Heya's Storch,
The last time I went head to head against a MkV in a MkIX on the deck co-E, it was a very tough fight and it was fought in the vertical for the most part. I can't remember who the driver of the MkV was although he was certainly no noob, but I managed to knock him down. What made the win possible was the slight performance advantages of the MkIX, good timing and a couple of good decisions at the right times once we got into scissoring.
Between the two spits the MkIX is #1 but I'll grant you that the MkV is a very close second, but I don't see it (the MkV) as being more dangerous or more capable than the MkIX in any way except horizontal turns.
"Bore n Snore", "Boom n Zoom", whatever. Those labels tend to be used in this game for any type of fighting outside of a knife-fight in a phone booth. The definitions of those terms are so loose they are the next best thing to useless in any meaningful discussion. It would be much easier to discuss this if you'd just say what you mean rather than using labels others have to guess the exact meaning of.
...the best way to deal with the spitV is to never, ever allow him gain an alt advantage and hope that a squaddie is nearby, sees your predicament, comes in and hose him down.
It seems to me here that you're saying that if the Spit has alt on you, you've already lost the fight. One thing you're forgetting is that in this game you're playing against people not uberAI npc aircraft. It's either that or you lack the necessary faith in your own abilities to do something about reversing the situation.
high yo-yos will work if the guy is busy watching porn, drinking a beer and eating a sandwich as well as being on his two week trial account otherwise the fight usually ends in a draw for me
Point, game and match - thx for showing up

. Seriously though, once you're down to this type of fight aircraft performance is secondary to seeing the situation for what it is and reacting accordingly. Most people get sucked into low-E high-angle fights when they take on the MkV. That's a mistake and it makes the MkV's "advantages" seem more than they are.
A few points here:
- Anyone can force an overshoot by slowing down rapidly - chop the throttle , hold your nose level (or pull it up if you want to show your oppo a nice big juicy easy to hit target) and cross the controls (aileron and rudder). And once you've done that and your oppo has flown on by you've just made him a gift of an unearned E advantage. The trick is to force the overshoot and keep your E - see Ghosth, TC or WideWing in the TA, they can all teach just about anyone in the game a thing or two.
- If you get nailed by anything diving down on you from great height at a great rate of knots you just haven't been paying attention. It happens to all of us.
- Fighting F4 v SpitV puts the LW iron in no worse shape than taking on a D11 jug or PJ in an A-5 and I don't hear the same whiney noises about the D11v109/190 setups in the CT that you hear constantly about setups with the Spit MkV.
- there are two "urban myths" rampant in AH (besides the uberspit one): the hizooka myth and the "conspiracy against the LW" myth. Hispanos are great guns but for long distance sniping I'd rather have 6x50cal. The 50cal has better ballistics (flatter trajectory and are therefore easier to aim) and hits hard enough out to 800yds or so to knock 'em down. For close in work the hispanos have an edge over axis or ussr cannons but they are hardly a garauntee of a kill every time you pull the trigger. I do fine with the cannons in the 109 series out to ~450yds, but I prefer to get within 300 before pulling the trigger. Funny thing, I'm exactly the same way with hispanos, I just don't compensate as much for ballistic drop.
The anti-LW conspiracy is just fantasy. From everything I've read on the period the 109 series was harder to fly well than most of the allied stuff but those that knew what they were doing with them seemed to do fairly well. The same holds true in AH - Kudo's to HTC and the AH aircraft performance modelling.
-Last point: Being aggressive when you've got all the advantages is a given. Being aggressive when you've got the cards stacked against you is the only way to reverse a bad situation. There are a bunch of players in both the CT and the MA that turn timid as soon as they think they're on the receiving end, which btw is exactly the wrong thing to do most times.
Anyway, I haven't got the time or the inclination to shop for a publishing deal so I'll end this here.