The affluent counties used optical ballots (accurate), while the less affluent were stuck with these prehistoric punch ballots. Just as we know who gets the military vote, we know who gets the vote of the less affluent. Despite seeming objections to the contrary, the poor have a right to have their votes counted, their voices heard. One damned way or another.
This isn't directed at you Nash, but this line of reporting the last few weeks has really gotten on my nerves, because it's simply not true. I hate to get into a case of "biased media", in this case I write it off simply to "lovely research."
Palm Beach, Dade, and Broward counties are not the poorest counties in Florida. They're not in the poorest half of counties in Florida. They're in fact the richest areas in Florida (per capita arguable versus Central Florida, Tampa Bay, and Tallahassee (which doesn't really count because it's too small to really be counted)). I don't know why they're using the punch cards, likely because it is cheaper, and they've had no serious problems to this point, but it sure as hell isn't due to lack of ability to fund newer voting mechanisms.
There is nothing between Tallahassee and Pensacola resembling a city, much less a school of any sort, nor is there between Tallahassee and Jacksonville. There is nothing between Tallahassee and Orlando (except Gainsville, but outside University of Florida, there is nothing there either). These are areas where I would be damned suprised if the average person has seen a high school, much less attended one, are completely overlooked because they went strongly pro-Bush.
It simply doesn't fit the model as poor areas that meant to vote for Gore but the system betrayed them. Looking at the AP county vote totals (including undervotes), Dade is at 1.4%. There are numerous counties where the undervote is higher than this, yet inexplicably these people must not have known that the Democrats are the caring ones (or they've noticed over the years that the democrats don't care). Other undercount totals:
Hendry: 8.7% (1.47:1 votes Bush over Gore)
Baker: 6% (2.35:1 Bush/Gore)
Washington: 3.6% (1.79:1 Bush/Gore)
Sumpter: 2.7% (1.26:1 Bush/Gore)
Marion: 2.4% (1.23:1 Bush/Gore)
Indian Rvr: 2.1% (1.45:1 Bush/Gore)
Also with NO undercount because they are handcounted (cannot afford any sort of voting machine) are:
Dixie: 1.51:1 Bush/Gore
Wakulla: 1.18:1 Bush/Gore
Madison: Even.
These counties don't have the vast resources of Palm Beach/Broward/Dade to bring their canvassing boards to national attention, hell if it wasn't for state highways they wouldn't even have roads. On a side note, this is where I think you're going to see some astounding Bush totals from the "recount", in a county of 10,000 people I assure you they will have no problem either morally or logisticly in finding another couple hundred Bush votes, even if they have to come up with more voters. After all full authority is granted to the canvassing board, in this case Bubba, Joe Bob, and Sue Ellen.
The mere assumption that Palm Beach, Florida, is some poor downtrodden area that the rest of rich Florida is neglecting pisses me off to no end. Not that I blame you for quoting it here, because it's reported everywhere you look, but that national media would report such idiocy without even looking at the state they're reporting on.