Im Lan784 the CO of the ~34thBomberSquad~ we mostly do what r names says BOMB. But however we mostly do bombings in the night, saying that if night is enabled at that map. some maps have night others dont. In the day we usally get in fighters or attack aircraft and cap bases for fun. if u want to join i will be on the CT from 2:30PM-4:00PM central time. after 4:00pm im in the MA as a rook. this is a fun squad its not boring. trust me lol
1.)Must be over the age of 13
2.)Cannot be on the 2 week free trial
3.) 34th in ur name is NOT required
4.)Check the squadron website every friday for news about the squad and upcoming events.
the website is still underconstruction at this time as of the 26th of June, 2005 will be done by the beginning of August.