Originally posted by Big G
After looking at your pictures Tex, something has just danwed on me!
By ROLLING your aircraft that way to manouver, is that what people mean when they describe the 190 roll rate?
I often come across discussions RE: roll rate and this must be what they mean by it, so it's not just turning fast that is good, but being able to do this roll quickly, hence why the the 190 is good,
So if you had a fight with a spit etc, then you could do the roll that is shown above and chances are you would win in a 190 ?
Away to practice that roll and see for myself!
Big G
Where roll rate comes into play is the redirection of your lift vector. Basically you can think of it as the "up" view from your cockpit (not quite right)...the faster a plane can roll...the faster it can reorient its lift vector. When you turn a plane you basically roll the lift vector then apply G's.
Its one of the components you can "manage"
Rudder authority
Elevator authority
All four come into play in a "dog fight"...as an examble a F4U-1 has considerable advantage in 2 of the 4 vs a spit 9 (roll and Rudder)...but is deficient in pure "turn rate"...so a good hog driver will always be fighting in the vertical using his roll rate and rudder authority vs the spitty....he'll also use his faster E bleed and combat flaps (plus his secret weapon) to set up snapshots or semitracking shots in the horizontal as practical...but not turn with the spitty per se....