Author Topic: Kevlar Planes And Tanks  (Read 969 times)

Offline BTW

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Kevlar Planes And Tanks
« Reply #15 on: May 21, 2005, 09:21:52 PM »
I am curious if other dynamics are in place in regard to successful hits in Aces High. I have films of sitting on a planes six 200-400 yards out running out of cannons, and finaly shooting off a wing with bb's. I have films of shooting a plane 200 yards out with cannons and having that plane ditch on a wing tip. I have a film of a lighting up a p38 to have it fade into the ground with no kill or assist. 5 minutes later I get some killl message and the film shows the p38 -(minus)1300 yards from me.

I also have films of bullets acting as they should. I just wonder how you can tell when you are going to have a normal game or a freaky game. I mean there must be some tips that tell when your connect is freaky, and the best thing to do is log.

The variance thing doesn't seem to be a factor, as it always looks normal after a freak show.  

If you want the films- just shout - ill send em.

Offline Schaden

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« Reply #16 on: May 22, 2005, 06:21:36 AM »
To answer seriously, most of the time you're probably missing, the hits you see are most likely not cannon shells but rather small caliber rounds.

This is especially true if you're in a spit 9 with .303's - there is a great deal of discussion on the BBS about convergence - what works for me is to set my convergence at d600 for all guns.

Never fire at more than d600 on a target, at d400 place your gunsight pipper so that is grazes the underside of your target.

At d200 fire slightly below your target.

This is for a stable non manouvering enemy. Slight climb or slight turn by your target will mean that you miss.

Try to have a gun solution that places you slightly higher and behind the enemy - not directly on his six, the 30 degree down view will provide a larger target and aiming at the engine will mean that you rake the fuesalage and cockpit if you miss that target.

Don't hose the target trying to drag fire onto him - fire short 10 round burst  - no more and then correct as needs be.

Try using the offline drones for practice, come in at various angles, head on, 30 degrees off the nose, below, behind, from above, left quarter, right quarter etc and fire no more than 10 rounds per gun - when you get it to the point that a 10 round burst hits first time you will be sufficiently lethal.

As far as connections in the game - mine a pretty stable and I log in from the UK using ADSL - I do see some warps but not a lot.

Some people once they die alt F4 - the system takes a minute or so to recognise this then when it does awards you your kill.

The key to being successful is to recognise multiple threats and position yourself to deal with them (SA) to place your a/c in a position to obtain firing solution ( ACM) and then hit what you aim at (Gunnery) all take practice - someone can teach you ACM, SA and Gunnery you have to get on your own.

Offline BTW

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Kevlar Planes And Tanks
« Reply #17 on: May 22, 2005, 10:11:48 AM »
Thanks for the tips, Schaden.
Maybe I'm having problems with the cannons (20mm hispano).

I load cannons and 50mm machine guns. I have the convergence on the the machine guns set at 350 and 250 on the cannons. I fire them separately. Frequently, I'll have to quit shooting cannons and go to 50 cal when on a planes 6 as the cannons just dont seem to hit.

I'll try setting the convergence further out on the 20mm.

But I have seen times when it seemed like I had real bullets, and hits actually registered. Thats what makes it hard to use the drones offline. Those always register hits. I've had the muzzle of a cannon almost up the tailpipe of an enemy, and still getting nothing. It would almost be impossible NOT to hit him.

Offline TexMurphy

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« Reply #18 on: May 23, 2005, 04:17:36 AM »
What  I do on the Spit9 is I always have the convergence set to the same distance on both cannon and 50 cals.

As I see it shoot to kill or dont shoot at all.

Always maximize your damage when you shoot.

I can see the reasoning behind having a longer "range" on the 50cals to force the enemy into manouvering by pinging him. But the conunter argument of maximizing your damage when shooting with the cannons is much more lucrative to me.

When you land a salvo of both cannons and 50cals almost anything you hit will die in one good salvo.

Another reason to have them at the same convergence, KISS "Keep it Simple Stoopid". Gunnery aint easy and you dont wana make things more advanced then they are.

To keep it simple.

*Never shoot beyond 400d, always try to shoot at 200d.
*Find a convergence that works best for you at the range you shoot the most, that range should be 200d (note the range you shoot the most not the convergence).
*Always shoot to kill or dont shoot at all
*Dont force the shots, if you dont have the shot dont try to force the plane into position as you loose too much E and will miss anyways.
*Set up the easy hit shots by using ACMs.
*Dont jump between US/UK, Japanese, Russian and German/Italian planes, stay with one of the plane groups that have same balistics.

« Last Edit: May 23, 2005, 04:50:04 AM by TexMurphy »


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Kevlar Planes And Tanks
« Reply #19 on: May 23, 2005, 05:51:04 AM »

   Thanks for all the wealth of info gents and with this I can try it in off line. Pratice and use it in MA.

                  Thanks agian  

                       Reddogtl :D

Offline fuzeman

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« Reply #20 on: May 23, 2005, 01:36:20 PM »
As far as the 'kevlar' planes and vehicles. Certain settings or net lag can cause this.
V-sync OFF for example supposedly causes 'rubber bullet' syndrome where you 'seem' to hit things but actually aren't.
You also can't hit the target over its entire surface and expect damage.
You should try to concentrate the hits on a single point or area to induce maximum destruction.
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Kevlar Planes And Tanks
« Reply #21 on: May 24, 2005, 05:13:45 AM »
Thank you sir

   Had this experance last night hit panzer many times

   he turned turent one hit one kill (very frustrating).

    Dont  get me wrong though I get my share of kills.

    Just sometimes one hit one kill :mad: can get under my skin lol:lol but I will continue to pratice and work on my skills.

             thanks for all the great info.:aok


Offline fuzeman

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« Reply #22 on: May 24, 2005, 10:27:50 AM »
With ground vehicles especially you really NEED to hit a weak point. If your getting richochets [SP?] ... rounds bouncing off his armour they wont damage him there. Move your sight slightly and watch for the hits. GVs do have weak points also. Of course shosts at the back are usually more lethal and I mean at the back of the tank, not the rear portion from the side. Shots to the turret or drivers position are usually more lethal also.
Far too many, if not most, people on this Board post just to say something opposed to posting when they have something to say.

"Masters of the Air" Scenario - JG54


  • Zinc Member
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Kevlar Planes And Tanks
« Reply #23 on: May 25, 2005, 05:50:25 AM »
rgr that sir


    I do love this game :D

               reddogtl :aok