Author Topic: WOOT! Finally made it!  (Read 830 times)

Offline StarOfAfrica2

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WOOT! Finally made it!
« on: June 03, 2005, 02:38:17 AM »
I have been insulted!  Cursed at!  And yes, I have been called CHEATER and my plane labelled HACKED!!!  I am so proud. *sniff*

I'd like to thank all of you who have outmaneuvered me and shot me down time after time so I could copy your l337 skilz.  I guess I must type like that now that I've been considered a cheater and that I know how to hack the game huh?  I need to brush up on the l337 speak.  

By the way, I have alot of respect for almost every Bish flyer I've run into lately.  You guys have given some awesome fights.  But this guy is a nutjob, you'd be best giving him to the Rooks.

Offline TrueKill

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WOOT! Finally made it!
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2005, 02:57:22 AM »
Congrats :aok  but you forgot to thank HTC for makeing all these things possible. WTG on your incoming into the "cheating" hall of fame :D :lol

Offline Slash27

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« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2005, 03:36:56 AM »
Congrats SA2. I remember my first time well  :aok

BTW, no room on the Rooks for him. We have JohnnyRa:D

Offline Ghosth

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WOOT! Finally made it!
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2005, 07:14:47 AM »
Awesome, you have finally arrived in the hall of the "almost vets"  :)

It is a big milestone, and yes it does feel good in its way. Looks like your on the right path, keep on truckin SA2!

Offline john9001

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« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2005, 11:06:50 AM »
i'll never make it, i fly so bad nobody has ever called me a cheater.


Offline Grits

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« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2005, 11:18:06 AM »
Originally posted by Slash27
BTW, no room on the Rooks for him. We have JohnnyRa:D

Yeah, the Rooks will trade any 5 of the worst tards on either the Bish or Knights if they take JohnnyRa off our hands.

BTW, he is a great CV driver.

Offline TrueKill

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« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2005, 11:35:22 AM »
Originally posted by Grits
Yeah, the Rooks will trade any 5 of the worst tards on either the Bish or Knights if they take JohnnyRa off our hands.

BTW, he is a great CV driver.

Ill take your johnnyra and rase you a shane :rofl

Offline Guppy35

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WOOT! Finally made it!
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2005, 11:47:57 AM »
Originally posted by john9001
i'll never make it, i fly so bad nobody has ever called me a cheater.


You cheated when you stole that 262 kill from me back in the Longbow Scenario in Airwarrior.

Don't think I've forgotten! :)

8th FS "Headhunters

Offline StarOfAfrica2

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WOOT! Finally made it!
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2005, 12:14:41 PM »
Johnny aint so bad.  At least not in my experience, others may know him better.  This guy (and I wont mention a name, he may have just had a bad night) was wacko.

We were trying to defend some base (I think it was A27, but dont quote me) from a double CV attack.  Our VH was down, there were red fighters all over the place, we had LVTs and PT boats swarming the shore and the town was right there.  I upped a couple of jabo runs to hit the CVs, got alot of guns destroyed, but that was about it.  Finally had no choice but to concentrate on defending the town.  Upped an A6M5 and was having moderate success at least avoiding dying, if not killing people.  This guy is in an F6F.  He had shot down at least one of my Hogs earlier.  We merged, and he really had the better position.  As he came up at me, I pushed forward on the stick and ruddered hard left, corkscrewing the zeke around and he blew by me.  I brought it out of the roll into a low yo yo and as he went by again I ended up right on his tail.  Gave a snapshot, saw a couple of pings.  Saw him turning right, rolled that direction and put the nose down, ended up with a beautiful shot as he came up off the deck and took off his horizontal stabilizers.  Immediately I got cussing on a private channel telling me what a fluff'n piece of doo doo I was, and then telling me I was a cheater and my plane was a hack job.  I reported him for the cussing, thanked him for the privilege he had given me (my first "cheating" accusation AND my first chance to report someone lol) and then squelched him.  Landed my 3 kills for that run too just to rub it in.  Overall, a very satisfying night.  :)

Offline Howitzer

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WOOT! Finally made it!
« Reply #9 on: June 03, 2005, 12:18:32 PM »
Originally posted by StarOfAfrica2
Johnny aint so bad.  At least not in my experience, others may know him better.  This guy (and I wont mention a name, he may have just had a bad night) was wacko.

We were trying to defend some base (I think it was A27, but dont quote me) from a double CV attack.  Our VH was down, there were red fighters all over the place, we had LVTs and PT boats swarming the shore and the town was right there.  I upped a couple of jabo runs to hit the CVs, got alot of guns destroyed, but that was about it.  Finally had no choice but to concentrate on defending the town.  Upped an A6M5 and was having moderate success at least avoiding dying, if not killing people.  This guy is in an F6F.  He had shot down at least one of my Hogs earlier.  We merged, and he really had the better position.  As he came up at me, I pushed forward on the stick and ruddered hard left, corkscrewing the zeke around and he blew by me.  I brought it out of the roll into a low yo yo and as he went by again I ended up right on his tail.  Gave a snapshot, saw a couple of pings.  Saw him turning right, rolled that direction and put the nose down, ended up with a beautiful shot as he came up off the deck and took off his horizontal stabilizers.  Immediately I got cussing on a private channel telling me what a fluff'n piece of doo doo I was, and then telling me I was a cheater and my plane was a hack job.  I reported him for the cussing, thanked him for the privilege he had given me (my first "cheating" accusation AND my first chance to report someone lol) and then squelched him.  Landed my 3 kills for that run too just to rub it in.  Overall, a very satisfying night.  :)

Congratulations!  =)   What is your in game name?  StarofAfrica is too big isn't it?

Offline nopoop

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« Reply #10 on: June 03, 2005, 12:19:52 PM »
Congrats, I took a screenie of my first :D

It's ALL about the fight..

Offline Roscoroo

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« Reply #11 on: June 03, 2005, 12:24:28 PM »
I've found if ya tell the guy what he did wrong .. If there not too frelling mad.. they will eventually come around and get with the win some, lose some program .. either that or tell them to go watch the film ...
(the only problem w/ film is the lag factor)

Ps. Its SA2  Howi :D
Roscoroo ,
"Of course at Uncle Teds restaurant , you have the option to shoot them yourself"  Ted Nugent
(=Ghosts=Scenariroo's  Patch donation

Offline john9001

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« Reply #12 on: June 03, 2005, 01:37:29 PM »
Originally posted by Guppy35
You cheated when you stole that 262 kill from me back in the Longbow Scenario in Airwarrior.

Don't think I've forgotten! :)


you talking about the one i shot down with a p47 or the one i killed with a p38 or the one that crashed on landing trying to get away from me and my flight leader? (no credit for that last one.)


Offline StarOfAfrica2

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« Reply #13 on: June 03, 2005, 01:42:24 PM »
Roscoroo should know, he's shot me down enough times.

Offline Guppy35

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« Reply #14 on: June 03, 2005, 01:58:01 PM »
Originally posted by john9001
you talking about the one i shot down with a p47 or the one i killed with a p38 or the one that crashed on landing trying to get away from me and my flight leader? (no credit for that last one.)


You and I were both in 51s escorting 17s deep when the 262s showed up.  We were both after the same 262 when you threw the anchor around my 51, stopped me, raced by and killed ARTST :)

+Tiff back then
8th FS "Headhunters