Just flew it yesterday.. finished it Monday night. This one's a rebuild; totally destroyed it last fall. I salvaged the wing panels, repaired and recovered 'em, but everything else I rebuilt from scratch.
Piper Super Cub (L-21B) circa 1954; USAF Academy markings; sailplane tug for their soaring program. Schwizer 1-26B in matching USAF markings (10.6' wing) completing later this month.. I hope.
Specs, 106" span (close to 9') wingspan, weight 18.5 pounds.
Zenoah G-38 for power; has smoke, lights, sailplane tow release, 'ass-wipe' drop, RCAT telemetry and on-board video. (one of my buddies asked 'what.. no retracts?') Finished with solartex fabric covering, painted with Krylon and 5 coats matte clear. Graphics by Wildmann Graphics.
Flies very well; just as it's predecessor did... old one (Army Markings) made 4 seasons before being dumb-thumbed into sticks and bits; hope this one lasts a bit longer.