Author Topic: REN and BK fight  (Read 3936 times)

Offline doobs

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REN and BK fight
« Reply #60 on: May 21, 2005, 11:52:39 PM »

 You guys just keep on arguINg until you get Conan The Barbequeingarion on you like I did. [/B]


it's the AH corral showdown

dodododooo wa wa wa
dooddodooo waa waa waa(whistle this part)
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Offline DipStick

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REN and BK fight
« Reply #61 on: May 22, 2005, 12:07:39 AM »
When you lose the respect of the gaming community it doesn't matter how good or bad you are you're just a tard.

Then you're just a tard. :eek:

Offline Wind

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REN and BK fight
« Reply #62 on: May 22, 2005, 12:08:41 AM »
Originally posted by megadud
the point is it is from another thread that i didn't get to right to on account of me being far away from home.

Not sure what that has to do with anything.  

But alas...

If you would have read the 5 page thread before you would get my point.

The attacks on Ren's reputation as a trainer seems to rely on a page 5 of something?  Something on page 5 will instill something in new players that will be detrimental to the game?

If I (as a "less-than-new" player) have never visited page 5 of a thread I don't give a crap about, why should you expect a n00b to read all the diaspora?

you started with saying morphs point is valid. you also say ren vs many and he is winning. read it again, it depends how you look at it.

How do YOU look at it?  Do you really think Ren's opinions as a "regular" player has an affect on how he trains others?  Do you REALLY think he whispers "hate the BKs"?  

I suspect he is trying to create worthy teammates/opponents for you.

Does his place as a "trainer" completely prevent him from being  just a regular player?  

You folk that want him to STFU,  come be trainers an STFU yourselves!

aka DamnedWind
AW Trainer
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« Last Edit: May 22, 2005, 12:48:34 AM by Wind »

Offline Jackal1

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REN and BK fight
« Reply #63 on: May 22, 2005, 12:53:58 AM »
Originally posted by doobs

it's the AH corral showdown

dodododooo wa wa wa
dooddodooo waa waa waa(whistle this part)

Whistle while you work. :)
Democracy is two wolves deciding on what to eat. Freedom is a well armed sheep protesting the vote.

Offline megadud

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REN and BK fight
« Reply #64 on: May 22, 2005, 01:37:57 AM »
Originally posted by Wind
Not sure what that has to do with anything.  

But alas...


The attacks on Ren's reputation as a trainer seems to rely on a page 5 of something?  Something on page 5 will instill something in new players that will be detrimental to the game?

If I (as a "less-than-new" player) have never visited page 5 of a thread I don't give a crap about, why should you expect a n00b to read all the diaspora?


How do YOU look at it?  Do you really think Ren's opinions as a "regular" player has an affect on how he trains others?  Do you REALLY think he whispers "hate the BKs"?  

I suspect he is trying to create worthy teammates/opponents for you.

Does his place as a "trainer" completely prevent him from being  just a regular player?  

You folk that want him to STFU,  come be trainers an STFU yourselves!

aka DamnedWind
AW Trainer
WWIIOL Trainer
STFU Trainer

i don't know many trainers who would get on a BBS and make fun of a whole squad for having an opinion except REN. It is about personality or online personality or whatever. point is ren took shots at a whole squad for an opinion and that isn't very trainer like. say some noob joins BKs and goes to TA to get trained. He alrdy got talked about by ren. ren is still a cool guy but he was wrong this time.

Offline 1Klink

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REN and BK fight
« Reply #65 on: May 22, 2005, 01:43:44 AM »
i played over 500 hours?

wow thnx for being a great big UBER Nerd and lookin that up for me,i didn,t even know.

You know MegaNerd if you keep trolling in this forum like you have been cuz you got nothin better too do ,and you think your good at it....

You will disappear like Jimi Hoffa.Just ask Skuzzy.

Offline beet1e

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Re: Re: Re: REN and BK fight
« Reply #66 on: May 22, 2005, 07:31:32 AM »
Originally posted by x0847Marine
One of these days I will post my own film.

It'll be myself and a few friends at my place drinking beers and laughing ourselves to tears twisting the nipples of the likes of dorf & (some of) the BK's.

I'm having lots of fun twisting my stick, that's what gaming is all about. yet according to "them" I am the #1 destroyier of the game, public enemy #1.. and whatever canards they can think of... LMAO...oooook dorks, I'll keep laughing at you and having fun.

These guys take this oh so seriously, it's thier life, if they didn't have such big net mouths, I'd feel sorry for them... maybe.

I'm not one of "them", playing a game is not about boosting my ego, trying to prove something, or making friends...  I don't fool myself into thinking because I've had endless hours of practice at one particular game that I'm a "pilot" who "fights" with any special "skill", "bravery" or "talent".. as a combat vet, IMO, the rhetoric alone these guys cling to in order to validate themselves cheapens the meanings of these terms.
The only thing "brave" about these dorks is thier ability to type trash from the safety of thier keyboards

One of these guys in particular cracks me up the most, his on-line AH persona he firmly believes he's a "vet" "pilot" with "fighting skills"... while submerged in his AH world it stinks in here because he's the she-it. The instant you remind him he's not a real warrior and this game simply requires practice at twisting and jerking a joystick against icons on a computer screen... watch out because he'll type-cry until his fingers bleed, how dare I remind him he's just a gamer dork and not the super brave badass he wants to be.

It's about my fun, sometimes I have fun suckering these clowns into a chase then denying them the pleasure of shooting me down, other times I have fun shooting them down.. depends on my mood, either way I spend a lot of time lmao.

And don't think for a second these dorks don't have a motive, they are well practiced at one particular type of game play, figured out all the tricks.. of course they want to steer everyone in that direction so that can better thier score, do more chest thumping and ultimately validate themselves as brave fighter pilots with skills on loan from god... it makes them feel like "someone"  because when they log off they know they as far from warriors as it gets, have zero to brag about, mom still makes them clean thier room and girls still hate them.

It'll never happen, but I wish some of these gamer dorks would take cues from REAL PILOTS with REAL SKILL and REAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS.. when's the last time you saw a REAL fighter pilot being interviewed on the Mil channel acting like a dork?

"dood, I pwned that no skill dweeb Iraqui foo, that Mig-tard tried to hoe me but my F16 is the shiznat!!!, beeaaaych"

x0847Marine - you did it again!!

2nd best post I've ever read on this board - the best was the other one you wrote in the thread that was closed.

And how true... fly a P47 with a couple of bombs hanging off it, and you're already in breach of the Burger King rulebook. Get to the target zone and find a higher Nik and a higher Spit, and one of the Burger Kings will ask you "why didn't you fight"? Oh wait, maybe he wonders why I didn't use the AH1 helicopter mode feature. :lol Fly your P47 in the same manner as Gabreski flew his, and you're an altmonkey/B&Z dweeb/runner, or timid. BUT... sit in front of a computer screen, stick twisting and pixel rearranging - oh yeah baby, that's what the real men do. And it cracks me up. :rofl

I'm glad I'd finished my coffee by the time I read this thread. :D

Offline megadud

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REN and BK fight
« Reply #67 on: May 22, 2005, 09:26:15 AM »
Originally posted by 1Klink
i played over 500 hours?

wow thnx for being a great big UBER Nerd and lookin that up for me,i didn,t even know.

You know MegaNerd if you keep trolling in this forum like you have been cuz you got nothin better too do ,and you think your good at it....

You will disappear like Jimi Hoffa.Just ask Skuzzy.

actually i didnt look anything up i took a wild guess.

trolling because i have nothing better to do? i only have 27 more posts then you. what does trolling mean? I gave a point and/or opinion.

...skuzzy will i disappear like jimi hoffa?

Offline Wadke

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REN and BK fight
« Reply #68 on: May 22, 2005, 10:04:01 AM »
Stuff get's old.

Offline NoBaddy

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REN and BK fight
« Reply #69 on: May 22, 2005, 10:41:13 AM »
Originally posted by Wadke
Stuff get's old.

Wadke...I concur.
NoBaddy (NB)

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Offline DamnedRen

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REN and BK fight
« Reply #70 on: May 22, 2005, 10:44:37 AM »
I couldn't agree with you more Wadke.

It doesn't take many mouths to really bring down a squad. Don't you guys have any pride in your members?

If the truth be known:

I'd say around 75% of the Damned have been trainers at one time or another over the past 17 years or so.

99% of the Damned do not bad mouth anyone on the boards, ever.  

All Damned are friends with each other and help anyway they can.

All Damned go out of their way to help anyone and everyone who wants it.

The Damned have been in many games online for the same number of years.

They are respected for playing the game without prejudice to anyone.

There are many other squads who have come and gone and are in AH now who became respected members of the community. They are respected for their actions toward other PEOPLE within the game and what they bring to the game to help others.

So, tell me where you're little group earns respect from anyone with their daily crap and whining about every little thing that doesn't go their way. They turn the general discussion boards into a "Why can't I have it my way whine" or "You're a gamer because you won't die for me and just run way or bail" . You'd think it was the end of the world for these turds. Someone DARE run away from me and bail!!! Maybe it is. :ROFL

So yes, it is getting old. However, the BK's, are unlike the Damned as we enjoy the game and people who come to play the game and go out of our way to help them and not to boost our own ego's. It's not my place to ask you control you members no would I ever want to. But you have to accept the loss of respect and shame they bring down on you. That's something the Damned will never have happen to them.

Your select few sure are a buncha winners! :ROFL
The Damned

Offline Morpheus

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REN and BK fight
« Reply #71 on: May 22, 2005, 10:56:38 AM »
So yes, it is getting old. However, the BK's, are unlike the Damned as we enjoy the game and people who come to play the game and go out of our way to help them and not to boost our own ego's. It's not my place to ask you control you members no would I ever want to. But you have to accept the loss of respect and shame they bring down on you. That's something the Damned will never have happen to them.

In your opinion.

But who am I to say otherwise? Right?

You dont know the BK's as a squad. Infact you dont know me either.

The first and only encounter you and I have ever had was on this BB. And it will be the last.

You are never wrong. You just arent worth the effort either.

Bad mouth the BK's who have been around since 92? Why? Because 5 or 6 of us are in disagreement with you? Is that how the Damned get down? I know its not. But thats how you are. And I'm not about to bad mouth an entire squad because of 1 player. What has any of this accomplished? Absolutely nothing.

Because some Newb comes along... Megadud, trying respark a dead flame you just want to keep it going. You should have listened to your own words and just let it be. But you continued to bash the BK's again because of a disagreement with 5 or 6 of us.

Lets face it the facts. We know we're right and there is no changing that. You know you're right. And no mater what we say, you will still think that.

So whats the point?
If you don't receive Jesus Christ, you don't receive the gift of righteousness.

Offline Stang

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REN and BK fight
« Reply #72 on: May 22, 2005, 10:57:50 AM »
If I have a problem with a couple people, I don't bad mouth a whole squad because of it.  


Offline SlapShot

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REN and BK fight
« Reply #73 on: May 22, 2005, 11:03:32 AM »
I couldn't agree with you more Wadke.

No you don't ... had you truly agreed, you would have left it at that ... you want to continue the trash talking otherwise you would have left this out ...

It doesn't take many mouths to really bring down a squad. Don't you guys have any pride in your members?

If the truth be known:

I'd say around 75% of the Damned have been trainers at one time or another over the past 17 years or so.

99% of the Damned do not bad mouth anyone on the boards, ever.

All Damned are friends with each other and help anyway they can.

All Damned go out of their way to help anyone and everyone who wants it.

The Damned have been in many games online for the same number of years.

They are respected for playing the game without prejudice to anyone.

There are many other squads who have come and gone and are in AH now who became respected members of the community. They are respected for their actions toward other PEOPLE within the game and what they bring to the game to help others.

So, tell me where you're little group earns respect from anyone with their daily crap and whining about every little thing that doesn't go their way. They turn the general discussion boards into a "Why can't I have it my way whine" or "You're a gamer because you won't die for me and just run way or bail" . You'd think it was the end of the world for these turds. Someone DARE run away from me and bail!!! Maybe it is. :ROFL

So yes, it is getting old. However, the BK's, are unlike the Damned as we enjoy the game and people who come to play the game and go out of our way to help them and not to boost our own ego's. It's not my place to ask you control you members no would I ever want to. But you have to accept the loss of respect and shame they bring down on you. That's something the Damned will never have happen to them.

Your select few sure are a buncha winners! :ROFL
SlapShot - Blue Knights

Guppy: "The only risk we take is the fight, and since no one really dies, the reward is the fight."

Offline DamnedRen

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REN and BK fight
« Reply #74 on: May 22, 2005, 11:08:48 AM »
Blah Blah Blah, won't wash. Typical crap answer from a tard. You have always been wrong and until you wise up and learn from your mistakes and get along with the rest of the community you'll always be wrong. Anyone who respects your way of treating people needs to start a tard squad so we know who's who without having the few dudes hidden in other squads.

Call yourself the Tard Squad. You don't need any respect or need to try and help anyone in the community. You can be the King! It's good to be the King, right? At least then the few won't bring down their old squads with that trash you try to heep on everyone. :ROFL

The Damned

Your turn......:D

Opps edited as this was meant for Morp, but it sounds like Slap is gonna be fighting morp for the position of King of the Tards. Sorry it hurts you so slap. :rofl
« Last Edit: May 22, 2005, 11:11:23 AM by DamnedRen »