!is_window_opened || hide.indexOf('[dc]') == -1)
         f_dst = d.forms[0];
      else {
         f_dst = spellWin.frames[4].document.forms[0];
         f_dst.action = service_host + doc_process;

      f_dst.cmd.value = 'spell';
      f_dst.slang.value = lang;
      f_dst.intlang.value = intlang;
      f_dst.text.value = ctrlObj.value ? ctrlObj.value : ctrlObj.innerHTML;
      f_dst.trg_url.value = url;
      f_dst.trg_wnd.value = wndname;
      if (formNum != -1)
         f_dst.txt_ctrl.value = force_reload ? 'document.forms[' + i + '][\'' + ctrlName + '\']' : '';
         f_dst.txt_ctrl.value = force_reload ? ctrlName : '';
      f_dst.svc_time.value = (new Date()).getTime();
      f_dst.customerid.value = customerid?customerid:'';
      f_dst.schema_url.value = schema_url;
      f_dst.spp_langs.value = spp_langs;
      f_dst.hide.value = hide;
      if (f_dst.ssrv_host)
         f_dst.ssrv_host.value = ssrv_host;
is_window_opened = true;

function getHostStr(str)
    var res = getSplitStr(str, ".");
    res = getSplitStr(res, ":");
    res = getSplitStr(res, "-");
    return res;
function getSplitStr(str, del)
   var res = "";
   var arr = str.split(del);
   for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
      if (res != "")
      res = res +"_";
      res = res + arr;
   return res;
function set_mid_doc(doc)
   mid_doc = doc;

function getServerName(url) {
   var x = url.indexOf('//');
   if (x != -1) url=url.substring(x+2, url.length);

   x = url.indexOf('/');
   if (x != -1) url = url.substring(0,x);

   x = url.indexOf(':');
   if (x != -1) url = url.substring(0,x);

   return url;

function getServerPort(url) {
   var x = url.indexOf('//');
   if (x != -1) url=url.substring(x+2, url.length);

   x = url.indexOf('/');
   if (x != -1) url = url.substring(0,x);

   x = url.indexOf(':');
   if (x != -1) url = url.substring(x+1); else url = 80;

   return url;

function CheckIE5Mac(url) {
   if (IsProxyVer) {
      if (service_host == "") {
      if (!asc) ssrv_host = getServerName(service_host);
      var fval = url.split('/');
      service_host = '';
      for (i=0;i<fval.length-1;i++) {
         if (service_host != '') service_host += '/';
         service_host += fval;
      ssrvname = fval[fval.length-1];
      service_host += '/';

      doc_blank   = ssrvname+"?doc=blank&ssrv_host="+ssrv_host;
      doc_blankform   = ssrvname+"?doc=blankform&ssrv_host="+ssrv_host;
      doc_process    = ssrvname;
   } else {
      ssrv_host = '';
      port = '';
      ssrv = '';
      ssrvname = '';
HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2001 02:33:57 GMT
ETag: "1cce1-6cc0-3a954ec9"
Connection: keep-alive

just wondering


Offline MrBill

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what is this?
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2001, 08:44:00 PM »
Some really sloppy and slow to execute code??

If I'm Right what do I win?

smile awhile
We do not stop playing because we grow old
We grow old because we stop playing

Offline Sancho

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what is this?
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2001, 12:08:00 AM »
Hmm... virtual basic??  

Offline Mighty1

  • Parolee
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what is this?
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2001, 08:00:00 AM »
One hell of a long post?!

Uhh MG logic?

You's there it has alot of info but makes no sense at all.
I have been reborn a new man!

Notice I never said a better man.

Mk10 225th

  • Guest
what is this?
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2001, 08:31:00 AM »
Main code for B-17 II?



  • Silver Member
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what is this?
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2001, 09:58:00 AM »
Greek to me.


  • Guest
what is this?
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2001, 10:49:00 PM »
i dont know what the hell it is, sometimes after posting a mesage i get it, no bigie
