Author Topic: SEA Problems Making Poor Squad Ops  (Read 375 times)

Offline Midnight

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SEA Problems Making Poor Squad Ops
« on: May 31, 2005, 08:12:57 AM »
I've been hoping that this problem would have gone away by now, but it has not, and this past Friday squadop has now prompted me to post.

Just about every time I log into the SEA for squad ops, I have a problem. I either loose UDP (within 1 minute of log in), get a CTD or loose VOX. On one occasion, I got a complete hard lockup. This never happens when I go to the MA, so I am fairly certain this is a server-side issue and not my PC. I usually get this to clear up by relogging a few times.

What has got me this past Friday (Frame 1 Bancok or Bust) was that after flying over 45 minutes patrolling A8, we finally saw some action. A bunch of B26s coming in to level bomb. We went to attack them in our N1Ks, and as I dove to attack a formation of 3, I saw the whole bomber formation warp about 400 yards and then got a screen freeze as soon as I saw tracers from the guns on the bombers. A few seconds later, I was about 300-400 yards to the right side of the bombers and then a moment later I was KIA in the tower.

Now I think that the problem was caused by the bomber being gunned by another player (which, by 45 minutes into the frame is usually the case for most bombers) so some sort of connection or server issue caused my screen freeze and death.

Not fun. The SEA needs to be fixed.

Also, this is not a problem isolated to only my PC. I know of at least 1 other player in my squad that has experienced the exact same log-in symptoms as I have.


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SEA Problems Making Poor Squad Ops
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2005, 09:01:17 AM »
I have a very good connection to the server, my ping is a 31. On Friday night my UDP dropped 3 times and each time I would log out then come back in. I was able to complete the frame without problems but I never lose UDP in any other areana.

Offline daddog

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SEA Problems Making Poor Squad Ops
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2005, 09:18:19 AM »
It does not happen often, but I have had much the same thing happen to me. I was on long final with two Ki-67's Friday night and lost my connect. :(

I will e-mail them about this issue Midnight.
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Offline DOWjambu

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SEA Problems Making Poor Squad Ops
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2005, 01:38:37 PM »

dd  - add one more scenario to your discussion with hightech.  Once I was killed in my B26 - I joined a teammate to gun for him in his 26.  Three times I was bumped out and was in the forest (still in the rear gun position) on the ground.  I had to rejoin his plane each time.  If you're contacting them about the other problems, just wanted to give you this one to present to them as well.  Had a blast though!!!