Author Topic: Version 2.05 Patch 1  (Read 1625 times)

Offline Pyro

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Version 2.05 Patch 1
« on: September 09, 2005, 03:50:44 PM »
Patch 1 is now available for download.  You can get it via the autoupdater or through a link on our homepage if you're updating from 2.05.  Because of an unusual change that was made in 2.05 Patch 1, it will actually be a smaller patch (7.5MB) if you are updating from 2.04 Patch 1 than if you are updating  from 2.05(28MB).  If you have already installed 2.05 but still have 2.04 Patch 1 available to install and are hampered by slow download rates, it may be worthwhile to go back to 2.04 Patch 1 and update from there.  If you have not yet installed 2.05 then this does not affect you.  We apologize for the inconveniece that this has caused.