Originally posted by rabbidrabbit
the tiger main gun is 88mm not 125 mm.
There is something funky about the armor still. For example, how does an 88mm ap round bounce off a m3 at 400 yards? In the game you have to know where to hit someone. Many times a shot to certain areas will bounce or hit but do no damage everytime. In reality this would be disabling or killing shots but it's not the case in this game. Another example would be hitting most any tank in the drive sprocket does no damage. In reality it would track it at a minimum. It isn't right but it is what it is. My only advice is to learn the kill spots and hit those instead of freaking out here.
other week, I was in a tiger vs. tiger fight. I shot, and hit, that nme tiger well over 50 times from roughly 2k out. Almost all shells bounced off, but I was hitting it. I was lucky, as I had just tracked said tiger when I was in a manned ack. I drove off to the rearm pad, and came back and hit it another 4-5 times, when a Jabo dove in w/ eggs and killed 'em.
Was it's HT's modelling of the Tiger that's at fault? No, I dont' think so. Tho' one would think that 50+ shells would do SOME damage to it. Was it my aim? Yup. I was HITTING the Tiger, just not in the right spot.