Author Topic: AH Filmmakers Contest  (Read 1561 times)

Offline Pyro

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AH Filmmakers Contest
« on: May 17, 2005, 02:43:57 PM »
Put your favorite film clips together into an Aces High commercial and win $500!

It’s time to update our television commercial again.  This time around we’ve decided to hold a contest for the filmmakers of AH to put together the best 30 seconds of Aces High footage arranged to an effective script.  

This contest is primarily judged on video content and script, but extra consideration may be awarded for entries with sound, music, and voice-over.  However, those additional items are not required to submit an entry.  The winning entry may have to be re-submitted without one or more of the additional items if they are not desired in the final product.

Contest Rules.

1-   Spots must be made to the following specifications.  
a.   30 seconds long
b.   UNCOMPRESSED .AVI file, 720 x 480, 29.97 fps

Entries may be submitted as a down-sampled version of the uncompressed file to ease file transmission, but the winning entry will be required to submit the uncompressed version.

2-   Contestants must certify that they own all rights to their submission(s) and that their submission(s) contain no material that is in violation of copyright laws.

3-   The winner of the contest agrees that HiTech Creations will own all rights to the winning entry including but not limited to reproduction, advertising, publicity, and modification.

4-   All entries must be submitted by June 15, 2005.

5-   The contest winner will be announced no later than June 22, 2005.

6-   There is no limit to how many entries an individual may make.

7-   The winning entry will be awarded a check for $500.  There are no other prizes outside of first place.  

Entry Tips

Size matters.  Whatever it is that you are showing in a particular shot needs to be large and clearly visible.

Use your time wisely.  One long shot of the same scene will probably not be able to convey enough about the game in 30 seconds.  Most shots will probably last less than 2 seconds if you want to show a wide variety of action and features.  Use playback speed to properly frame your shot for the amount of time it is given.

Don’t make the script an afterthought.  The script is one of primary importance in the success of the commercial.  Don’t overlook this aspect and make sure that the script and visuals are in harmony.

Plane explosions will have some randomization to them.  You can try multiple exports of the same film sequence to try to achieve the coolest looking effect.

Our current television campaign is targeted towards people with an interest in military history.

Don’t try to edit your films together in the film editor and then export them to .AVI.  Export from your different films separately and then edit the various sequences together using editng software.