Author Topic: SEdrKill  (Read 1950 times)

Offline Heretic

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« Reply #15 on: May 01, 2005, 05:51:11 AM »

I will take care of this as soon as I get home from work today.  I am on the 7am to 7pm shift today.   We talked on 200 and also PM last night.   SEdrkill was AFK for all of squad night.  He was having VOX issues like I was.  I had to relog just to communicate with squad and Bishlandia.

I will talk to him and have him either own up or shut up.  One way or the other I will get this resolved.   I am not an "officer" in the squad but I have senority over the majority of the squaddies.

I had to log off at 11:20pm last night so I could get some sleep for work.    4:45am comes awful quick to a blaring alarm clock.

As far as the rest of AH players.   I will say this one more time.

The SE's recruit noobs.   We are a squad that has for the most part brand new players to the game.   We fight people that have played this games since the games inception.    What does that tell you?    We lack alot of serious pilot talent in fighter skills.      It all comes with time does it not?       I have one year now in the game.   I am much better than I was a year ago but I am still green like you were when you first joined the game.

SEdipchit   AKA  Jonny is no longer with us.    I would appreciate it if you refer to the SE's current players or ex players with their name.   No need to get abusive.   I have no idea if Jonny is Rook or Knight.     Sorry, can't help ya out there.

As far as going to the DA, just ask me.    I suck.  So what is that going to prove?   If I win, big deal.  If I lose, big deal.   Its a freaking game.     You all think I balance my life with this game on how well I control computer airplanes?      

I have in the past got pretty mean and abusive to Pacerr on 200.  I have since apologized to him on open channel 200.     Takes a man to do that.     He still kicks my bellybutton every time I run across him.  I do not get pizzy with him anymore, just take my bellybutton kicking and go home.    

So,  if you want me to go to the DA just ask.   I will do my best to avoid your attacks and try to live long enough to make the fight worth while.        

If you must call my squad every name in the book then have at it. It gets old but if it makes you feel like a man then go for it.     If I do get you in my sights and do shoot you down then I expect some kind of recognition  after you were so blantantly calling us choice names.    

Any time Chi.   Your the worst offender.    You talk the most trash about us.   Your score is nothing to brag about.     Why the name calling?    Lacking in the manhood department got you down bro?

Offline Seeker

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« Reply #16 on: May 01, 2005, 08:41:11 AM »
Originally posted by SEgunner

I will take care of this as soon as I get home from work today.  

Good post.

Offline Heretic

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« Reply #17 on: May 01, 2005, 08:44:47 AM »
Damn!   Now I'm picking on somebody!    Thats not like me to do that.     Sorry Chi.    Well not really.   I lied.    What ever happend when SEjester called you out?  You got awfully quiet on the 200 channel.    LOL!!  All talk and no skillz bro?     Put up or shut up.  

I suppose if my squad was filled with the likes of Pacerr, Shawk,Morph,Batfink,ManeTMP,and other great sticks then we wouldn't be getting all of the nasty taunts.   I do have thick skin but it is getting rather childish on 200 channel wouldn't you guys think?    I'm pretty sure the most of you are over 21 years of age or not?      I'm 37 so you can come pick on this old man when you want to.

As far as duels go I'm game.   Even tho you may be a Ferrari and I'm a Yugo I will still try to win.         Once you get to know me then you may realize that us SE's are a pretty fun bunch of guys to hang out with.        Our best stick is now on the knight side.    He was SEgoose and also SEtuff.  They are now SSgoose and SStuff.        As of now our best fighter sticks are SEhookup and SEkiller.     Those are the guys that have the best skills as far as fighters go.    Hookup JR plays on his fathers account and for a kid of 15 he is pretty good as far as I'm concerned.

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« Reply #18 on: May 01, 2005, 11:23:05 AM »
SE's are a great group of guys.  Always there when us bish need them.  If it helps any, i will talk to SEdrkill, he has a lot of respect for me, so much, that he though I was the CO of the 31st Bomber Barons.  LOL make CO of a squad with only being in the squad 2 months??!!  That would be pretty cool!  <<<<<>>>>> SE's, keep up the good fights (not abusive:aok ) in the MA!


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Offline SuperDud

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« Reply #19 on: May 01, 2005, 11:30:12 AM »
Originally posted by SEgunner
SEdipchit   AKA  Jonny is no longer with us.    I would appreciate it if you refer to the SE's current players or ex players with their name.   No need to get abusive.   I have no idea if Jonny is Rook or Knight. Sorry, can't help ya out there.

This was a running joke between those 2 I believe. Wasn't meant to offend anyone. Mega probably didn't know he left?
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« Reply #20 on: May 01, 2005, 11:32:30 AM »
Originally posted by Furball
and then i tried my hardest to mediate between you, bring peace to the MA, but he ignored me.

i deserve a sainthood for my efforts.

;) :D

Furball looking at "inappropriate" things on the internet is not meditation no matter what you say.
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Offline TequilaChaser

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« Reply #21 on: May 01, 2005, 11:52:35 AM »
Originally posted by SEgunner
Any time Chi.   Your the worst offender.    You talk the most trash about us.   Your score is nothing to brag about.     Why the name calling?    Lacking in the manhood department got you down bro?

Damn! Now I'm picking on somebody! Thats not like me to do that. Sorry Chi. Well not really. I lied. What ever happend when SEjester called you out? You got awfully quiet on the 200 channel. LOL!! All talk and no skillz bro? Put up or shut up.

Chi ( Chitown ) offered up an apology the other day for some vague masking of naughty text,  he also offered another apology and then detuned Ch200.

Chi is like Shane and many others that come from , well easiest way to put it is they come from the old school of taunting and flaming.

the new greenhorns that try to buck up and taunt or flame back do not have any recourse except to take it beyond the boundries of the game and attack another players personal life, family, kids you name it.  Sending private PMs or tuning to another player private vox and cussing them , using foul mouthed language etc....

so watch how you lay blame on an individual.

I asked Chi myself to let it go, and to detune and not listen to the BS, but it isn't like  he should have to squelch text & Vox on every little green horn wet behind the ears dweeb that can't taunt back or flame in a gaming manner and needs to revert to  cussing, laying derogatory claims of ones sex preference, threatening ones family , and taking the text fighting fest out of the game and into a players personal life.
SO SEGunner if you do not have a clue about the BIG PICTURE of what things are happening then best lay off of it.

if Jester, you gunner, or any of your squad needs to express your put up or shut up, I'm sure Chi will gladly take you up on the offer,  if you want to extend the offer to me as well just name your time.

nuff said

The Damned Air Group
"When one considers just what they should say to a new pilot who is logging in Aces High, the mind becomes confused in the complex maze of info it is necessary for the new player to know. All of it is important; most of it vital; and all of it just too much for one brain to absorb in 1-2 lessons" TC

Offline cav58d

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« Reply #22 on: May 01, 2005, 12:14:30 PM »
Mega...I definately like to duel you....I think i heard some misinformation from "kleenex" last night that you were a noob to the game...I was fighting noobs for the past 45 minutes in the DA, and just got sick of it and wanted more of a challenge...well i found that challenge when superdud handed my prettythang 2 me.... great stick watch out for him...

but yeah mega, PM me in the game and we'll definately do some duels


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Offline Heretic

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« Reply #23 on: May 01, 2005, 12:18:43 PM »

I did not see the apology on 200 channel.   If it was offered up while I was in game I was either busy fighting and didn't see it or was offline.      Next time I see Chi online in the game I will not say a word even if he is taunting.      My word on that.    

Challange you to the DA?   Why?     You like clubbing baby seals?
LOL!     Your better off fighting one of the better sticks in the game than me.     At least you would have a good fight.

Chi may whip my butt or I may whip his.   No matter who wins what does it all mean in the big picture?    Not much.    Bragging rights in the MA?  

The only reason I posted this was because of the BS I read on 200.  It gets old fast about my squad.   You would defend your squad correct?  I would expect you to.   Thats the reasoning behind this.


rgr that.   Wasn't aware of the rivalry between Mega and Jonny.

I have not seen nor heard from Jonny since he left the SE's.  
Its all good.    Take care.

Offline TequilaChaser

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« Reply #24 on: May 01, 2005, 12:29:02 PM »
just wanted to explain in not so many words of the types of actions & threats Chi has been receiving,  after all he is a squadmate, and like you said squad members stand up for each other.

I have no desire to challenge anyone or duel anyone..........

I agree with the BS on ch2000, but have seen it for the past umpteen years and most times overlook the most of it.

The part of attacking a persons family and real life outside of the game is what I was responding to. I wanted it to be known that  taunting in game in character ( as in Chi, SEjester, Shane, Morpheus) is one thing, but one should never take taunting and flaming beyond the game or the characters.

SEgunner / Flak Bait and good luck with training the new members your squad brings into the game....

added: sometimes a squad member will step across the line, and if it is a Damned, we are quick to call them on it, and I for one have seen other squads do the same....nuff said
« Last Edit: May 01, 2005, 12:34:38 PM by TequilaChaser »
"When one considers just what they should say to a new pilot who is logging in Aces High, the mind becomes confused in the complex maze of info it is necessary for the new player to know. All of it is important; most of it vital; and all of it just too much for one brain to absorb in 1-2 lessons" TC

Offline SuperDud

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« Reply #25 on: May 01, 2005, 01:10:37 PM »
Originally posted by cav58d
Mega...I definately like to duel you....I think i heard some misinformation from "kleenex" last night that you were a noob to the game...I was fighting noobs for the past 45 minutes in the DA, and just got sick of it and wanted more of a challenge...well i found that challenge when superdud handed my prettythang 2 me.... great stick watch out for him...

but yeah mega, PM me in the game and we'll definately do some duels



megas not knew, he just flies that way hehehe. As for our fights, just a good day for me, every dud has his day:D  And they were a lot closer than you think, I really had to work for them, no lie. On top of it all, you're getting use to the new settings so that gave me an advantage as well. By the way, if ya need someone to help you practice to get use to it, give me a holler. I try to spend a good amount of time in the TA/DA anyhow and I know it really helps having someone there pushing you than trying to go at it alone. So seriously, don't hesitate to give me a call. I bet once you get use to things the fights will be going the other way. and CYA up!
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Offline Balsy

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« Reply #26 on: May 04, 2005, 01:32:41 PM »
And the SEDRKILL saga continues...

I have some fine film of SEdrkill calling me a cheat after upping in a la7, and me hammering him in my f4u1.

He was kind enough to PM me and call me a cheater as I proceeded to kill him twice more.

Dont know if this is worthy of mailing the film in to HTC.. or possibly SEGUNNER would care to have a gander to take care of it within the squad.


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« Reply #27 on: May 04, 2005, 01:47:51 PM »
Originally posted by Balsy
And the SEDRKILL saga continues...

I have some fine film of SEdrkill calling me a cheat after upping in a la7, and me hammering him in my f4u1.

He was kind enough to PM me and call me a cheater as I proceeded to kill him twice more.

Dont know if this is worthy of mailing the film in to HTC.. or possibly SEGUNNER would care to have a gander to take care of it within the squad.


but you are a cheatard!
I am not ashamed to confess that I am ignorant of what I do not know.

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Offline Heretic

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« Reply #28 on: May 04, 2005, 02:00:05 PM »

will get to the bottom of this ASAP.   Will talk to Bobo about this.

To all,

I sincerly apologize for any transgressions any member of my squad has made.  Myself included.

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« Reply #29 on: May 04, 2005, 02:02:19 PM »
Originally posted by SEgunner

To all,

I sincerly apologize for any transgressions any member of my squad has made.  Myself included.

Screw you!!!

we want compensation!!

I am not ashamed to confess that I am ignorant of what I do not know.

-- The Blue Knights --