I see. But why have separate institutions for training officers? Why not treat graduates and non-college educated cadets alike?
Reason I ask is that I applied to be an RAF officer recently, and IOT (Initial Officer Training - based at RAF Cranwell) trains graduates and non-graduates alike. The only distinction is pay and promotion - the graduate starts at a higher rank, and is guaranteed to make Flight Lieutenant after 2-1/2 years.
Unfortnuately, I had some kind of (stress related) epileptic-type fit while studying for my finals in May. After loads of tests which showed nothing was wrong, I applied and got an offer to go to OASC (Officer/Aircrew Selection Centre). But I've just been told that they won't accept me until I've gone 5 years without another fit.
That means I can't apply until I'm 27 years old. Double
Aaah well, just have to continue my 'normal' job.