I'd give both sides all the M- vehicles, and both sides the Ostwind. Both sides had roughly equivalent AAA vehicles at this point. The IL-2 is a bit uber compared to the Ju87, but I suppose it makes up for the T-34. Also, give each side the C-47 to airdrop supplies, then set a hard ceiling via wind layer at about 3K, to simulate the bad weather. Perhaps even set fog visibility a bit low, too, to further include the impact of the weather. We could restrict it to Tuesday and Thursday evenings, allowing other a/c during the rest of the week. Advertise it in the main forum as the mother of all AH tank wars.
The Fin-Rus map does have some cool tank battle areas, though you could also use one of the maps that has the center islands with the core of V-bases and a couple of outlying airbases; just disable everything off the central island.