Author Topic: A very touching Pearl Harbor story  (Read 543 times)

Offline Ripsnort

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A very touching Pearl Harbor story
« on: December 06, 2000, 02:16:00 PM »
HONOLULU (AP) _ On the
                        morning of Dec. 7, 1941,
                        Lewis P. Robinson stood on a
                        dock at Pearl Harbor waiting
                        for a boat to return him to the
                        USS Arizona after an overnight
                        shore leave. The clear blue
                        skies suddenly darkened as a
              wave of Japanese planes descended, raining
              bombs on the harbor. Within minutes,
              bombs ripped open the 608-foot Arizona,
              killing 1,177 crew members and sinking the
              ship. On Thursday _ the 59th anniversary of
              the attack _ Robinson will be reunited with
              his shipmates when his ashes are interred by
              divers in the sunken hull of the Arizona. "He
              always said that he wanted to go back," said
              Robinson"s niece Susan Anderson. "He said
              make sure when he died, he would be
              placed on the Arizona." Robinson, who died
              in 1997 at 78, will be the 16th Arizona
              survivor to be laid to rest in the battleship
              with the 945 servicemen entombed there. Of
              the 337 Arizona servicemen who survived,
              only 50 are believed to be still living, said
              Daniel Martinez, a historian for the National
              Park Service at the USS Arizona Memorial.
              Dozens of other Pearl Harbor veterans
              haave also had their ashes scattered in the
              harbor"s waters, fulfilling a wish that
              survivors say expresses a mix of
              camaraderie, honor, gratitude and guilt. "It"s
              a sense of wanting to belong with their
              shipmates," said Robert Kinzler, president
              of the local Pearl Harbor Survivors
              Association. "It could be a feeling of guilt
              that they survived while their shipmates
              passed away." The surprise attack on Pearl
              Harbor and other Oahu military bases sank
              or heavily damaged 21 ships, destroyed or
              damaged 323 aircraft, killed 2,388 military
              personnel and civilians and wounded 1,178.
              Only those assigned to the Arizona at the
              time of the attack are eligible for interment
              in the hull of the ship.

LJK Raubvogel

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A very touching Pearl Harbor story
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2000, 05:16:00 PM »
I just took a visiting friend to see the Arizona memorial. It's fitting that they have docked the USS Missouri right behind it. You can see the beginning and the end of the US involvement in WW2 at one time. It's a little eerie seeing the oil still bubbling up from the Arizona.
