Author Topic: game is not much fun anymore  (Read 3364 times)

Offline rod367th

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game is not much fun anymore
« Reply #30 on: July 20, 2005, 03:40:42 PM »
Originally posted by Zazen13
I have posted at length on this topic in the past. I will not repeat myself. But, the simple fact is each country has a predominance of character and attitude which greatly effects both its method and its appeal. As others have alluded to there is a definate cycle with regard to numerical disparities. Those on Bish who think they have it worse now than anyone prior are either new, ignorant or dellusional.

So, accept that your team will go thru cycles of being badly outnumbered. You have a choice; 1) either adapt to the changing situations accordingly as others in your predicament have done in the past avoiding the poisonous defeatist attitude, 2) pack it in and log off or 3) switch countries and become part of the problem. It seems to me from my observations the majority of Bishops have tended toward the latter two options. That is not to say that Bishops are ALL fair weather flyers, but by and large that is a prevalent characteristic.

Having flown Bishops in the recent past (when their numbers were on par with the other 2 countries) I made several general observations which distinguish them from the other two countries.

1) Alot of noobs.
2) Alot of kids.
3) Alot of armchair generals coercing people into joining their missions with accusations of being un-partiotic or traitorous if they choose not to.
4) Alot of quitters; they tend to throw in the towel quickly if they are getting overmatched, especially in furballs and static base defense situations.
5) Bishops generally tend to greatly over-emphasize the land-grab aspect of the game over the 'have-fun' and kick-butt in tenacious fighter battles aspect of the game (furballing), making Bishops rather unappealing to your better fighter pilots.

So, you may or may not agree with those points, some can be readily changed and some cannot. But, the simple and harsh fact is unless some effort is put forth by those committed to the Bish cause to change your lack of numbers, the apparent source for grief, will not be assuaged.

If squads are leaving Bishland after being Bish for years, don't blame them, blame yourselves. Moving a squadron requires a high degree of consensus and usually multiple catalysts. If people/squadrons are leaving Bishland in droves that should send up a HUGE warning flag. Obviously, there are several aspects of being Bishops PRIOR to you simply being outnumbered that precipitated their moving (see my list above).


OMG i need dr korvoken     I agree with zazan

Offline Ack-Ack

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« Reply #31 on: July 20, 2005, 04:02:53 PM »
Originally posted by Grits
[BYou also notice you never hear the Rooks complaining if they dont have numbers? [/B]

I think it's time to replace those batteries in that hearing aid.

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Offline StarOfAfrica2

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« Reply #32 on: July 20, 2005, 04:03:45 PM »
Dunno what the main force of Bish pile-its are, but when I'm on they generally have the better quality guys flying.  I find much better fights hunting in Bishland than vs Rooks.  Of course the fact that nearly every Rook I find alone tends to turn and run screaming like a scared little girl after no more than 2 passes, until he finds 3 or 4 of his buddies to help him out, might have something to do with my opinion.  

You can call it squad tactics or whatever else you want, I just think its kinda funny when I'm the only enemy con for 2 sectors and 5 or 6 of them have to pile in like they've gone months without a kill.  If I did ever decide to hop countries, Bish would be the only ones I would consider helping.  

Thats not to say there arent some really good sticks on the Rook side, there are.  Some good guys too.  Its just hard to find them for all the little pirahna-spits.

Offline Ack-Ack

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« Reply #33 on: July 20, 2005, 04:05:57 PM »
Originally posted by FALCONWING
if you can name a rook or knit squad that has jumped and stayed bish pls let me know.   off the top of my head i can name AK's, black knights, s.e.'s, sobs, rowdy rebels, regulators, Dow as squads that have jumped in last year to year and a half.  there are prob more.  if anyone can name a squad of size that has moved bish pls let me know.  and to be honest i dont think those guys jumped becuz they hate the bish....but if you cant see we have been ganged for over a year and longer whatever the numbers were....then so be it....but it wears guys downa dn they move to where it is easier.  i think the ak's were the only squad i know that jumped becuz they moved to a more difficult country aks...i can respect that

The 479th FG (21 active members) moved to Bishland after we got tired of the Knight numbers and hord mentality before Christmas and have stayed ever since then with no plans on moving anytime soon.

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Offline ghi

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« Reply #34 on: July 20, 2005, 04:49:38 PM »
imop,it's  HTC bussines to provide customers satisfactions keeping teams even, or losse players, and waste money in avertising .
 ENY is too soft doesn't work at this unbalanced numbers in MA.

Offline sullie363

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« Reply #35 on: July 20, 2005, 05:16:05 PM »
Originally posted by Zazen13

3) Alot of armchair generals coercing people into joining their missions with accusations of being un-partiotic or traitorous if they choose not to.

We have missions?
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Offline GooseAW

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« Reply #36 on: July 20, 2005, 06:11:39 PM »
I bet I could search the BBs and find at least 2 of these threads started by a member of each country within the past 2 years....

Offline Shamus

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« Reply #37 on: July 20, 2005, 06:13:02 PM »
Originally posted by Zazen13
I have posted at length on this topic in the past. I will not repeat myself. But, the simple fact is each country has a predominance of character and attitude which greatly effects both its method and its appeal. As others have alluded to there is a definate cycle with regard to numerical disparities. Those on Bish who think they have it worse now than anyone prior are either new, ignorant or dellusional.

So, accept that your team will go thru cycles of being badly outnumbered. You have a choice; 1) either adapt to the changing situations accordingly as others in your predicament have done in the past avoiding the poisonous defeatist attitude, 2) pack it in and log off or 3) switch countries and become part of the problem. It seems to me from my observations the majority of Bishops have tended toward the latter two options. That is not to say that Bishops are ALL fair weather flyers, but by and large that is a prevalent characteristic.

Having flown Bishops in the recent past (when their numbers were on par with the other 2 countries) I made several general observations which distinguish them from the other two countries.

1) Alot of noobs.
2) Alot of kids.
3) Alot of armchair generals coercing people into joining their missions with accusations of being un-partiotic or traitorous if they choose not to.
4) Alot of quitters; they tend to throw in the towel quickly if they are getting overmatched, especially in furballs and static base defense situations.
5) Bishops generally tend to greatly over-emphasize the land-grab aspect of the game over the 'have-fun' and kick-butt in tenacious fighter battles aspect of the game (furballing), making Bishops rather unappealing to your better fighter pilots.

So, you may or may not agree with those points, some can be readily changed and some cannot. But, the simple and harsh fact is unless some effort is put forth by those committed to the Bish cause to change your lack of numbers, the apparent source for grief, will not be assuaged.

If squads are leaving Bishland after being Bish for years, don't blame them, blame yourselves. Moving a squadron requires a high degree of consensus and usually multiple catalysts. If people/squadrons are leaving Bishland in droves that should send up a HUGE warning flag. Obviously, there are several aspects of being Bishops PRIOR to you simply being outnumbered that precipitated their moving (see my list above).


LOL, my god...what a pedantic load of crap:)

one of the cats

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Offline Siaf__csf

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« Reply #38 on: July 20, 2005, 06:39:54 PM »
Rooks were constantly in the bucket back in 2002 when I quit AH. I know how you feel and I know it sucks hard to be ganged day in day out. Even though I managed to keep 4:1 k/d average flying against the odds it got old, fast.

I can only wonder how it feels to a less than average pilot who has trouble surviving at an advantage.

I've returned to AH since (very lately I might add) and find the game enjoyable again. Numbers are much more even than they used to be and I'm almost getting to the point of wife ack again with 50 or so played hours this month.

Feels like I play a lot - but those guys who hit 100 hours already really have no life outside AH. No wonder they whine / brag about kills. :rolleyes: :D :D

Offline BTW

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« Reply #39 on: July 20, 2005, 06:50:28 PM »
I remember the Knights getting stomped every Sunday night to the rook nights out ( or whatever it was called). Actually it was kind of fun at the end as all the knights were taking off from a few bases. You got to fly with people you didn't normaly see defending. And some of the big names here used to be good defenders. They'd up capped fields when it got tough, and land 5 and 6 kills. "Target rich environment" I guess. I've been all 3 and I see good guys and dweebs on all sides. I honestly couldn't characterize countries as some have said. Without a label, I couldn't tell who I was flying for.

I jumped rooks because knights have too many, and I'm always losing my spit as a knight. What a difference a few months makes eh knights? Knights used to be outnumbered a LOT.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2005, 06:53:44 PM by BTW »

Offline Sikboy

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« Reply #40 on: July 20, 2005, 10:49:33 PM »
So, is my Chronology right here?

2002- Bish hordes are dominating the arena. Bish always seem to have numbers.
2003/4- RJO instituted to control Bish hordes. Massive side switching on Sundays leads to Rook hordes dominating the arena.
2005- ENY limiter appears, somehow Knights manage to get numbers?

I don't know about the last part as I haven't been in the MA for a few months, but really it's just a matter of which country is dominate at the moment. Try to look back when your boys were the caboos on the man train.

You: Blah Blah Blah
Me: Meh, whatever.

Offline Sikboy

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« Reply #41 on: July 20, 2005, 10:49:34 PM »
So, is my Chronology right here?

2002- Bish hordes are dominating the arena. Bish always seem to have numbers.
2003/4- RJO instituted to control Bish hordes. Massive side switching on Sundays leads to Rook hordes dominating the arena.
2005- ENY limiter appears, somehow Knights manage to get numbers?

I don't know about the last part as I haven't been in the MA for a few months, but really it's just a matter of which country is dominate at the moment. Try to look back when your boys were the caboos on the man train.

You: Blah Blah Blah
Me: Meh, whatever.


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« Reply #42 on: July 20, 2005, 11:03:53 PM »
im not trying to have any one country to dominate...hell if HT would do away with reset and limit base taking to say all but 12 bases....then the basetakers and hordes could have their fun but eventually the fiter pilots would be able to fly as well.  im telling you guys that i wish you all had flown back in aw aol...there was no basetaking and the incentive was for the sides ot be even becuz the fites were better.  give the buff pilots strats to hit with good points and get them off the bases.  i never felt frustrated until the basetaking began. i give ht props for figuring out that you can reset with 6 bases left becuz you havent known frustration until you had only 2 bases left and they both capped...this game should be fun for all...makes no sense for any country to be ganged.  get the eny together please...other night 180 knits..157 rooks..90 bish....knit eny 15...rook 0???? that evens out crap...

im watching the numbers dwindle each year...remeber when the ma was full all the time and you had to wait to get in???  now we under 400 most primetime.   from what you guys are posting this prob has existed for years...sorry if i never noticed becuz i thought the arena seemed more even...but it should have been fixed then.  

FIX IT NOW!!!  this is a ww2 flight/fight sim....screw the dumb fr killing trees and pretty cockpits and make the game more fun!!! enuf gv bases pls!!!!  get us fiter bases and space to fight.  when did ww2 air forces take bases?????:mad:

Offline Sikboy

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« Reply #43 on: July 20, 2005, 11:19:54 PM »
Originally posted by FALCONWING

im watching the numbers dwindle each year...remeber when the ma was full all the time and you had to wait to get in???  

No, I don't. But then I've only been here since 2001.

It's not that the "problem" has been here for years as much as some of us haven't seen it as much of a problem.

You: Blah Blah Blah
Me: Meh, whatever.

Offline Grits

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« Reply #44 on: July 20, 2005, 11:23:53 PM »
Originally posted by Ack-Ack
I think it's time to replace those batteries in that hearing aid.

LOL, I meant on the BBS, every country has whiners ingame.