"But detch: What you describe is what most people consider timid flying. Running or avoiding the fight to wear down the opponent."
"There is not one single thing you can do at ALL that will give you an advantage, and 90% of everything you can do will give the spit5 that much more of an easy target."
Detch, you said that people should fly agressive, and then describe tactics that many do not consider "agressive". Hey, *I'm* not saying they're timid tactics. I just said I consider them passive (defensive) moves, to get back to the agressive (offensive) positions.
If a spitV has alt over a 109F, the second quote holds. You have very limited options. You basically avoid diving passes long enough that he wears down his E and/or alt, or you try to equalize E states with a high speed dive or lead him away at high speeds.
At that point you have some more options, but until then you're out of luck.
First of all, I was just pointing out that you might be using a misleading word, and that perhaps a different word would be better, or perhaps a different description of what you mean would be clearer. I was not making judgements on your ideas at all. I was saying that some might read that and think that's being the opposite of agressive (language/wording problem)
Second of all, High spitv quote is pretty accurate for me, even if I'm in the relatively nimble F-4. It's not that I've stopped being agressive. It's that I'm a realist, and I know how limited I am.
No F-15 pilot is going to say he is going to outrun an Sr-72, for example. Part of fighting is knowing your ride's capabilities. I still consider myself agressive, but there are times I know I'm just well and truly porked, advantage wise.
Oh, and it seems most people can get instant 1-ping disabling shots or kills in hispanos. Most have no trouble aiming or shooting at long ranges, too. Perhaps you need to tweak the convergences or (no offense intended) practice long shots more. They're quite easy and usually 1 ping with hispano is all it takes.
P.S. is anybody else annoyed that you lose BOTH tail planes in 1 hit? I'd like to keep 1 and at least pretend I can limp home and land! -- although I wonder if that'd be an unstable flight or not?