Operation Dynamo - May 27 through June 4, 1940
Hitler’s blitzkrieg attack through the Ardennes has trapped the British Expeditionary Force and a sizeable portion of the French Army at the Channel port of Dunkirk. The Germans hesitate to commit their vaunted but exhausted panzer divisions to an unsupported assault through the marshy terrain around the city. Goering boasts that his Luftwaffe alone can finish the job.
Meanwhile, on the night of May 27, a ragtag rescue fleet sets sail from England, in a desperate attempt to bring the boys home.
This week’s setup attempts to reproduce the setting for the Dunkirk evacuation. For lack of a port on the map, A46 (aircraft disabled) has become the town of Dunkirk. The designer’s intent is to have both sides focusing their efforts here, as the RAF attempts to prevent the Luftwaffe from bombing the long lines of soldiers patiently waiting on the beach. German bomber players are encouraged to bomb the town flat - over and over again. Regeneration time has been radically reduced so that the buildings should promptly spring back to life. (Consider this a useful method of building up CT perk points, if there should ever be an opportunity to use them.) Aircraft have been disabled at the closest German bases, so that the RAF will not always be met with local German air superiority. There are no British bombers, because historically they were not important and because of the designer’s fear that they would be mis-employed to attack German fighter hangers. There are no C47s or M3s or LVTs, because base capture is not part of this design. All bases have field guns and M16s for antiaircraft defense (although auto-ack’s effectiveness has been reduced to half of the MA standard). All bases are also equipped with M-8s, to roughly simulate 1940-era tanks, for those who wish to conduct GV operations in the Dunkirk area. Even PT boats are enabled at ports, to represent the cockleshell rescue fleet.
If it all works, there is something for everyone.
It may not all work, however. The designer is feeling his way through the intricacies of arena design. Please post glitches, bugs, porkings, and any other comments on the AH CT BBS, and appropriate changes will be attempted.
British (Bishops)
Hurri I
Spit I
Field guns
PT boats
German (Knights)
Field guns
Fuel multiplier is 1.5. Remember to take enough with you.
Hardness settings have not been altered, but regeneration time is .01 instead of 1.0.
Auto-ack is .5, one-half of the MA standard.
Visibility is 10 miles.
Minimum radar altitude is 500 feet.
Friendly collisions are disabled.
Killshooter is on.
Aircraft have been disabled at A46 (Dunkirk), and at A45, A46 and A47 (nearest German bases). Please comply with the spirit of the setup, and don’t ferry planes into these fields.
Many thanks to Reschke for his historical research, and to all of the CT staff for helping me through this.
- Oldman