Author Topic: Gun Jam Poll - Results  (Read 766 times)


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Gun Jam Poll - Results
« on: January 19, 2001, 02:41:00 AM »
Votes casted: 41

  • Yes: 26, of which 9 unconditional and 17 subject to misuse (wether it be overheating, firing under high G's...)

  • No random: 3 Maybe these could be interpreted as a yes subject to misuse, but I rather separate them.

  • No: 11

  • Either::1
[edit note] mispelled unconditional

[This message has been edited by Pepino (edited 01-19-2001).]

Offline Jigster

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Gun Jam Poll - Results
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2001, 03:58:00 AM »
If one wants to get into a linear function of the gun system that could limit trigger time, I suggest looking into the the electric system for firing the guns. Some of the US system were known for discharging the electrical system after several seconds of prolonged fire, causing temporary gun failure until the was sufficent current flow for the electric trigger to activate again.

I'm not aware if it was much of a problem later on in the war, but it might be something to look into. If it was, it's a very linear thing as opposed to jamming as either random or a function of G pull. Best example I can think of off hand is the P-40B, capable of about 8 seconds of sustained fire before the electric system was too discharged to continue firing, as stated by "Tex" Hill, describing why they were trained to use short bursts intially, IIRC.

33rd FW

[This message has been edited by Jigster (edited 01-19-2001).]


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Gun Jam Poll - Results
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2001, 08:42:00 AM »
So... out of thousands of players only about 40 even care.   Plus... the subject is broad.  Most have heard of "gun jamming" so they figure it must be a "realistic" feature.   When you get to the details of how it should be implemented you would get little if any agreement.   Once a 109 pilot realized that he would be totally defensless due to a single random jam while most of the U.S. planes could recharge their guns in the air....


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Gun Jam Poll - Results
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2001, 09:07:00 AM »

Don't get it too personal with me   . If you want to go down that road, ok, but of the "thousands" of players, how many read this bbs? How many post? I would say that the ones that have post here are regularly seen playing. These are the clients, not the "thousands" unseen.

Plus...I do not want any agreement. Just to know the numbes among us, the most "vocal" ones. I will not implement anything in this game. I have no skills to do it. But I would like to put some ground under those "this game does/does not need this" statemets. That's all.

Just to clarify.



Offline Replicant

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Gun Jam Poll - Results
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2001, 10:34:00 AM »
Hi Pepino

All I'm worried about is that 'these' polls maybe wrongly interpreted by HTC as to what we actually want.  Only a tiny minority replied to the questions and on a similar example, we all know that only a handful of people hated the 'night' and yet it was removed on what seemed like a few elite not wanting it anymore.

I just hope that some of these items are not implemented - in RL hundreds and hundreds of little things could go wrong and many were accumulative but in AH we generally get a brand new tried and tested perfect plane all the time.  If everyone chose the same plane as their opponent then it would come down to skill (or occasionally luck!!) but never down to a random factor that could really spoil someone's night!  If someone is in a better position than yourself then either get yourself into a better position or learn from your mistakes.



[This message has been edited by Replicant (edited 01-19-2001).]

Offline airspro

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Gun Jam Poll - Results
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2001, 03:21:00 PM »
Well said Nexx , I suck bad enough with out all the "extras" .

Having watched a friend just learning Ace's High for the first time . Let me tell ya all , he is having enough problems without anymore . If we are to have newbies trying the game and STAYING , we have to look at the bigger picture IMO .

I do think HTC has got their "shit all in one bag" so to speak . In other words , they are doing a "bang up" job . <S> HTC

cheers spro

[This message has been edited by airspro (edited 01-19-2001).]
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Offline Hangtime

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Gun Jam Poll - Results
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2001, 03:48:00 PM »
Damn. My ISP jammed. Just as i was gettin the shot too..

Damn. HTC's server hiccuped. Just as I was gettin the shot too.

Damn. The other jokers ISP jammed. just as I was gettin the shot too.

Get the point? we got MORE than enuff gremlins lose aready.. we really don't need any more 'simulated fediddlein gun-jams'.

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Offline SKurj

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Gun Jam Poll - Results
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2001, 06:40:00 PM »
Originally posted by Replicant:
Hi Pepino

All I'm worried about is that 'these' polls maybe wrongly interpreted by HTC as to what we actually want.  Only a tiny minority replied to the questions and on a similar example, we all know that only a handful of people hated the 'night' and yet it was removed on what seemed like a few elite not wanting it anymore.


[This message has been edited by Replicant (edited 01-19-2001).]

Night was not removed due to some eleet few "hating" it.  The mass logout whenever darkness came in the arena said more than any poll ever could.


Offline jarbo

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Gun Jam Poll - Results
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2001, 06:53:00 PM »
I would like to see a gun jam based on type of weapon and barrel overheat, or maybe gun use in extreme high-G maneuvers.  It should be based on pilot input combined with implementation of weapon.  

Purely random would probably aggrevate more people than give them the feel of what it was like.  (Random might be real nice for a historical arena, but would need to be capable of being enabled/disabled.)

My 2 cents,
OPS Officer
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Gun Jam Poll - Results
« Reply #9 on: January 20, 2001, 12:36:00 AM »
Originally posted by Replicant:
Hi Pepino

All I'm worried about is that 'these' polls maybe wrongly interpreted by HTC as to what we actually want.  

One thing you absolutely [dont have to worry about in this game is HTC caving in to the vocal majority when they are wrong.  Pyro has an immesurable wealth of experiance in this industry and the stability this provides is one of the greatest assets this game has going for it.

I dont think anybody will be in favor of gun jams after it happens to them while their adrenaline is pumping. But if they decide to give it a try, they can always change it back if they decide it doesn't work.

56th FG 63rd FS
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Gun Jam Poll - Results
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2001, 07:32:00 AM »

I said to what seemed like a few elite complaining about the night - perhaps it was people logging out of the MA but I suppose it's the same people that want all these other 'realistic' things (I remember one 'top' pilot saying he didn't like the night because he couldn't tell which direction a buff was flying!  Damn funny!   ).  

Whatever it was, the night was a real factor in WW2 and people are wanting realism - gun jams etc., but not the night?  Sounds a little strange to me.

Anyway, I've had my fair of 'gun jams' in AH.  I occasionally get a bug on my Saitek X36 when swapping from Mode 3 back to Mode 1 (I use Mode 1 for fighters, Mode 3 for tanks etc.) and occasionally if I took off whilst in Mode 3 I'd get a text bug and on a few occasions my guns wouldn't work!  I tell you that it's one hell of a shock!



[This message has been edited by Replicant (edited 01-20-2001).]


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Gun Jam Poll - Results
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2001, 02:10:00 PM »
Give me gun jams, night, cowl flaps, mixture, boost, turbo overspeed, engine overheat and shell, cumulative pilot fatigue, oil spray on the window, blood, guts, gore, and veins in my teeth! I want a ground crewman to have to wipe the blood off my windscreen!  

Seriously though, there are a number of things that come with realism. The more realistic, the more some aircraft will hated for being "uber" and others shunned for sucking. Frequently, what made the difference for a country or squad flying a piss-poor plane was numbers and numbers is something that isn't commanded in AH. People fly what they want to fly and what they can kill and survive in best. So with more realism I think there will be more planes left out and/or more reliance on the perk points to get people into flying gas cans.

But realism is the whole thing for me. Any poll you guys want to run, if it is a feature that brings more realism to the sim - regardless of it being more pilot workload or having to actually know a little about how these things should be managed, count me in as a YES vote.

Real crews - not just a lone gunner too - anything.

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