Author Topic: A Freakin .22 ..................  (Read 8512 times)

Offline easymo

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A Freakin .22 ..................
« Reply #60 on: March 06, 2001, 11:04:00 PM »
 When I was a boy, it would not have occurred to me to take a gun to school. Not because I respected my teachers. I had no more respect than my modern day counterpart. But,because I feared them. They had these boards with holes drilled in them. And they got your attention with them.


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A Freakin .22 ..................
« Reply #61 on: March 06, 2001, 11:39:00 PM »
In order to justify lbaming gun manufacturers and gun laws for shootings you would have to do the following.

A: blame the car company when someone gets killed by a drunk driver.
B:When someone gets caught laundering money, blame the bank that gave him/her an account.
C: when an arsinist starts a fire, blame it on the availability of gasonline.

To justify that an AMERICAN socity would be safer without guns you would need the following.
A: have a on-site police responsi time of less than 2 miniutes.
B: get guns out of the hands of ALL criminals who didnt regester them and will do anything and everthing to hide them.

What banning guns would REAllY accomplish in America.
A: Make criminals more confident that their victims will have no real way to defend themselves.
B: Prove that the constituition can in fact be deemed in-valid.
C: start the first step towards a long journey of finding ways around constituational that protect various rights.
D Show the populace that despite the fact that the gov ADMITS that it and the police CANNOT defend the public, that it feels they shouldent be able to do it either.

So basically no guns in US would:
A: Eliminat the last and VERY often only line of defence for a person and their family.
B: assure the criminals THAT WILL HAVE GUNS ANYWAY that their victims have no real defence against them.
C: Show that the constitution that we hold so dear really means nothing, and that the laws it stands for somehow just dont apply.

If guns did get banned..who would hand them over?? I wouldent..I lost mine, they ALL fell in the lake outta my boat (assuming boats are still legal at that point)

Offline leonid

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A Freakin .22 ..................
« Reply #62 on: March 07, 2001, 01:42:00 AM »
Well, come up with whatever solution you think will solve our present social problems here in the USA, but be aware that we have some serious issues to deal with.  Issues that delve into our very way of life, our 'American' values, our constitution even.  And until they are addressed at the core, we will continue to suffer from our own social illness, which in turn will slowly transform this nation into a shell of its former self.

It's up to us Americans.  Address the important issues, like reassessing who we really are, or watch it all crumble - or worse, much worse, have our children watch it crumble after we are gone.

leonid, Kompol
5 GIAP VVS-KA, Knights

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ingame: Raz


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A Freakin .22 ..................
« Reply #63 on: March 07, 2001, 01:51:00 AM »
Originally posted by cabby:
The mega-murderous Euros are telling the USA how to control firearms???



mega-murderous ?
explain please ...

Offline ElLobo

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A Freakin .22 ..................
« Reply #64 on: March 07, 2001, 02:53:00 AM »
As a father of 3 young adults my feelings on the school violence thing is, we were lucky before and now the cats out of the bag. School, especially High School Stratifies our society as no other institution does. You take innocent impressionable kids and tell them they can be anything they want to be in Grade School and at home. Then they get into High School, and the system tells most of them what they can't be. Most of them can't be Jocks only the gifted few get to be Heroes, Most of them can't be in the band only the talented few. Most of them are wasting their time preparing for college, either not intelligent enough or not rich enough. Till by the end of their four years everyone pretty much knows their future place in society. There are the gifted and fortunate few, and there is the rest of us. Is it surprising that some of those kids resent being put in their place by the Jocks and the bullies. The surprising thing to me is that it didn't start happening a long time ago. All of these incidents are tragedies. But its not the parents fault or the 15 year old kids pulling the trigger. Its the School systems in America that are responsible. When schools encourage class stratification by Ability and Intellect not to mention Financial situation, as they do now. Then teach them about the great rebellions in the world against injustice, as in the American and French revolutions. Don't be surprised when occasionally one of the little skinny guys fights back in a big way.

Offline Dowding

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A Freakin .22 ..................
« Reply #65 on: March 07, 2001, 04:45:00 AM »
Aaah the Utopia that is modern Western society. Where kids stab/shoot each other in the playground.

Not yet an everyday occurance in British schools, but I guess it won't be too far away.

War! Never been so much fun. War! Never been so much fun! Go to your brother, Kill him with your gun, Leave him lying in his uniform, Dying in the sun.

Offline Fishu

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A Freakin .22 ..................
« Reply #66 on: March 07, 2001, 05:43:00 AM »
Originally posted by AKDejaVu:
Not true.  Guns in schools are rare.  That is the main reason for such prolific coverage when it happens.  Knifes in school.. hell I remember high school well enough to know they were pretty fricking common.

One gets media coverage, the other doesn't.  Somehow one person killing two people with a gun is more important than 20 people getting stabbed in various other schools.  Things like this are what make pro-gun advocates so worried.  It really seems as if there is a hidden agenda proliferated by the media.

This guy wasnt in the school, just a 15-16 year old guy on the street who then decided to use his knife for some reason..
I suspect that if guns would been easier to get, he (this invidual) would of had one instead of a knife.

Offline Toad

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A Freakin .22 ..................
« Reply #67 on: March 07, 2001, 05:48:00 AM »
What was it that Cain used to "do" Abel?

The times and tools change....human nature doesn't I guess.

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Offline pzvg

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« Reply #68 on: March 07, 2001, 06:37:00 AM »
Y'all keep missing the point, I was a 13 year old army brat when my father ended up in Northeast Georgia, wonderful schools there,calling someone a redneck was a compliment,Major problems fitting in, fights all the time,finally got transferred by my folks to a school with less antisocial elements, Gun violence? Sheesh, I would not have had to steal a gun, I owned a shotgun  at the time, (got it when I was six) nor did I use a knife, although all of us carried one to school, (This was in '71) why was the violence the normal settle it with your fists kinda deal? Maybe it was the fact that teachers and cops were "Authorities" capable of doing nasty things to you, the worst of which was the dreaded "calling your parents"
Gun control is a load of crap, liberal garbage for taking responsibility away from yuppies,like V chips and 24hr day care, People have kids as status toys now,Hell, I see some kid acting like a little sh@t in a store, or find some D00d cutting up on the internet, I want to punch that kids parents in the mouth, and scream at them," Why in the hell do you have a kid? is it a Golly-gee tax break? a social requirement? get your bellybutton in gear and be a freakin parent!" The sad part is, I know why I cannot do this, It's my upbringing, (my,there's a word you don't hear anymore) Europe needs to step back from the issue, sorry guys, but the drug culture hasn't spun totally out of control for you yet, less disposable income, but your time is near, trust me. And you know what? I have yet to meet a proponent of gun control who can explain to me why would making personal ownership of firearms illegal would deter someone who is considering a much more serious offense.
I have seen 12 year old gang members toting weapons that they couldn't have bought if they were a hundred and twenty, weapons that are not for sale to the public, In the last ten years the LA county sheriff's office has seized over 1,000 weapons of a military nature that cannot be owned in the state of California,most of these weapons did not trace back to gunowners,more than 89% entered the country illegally, Gun control would not stop this flow of weapons,Gun control would not stop the sale,possession,and use of these weapons.
It would merely ensure that the 1% who do have these weapons have nothing to fear from the 99% who do not. And the neglected,raised by TV,gangers on drugs would still be blowing away the teachers.
Easy money,loose parental control, and a legal climate that wants to apologize for the criminal (Not out of any grand sense of justice, Firearms manufacturers generally have more money than 15 year olds) make for a society of tolerance toward the intolerable.
Might sound lame and naive, but that's just wrong.

pzvg- "5 years and I still can't shoot"

Offline -lynx-

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A Freakin .22 ..................
« Reply #69 on: March 07, 2001, 06:47:00 AM »
mega-murderous ?
explain please ...
I guess it was the reference to a simple fact that in the last hundred years Europeans started wars killing millions (USA was dragged into both WWs and Korea). You start stupid generalising - you get it right back in your face...

Offline -lynx-

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A Freakin .22 ..................
« Reply #70 on: March 07, 2001, 07:07:00 AM »
Another stir to the pot: as far as I remember, when the Swiss serve in the army they keep all their combat gear, incuding personal weaponry at home. It would be very easy to take your dad's/mom's assault rifle and start shooting but it does not happen. Once again - guns don't kill...

Offline Ripsnort

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A Freakin .22 ..................
« Reply #71 on: March 07, 2001, 08:06:00 AM »
Originally posted by Dowding:
Aaah the Utopia that is modern Western society. Where kids stab/shoot each other in the playground.

Not yet an everyday occurance in British schools, but I guess it won't be too far away.

No, not far away at all.  On the other hand, we haven't seen alot of people die at our sports stadiums either.  

Offline StSanta

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A Freakin .22 ..................
« Reply #72 on: March 07, 2001, 08:11:00 AM »
You need more passion in your sports rip.

When the best the crowd can do is " USA USA USA", how are you supposed to get some good hooligans?

Baron Claus "StSanta" Von Ribbentroppen
9./JG 54 "Grünherz"

"Live to pull, pull to live"

Offline Dowding

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A Freakin .22 ..................
« Reply #73 on: March 07, 2001, 09:07:00 AM »
lol Santa

Nice one.


"USA, USA, USA"? I've always liked:

"You're going home in a f****** ambulance"

Or if you want humourous:

"Are you Scotland in disguise?"

Our hooligans are the best in the world - makes me really proud.

BTW, pzvg - can you start using paragraphs, your posts are really hard to read.  

[This message has been edited by Dowding (edited 03-07-2001).]
War! Never been so much fun. War! Never been so much fun! Go to your brother, Kill him with your gun, Leave him lying in his uniform, Dying in the sun.

Offline Ripsnort

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A Freakin .22 ..................
« Reply #74 on: March 07, 2001, 09:15:00 AM »
It doesn't surprise me that Dowding or Santa make light of the fact that people have died in these sports events.