Author Topic: Perk points... why??  (Read 761 times)

Offline Alky

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Perk points... why??
« on: May 26, 2005, 07:13:48 PM »
I don't really understand the fuss about "landing kills".  From what I gather it would give you perk points, and these are used for what, to allow you to fly planes you're unfamiliar with?
I'm not trying to be a smart prettythang, I'm serious. Is there any other reason to land a kill, better rank than just ditching?
George "Alky®" Fisher

Offline cav58d

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Perk points... why??
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2005, 07:20:09 PM »
Why I like perk points....................... ..

Because I fly the 262-tempest/CHOG and bottle rocket all the time

nothing more fun than capping a friendly CV in a 262 @ 15k just cherry picking those buff box fun police...I am reality to the buff boxes! haha
<S> Lyme

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Offline Oldman731

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Re: Perk points... why??
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2005, 08:18:56 PM »
Originally posted by Alky
I don't really understand the fuss about "landing kills".  From what I gather it would give you perk points, and these are used for what, to allow you to fly planes you're unfamiliar with?
I'm not trying to be a smart prettythang, I'm serious. Is there any other reason to land a kill, better rank than just ditching?

Excellent question, Alky.

You can use perk points to purchase especially snappy planes.  Tempest, Spit 14, Ta152, Me163 and Me262, F4UC (the "Chog") are the ones that come to mind.  Note that you can fly the plane until you crash it (or someone makes you crash it), and then you lose the perk points.

I don't think that perk points have anything to do with your rank, if rank is an important aspect of your AH2 experience.  But landing kills does, I think; you get more points if you land the kills than if you crash somewhere on the way home.  This is also the reason why some people bail out of their plummeting airplanes...they retain more points that way than if they die (but less than if they land the kills).

Hopefully someone else will supplement and/or correct this.

- oldman (who, in a brief venture into the MA, saw someone proclaim that he didn't want to fight 1 v 1 in the MA because he was "watching his rank," but was happy to fight in the DA.  Heh.  They come in all shapes and sizes.)

Offline Max

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Re: Perk points... why??
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2005, 09:19:08 PM »
Originally posted by Alky
I don't really understand the fuss about "landing kills".  From what I gather it would give you perk points, and these are used for what, to allow you to fly planes you're unfamiliar with?
I'm not trying to be a smart prettythang, I'm serious. Is there any other reason to land a kill, better rank than just ditching?


As someone has said already. landing kills provides the most amount of perk pts. which can be used to purchase uber planes such as the Tempest.

I might add that back in the EARLY YEARS of WW2 air sims (Air Warrior before it went  
under the knife of Electronic Arts), most of the players took their' pride in the art of air-to-air combat vs. base capture. Yup, there were still the same concentrated furballs we experience today (though fewer in numbers)  but the legends from the "old days" were capable...AND PRIDED THEMSELVES...of landing mulitple kills.


Offline WMLute

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Perk points... why??
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2005, 09:53:03 PM »
To me, landing a run means I completed my objective.  I hit the target, succeded in my mission, and made it back home.

Some don't care.  Some do.  I personally don't feel I was successful if I don't make it home.  I screwed up somewhere.  

Some have a "Air Quake" attitude, where they don't care how much they die, keep uping over and over and getting shot down over and over.  They want "instant" action, and the 15min flight grabing to the vulched field takes to long to them.  Me?  I would rather up a nearby field, grab alt, and shoot down the vulchers.  Others are more worried about stragec targets then their own lives.  I watched a pilot last week die over 80times in one hour saving a field.  To them, the death wasn't important as saving the field.   I them for the persistance.  .  Some like the WW2 immersion, and fly like there are "actually" in WW2.  They do mission, fly wingman tactics, have goals and objectives on each flight.  It's all about personal pref's.  Again, to each their own.    

Over time, my reason for flying has changed.  When  I 1st started, I was just happy to GET a kill.  Dying didn't matter.  Now, many years later, I get the most enjoyment out of fighting at a disadvantage and winning.  Put me in a good 2-3 on one and killing 'em all every time.  I land those and feel pride.  The times where I'm otd fighting, and con after con comes at me, and I beat 'em all, and make it home with 5-10 air to air hard fought kills are the best hop's to me now.   Or even when flying a "lesser" plane and beating a "better" plane.  I just love shooting down lala's, niki's and spit's when flying in a 110g2.

We all get something different out of this addiction we call Aces High, and that's the beauty of it.

As far as score/perks, this is how AH does it.

Death Multipliers
Landed      1.0
Ditched    0.75
Bailed        0.5
Captured   0.4
Discoed     0.25
Killed  0.25
Crashed  0.25
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Offline SuperDud

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Perk points... why??
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2005, 10:34:22 PM »
I'm one of those "air quake" types. Death in a virtual game means little to me since theres another plane waiting. I don't go into situations wanting/expecting to die but if it happens, it happens. If I get out manuvered in a fight I won't "extend", I will do my best to cause an overshoot or shake the guy off my 6. I figure if I'm beat, the guy who did so deserves the kill. I rarely will up a vulched feild, I will come from a base near by but won't climb to 15k+ in doing so, 5k is fine by me. There are a few times were I'll try to survive but to me personally, it's kinda boring. So basically, to each their own. Some like to play it as realistic as possible, some see it more of a game. In my veiw, whatever you have fun doing is what's important.
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Offline Flyboy

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Perk points... why??
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2005, 05:03:18 AM »
if i had a good sortie, i will go and land it, its part of the game for me, "landing my bird"

Offline Schutt

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Perk points... why??
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2005, 05:21:51 AM »
For score board reasons, landing and ditching both counts as not killed. So i think its equally effective in the k/d category to ditch than to land.
However, there is a score calculated that sums up all damage you dit, every hit, and it gets multiplied with the way you end that sortie, landing giving you the best points.

While at the moment you dont care for perk planes sometimes its fun to fly a fast jet. BTW CHog handles pretty similar to the D variant, just that it has 4 deadly canons up front. Worth using the perks since you can train most of the flying in a normal F4U.

It is also fun to up perk planes together in a mission or as squad, we sometimes fly with 4 or 5 me262 at the same time.

Offline SkyWolf

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Perk points... why??
« Reply #8 on: May 27, 2005, 08:03:35 AM »
Somehow, I've managed to accumilate a few perk points. Apparently enough people accidentally flew in front of me to matter. So I fly the C hog on occassion
When do those points recycle? I wanna burn em' before I lose em'.  :D


Offline Fury

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Perk points... why??
« Reply #9 on: May 27, 2005, 11:51:59 AM »
I got tired of playing Air Quake (aka Fighter Ace) and Warbirds/Aces High offered me something more.  I don't land kills for perk points (that is, when I even get a kill), I land because that's my own personal objective.  Kinda like what WMLute already said.

It would be nice if the MA was like a scenario every day, that's what I'm looking for.

[That's not to say I don't enjoy some Air Quake in Aces High now and again....or upping at an obviously vulched base over and over trying to kill the bad guys before they kill me].

Offline Alky

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Perk points... why??
« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2005, 01:53:22 PM »
I appreciate the response from all of you, I was going to mention names but you all had excellent points and so many responses :)
It is as I suspected then, "land kills for max points", which right now is not that important to me although I do try to land them when possible.  
I've been around Air Warrior since the DOS days, through to the AOL days and have been doing online Nascar since, till I discovered AH. My skills back in the day were not that great, maybe I was able to build up a sweat on some of the famous pilots from back then before they finally downed me, but that's about all. Today in AH, I really stink, totally rusty, so my priority is to get back to being slightly better than average and learn to fly at least one plane well before being concerned about perk planes and points.
Thank you all again, if you see me up be nice LOL, or take me into the TA for some ACM training :D
George "Alky®" Fisher

Offline WMLute

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Perk points... why??
« Reply #11 on: May 27, 2005, 04:01:32 PM »
were you alky in AOL AirWarrior?

(me was lute)
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Offline pellik

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Perk points... why??
« Reply #12 on: May 27, 2005, 04:15:36 PM »
I just play to kill as many people as I can as fast as I can. Sometimes climbing to 15k to BnZ the horde accomplishes this. Sometimes upping from a vulched field and running reversals as soon as my wheels leave the ground accomplishes this. The one concession I do make is that when I've got 8-10 kills in the bag and am low on ammo I will fly back to base to land. Killing em is half the fun, showing them that you also killed all their friends is the other half. :)

Offline Alky

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Perk points... why??
« Reply #13 on: May 27, 2005, 04:19:56 PM »
Originally posted by WMLute
were you alky in AOL AirWarrior?

(me was lute)

Yes, I believe that's when I started using Alky in Air Warrior. I'm getting old and senile and can't remember what I used before that. In DOS all I remember is I had a tail number that started with a 1 and had a 7 in it, might have been 1827, really don't know though. LOL.
My self and a fellow from Michigan started the VMF695 squadron on AOL, 695 meaning (6) June, (95) 1995 when we started the squad :)
But yes, I remember seeing the handle Lute in the arena many times :D
« Last Edit: May 27, 2005, 04:22:30 PM by Alky »
George "Alky®" Fisher

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Perk points... why??
« Reply #14 on: May 27, 2005, 05:09:57 PM »
If you look at as an arcade shoot it up, you'll have less ulcers. If you start treating like a sim, you'll be spitting nails from micro freezes, 300 mph ditching planes etc.

It is a fun arcade game.