Author Topic: Hillary Pilloried, Gore Cornered  (Read 1768 times)

Offline LuckyDay

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Hillary Pilloried, Gore Cornered
« Reply #30 on: July 22, 2000, 02:26:00 PM »
This is a good discussion.  Thanks for your balanced and non-combative response.  I will attempt the same.

I am not sure which belief you refer to as truth and "historical evidence", but I gather it is Christianity. To me, it is a valid belief. As is all other religious beliefs, including Asatru and belief in the Invisible Pink Unicorn.

Although the study of the Invisible Pink Unicorn is intriguing (how do we know it is pink?), unfortunately the Unicorn did not leave us a set of books detailing his involvement in the human race.  

I would find it “intellectually dishonest” to have a personal moral that is based on nothing more than my own judgment.  

I have no answers premade for me; on each and every moral and ethical matter, I must trust my own judgement. I must as good as I can weight all the available evidence and compare it to a personal moral that is continually worked upon.

This sounds to me like it is a religion; a religion of self.  The truth is, there is an absolute right and wrong.  I know this is an unpopular idea in today’s society, but relativism (for example: that’s fine for you but not for me, that may be wrong for you but not for me) has got us to the point where nobody can agree on the lines between right and wrong anymore.  The problem is that humans are not inherently good, but inherently bad.  But these lines are clearly drawn in the Bible.

The thing that is a little saddening to me, however, is that the Christian mythology seem to emphazise how lowly and unworthy we are as humans - how far we fall short. I'm an optimist and elect to see the positive side  .

Mythology is not the right word here.  I understand why you are using it, but it is a far different case than Roman or Greek or Viking mythology.  Their societies crumbled after a few hundred years and have been followed by others.  I don’t know that anyone still believes that Zeus, Apollo, Hercules, Diana, or Thor actually exist.  Christianity has outlived the radical changes in the World’s societies, and it was born out of Judaism, which began when Moses brought the tablets from Mt. Sinai thousands of years before that.  Ask any ancient historian if Moses (or Jesus for that matter) was a real person.

Humans were never created to be gods.  We have tried to raise ourselves to that level for centuries and always fail.  The positive side is that although we fail there is a means of redemption – a rescue from the bleak inerrancy that when you die, that is the end of your existence.

I've read two of those writers, McDowell and Lewis. But I find it logical that Christians will find the bible to be true - after all, Christian belief states that the bible is the work of god  .

Actually C.S Lewis was not a Christian until he began a study to disprove the Bible and discount Christianity.

Not saying this is the way it is; just saying that available scientific evidence points very strongly in this direction. Of course, we could stay up all night arguing about the precision of science and the tenets it rests upon.
I have done a bit of study on this recently.  As Udie said, doesn’t it take a larger leap of faith to try to disprove the existence of God with a theory loosely based in natural phenomenon (the changing of allele frequency in a population over time) than to believe that the order we see in nature came from a higher intelligence than a natural phenomenon?  Life came from amino acids coming together in precisely the right way at precisely the right time?  
Forget about the missing links... how many evolutions would it take for a single bacteria cell to mutate its own cell wall or a protein transport system for energy from the thousands of strings of thousands of specifically ordered proteins that “somehow” formed precisely in the required fashion?  How many billions of cells died until a method of reproduction evolved?  To even get to the stage where an animal needs a method of respiration, let alone a brain, instincts, sight, hearing, touch, you have to put a blindfold on.  
Available scientific evidence does NOT support this idea.

Heh, any deity that had the nerve to create the universe as it is, and then not help a poor critter out would not get my help, even with free will. Besides, Hell is a place in Norway.  

For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him shall have everlasting life. (John 3:16)

He helped all us poor critters.  He created a perfect world that we had to go and screw up by using our free will to destroy ourselves.  That scripture may be overused, but I am sure you are familiar with it and it applies directly here.

Never been to Norway – grandparents are Swedish  

Offline StSanta

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Hillary Pilloried, Gore Cornered
« Reply #31 on: July 27, 2000, 08:14:00 AM »
Hi, am back prematurely due to poor weather and a bee sting to my foot which resulted in an allergic reaction that has grounded me for at least five days.

A nice discussion  

Although the study of the Invisible Pink Unicorn is intriguing (how do we know it is pink?), unfortunately the Unicorn did not leave us a set of books detailing his involvement in the human race.

Ah, but it has. Written by humans, much liek the bible, under divine influence of the IPU. it is called "The Babble", but is relatively unknown because it didn't become the huge bestseller the Bible did. To say it in other words; it is circular to say that the bible says god exist and god created the bible. It's a fallacious logical argument; I could just as easily apply it to the Babble (qwork in progress due to dwindling sales numbers).

I would find it “intellectually dishonest” to have a personal moral that is based on nothing more than my own judgment.
How can it be so? You have to evaluate each and every situation; there is no clear cut answer. Every time, you must weight available evidence and be able to logically defend your point of view.- There is no references to something final. No "goddidit" or "thebiblesaysso". This, I think, encourages the release of the potential of the human mind, helps advancement and at least works to defeat dogma that is unsound.

This sounds to me like it is a religion; a religion of self.
There is no dogma, there are no rules. There is no deity, and formality has been thrown out the window. All the characteristics of a cult or a religion are shining with their absence. What it can be said to be is an ideology, but that is stretching it quite far, since the question remain: what is the ideology about? More is it a set of questions and one basic tenet: question, and base your facts on available evidence and logically sound arguments, and at least you will be able to defend them. They might or might not be right, but no one will be able to say that they are not justified. In cases where you do not have justifiable belief, state so and hold an opinion.

The truth is, there is an absolute right and wrong.
I would be very interested in seeing some absolute bad and good things?

I know this is an unpopular idea in today’s society, but relativism (for example: that’s fine for you but not for me, that may be wrong for you but not for me) has got us to the point where nobody can agree on the lines between right and wrong anymore. The problem is that humans are not inherently good, but inherently bad. But these lines are clearly drawn in the Bible.
Ah, you might mistake me for a moral relativist. I am not. I am a relativist in many senses, but not in the moral one. My morals are based on available evidence, science and logic. Of course, the moral issues have long confounded the great thinkers and I am really not the person to say I have the ultimate one; what I can say is that I can defend my moral standpoint logically and point to evidence supporting it.

As far as I know, all moral systems currently in existance are flawed in some ways and picking the gold bits from each that are justifiable is the way to go. With regards to the bible, there are several moral standpoints I disagree with, like the take on homosexuality and equality, but I will not debate them here. Just want a general discussion  .

Mythology is not the right word here. I understand why you are using it, but it is a far different case than Roman or Greek or Viking mythology. Their societies crumbled after a few hundred years and have been followed by others. I don’t know that anyone still believes that Zeus, Apollo, Hercules, Diana, or Thor actually exist. Christianity has outlived the radical changes in the World’s societies, and it was born out of Judaism, which began when Moses brought the tablets from Mt. Sinai thousands of years before that. Ask any ancient historian if Moses (or Jesus for that matter) was a real person.
Well, if wew were to judge religions vs mythologies based on how long they have existed, Christianity really is a mythology. It is a mere 2000 years old. Tribal societies have existed for eons with basically the same religious belief. Furthermore, to suggest Christianity has no adapted and changed wheverver it has spread would be wrong; we do no longer hunt witches, for instance.

Humans were never created to be gods. We have tried to raise ourselves to that level for centuries and always fail. The positive side is that although we fail there is a means of redemption – a rescue from the bleak inerrancy that when you die, that is the end of your existence.
Hm, I never aspired to be a god. All the people I've met haven't either as far as I know. I am quite content with being human; for I have a magificent mind and the most capable brain in the whole of the animal kingdom as far as we know (I as a homo sapiens sapiens, that is). I do not fail; I experience, learn and move on. This one life I have has no room for failures; setbacks, aye, but to me, the only failure possible is *not living in the present* because I want a possible, but unlikely reward in the afterlife. An unexamined life is not worth living and all that  .

Actually C.S Lewis was not a Christian until he began a study to disprove the Bible and discount Christianity.
Interesting. What books did he write prior to becoming a Christian?

I have done a bit of study on this recently. As Udie said, doesn’t it take a larger leap of faith to try to disprove the existence of God with a theory loosely based in natural phenomenon (the changing of allele frequency in a population over time) than to believe that the order we see in nature came from a higher intelligence than a natural phenomenon? Life came from amino acids coming together in precisely the right way at precisely the right time? Forget about the missing links... how many evolutions would it take for a single bacteria cell to mutate its own cell wall or a protein transport system for energy from the thousands of strings of thousands of specifically ordered proteins that “somehow” formed precisely in the required fashion? How many billions of cells died until a method of reproduction evolved? To even get to the stage where an animal needs a method of respiration, let alone a brain,instincts, sight, hearing, touch, you have to put a blindfold on.  Available scientific evidence does NOT support this idea.
Hm, it does. I belive it is called accumulated change. It's an established fact in the world of biology. A book for the layman dealing with it is The Selfish Gene bu Richard Dawkins. It explains it more eloquently than I can. If a mo in depth scientific understanding is needed, he and his colleagues has it. Again, for starters, the website I referred to is quite good. It answers the "this is unlikely!" argument.

But just for a good mudslinging debate; you are saying that this is unlikely, but it is more likely that an infinitely more complex being created it all?


For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him shall have everlasting life. (John 3:16)
He bloody well had to, didn't he? I mean, it is akin to me pushing you off a boat and then offering to save you. Should you express gratitude towards me for my most warm and heartening deed?

And, as a sidenote, this particular bit from the bible has always amused me. God interferes with a woman on earth without her consent, produce a human baby, let his creation do its thing and then have his son rejoined with him in heaven, and then we are supposed to see it as a loss to him?

Seen from my point of view, it would be akin to sending my son down to say a group of monkeys, have them ridicule him a bit and then take my son back, provide him with a shotgun and say "shoot 'um when you have the shot, if you feel inclined to"  

Is jesus dead? The historical person certainly is. But it seems to me Christian dogma (or maybe scripture is a less offensive word? Pardon my English from time to time) is quite certain he is not.

He helped all us poor critters. He created a perfect world that we had to go and screw up by using our free will to destroy ourselves. That scripture may be overused, but I am sure you are familiar with it and it applies directly here.
An analogy would be me writing a cool operating system for my new computer, and then, for the first time ever, I produce a truly AI little program, called Humanoid. It is by all means nothing more than a harmless virus with the ability to learn. Who is responsible for the destruction or good my program produces? Should I have seen destruction being a possibility? Should I furthermore punish my Humanoids for acting within the parameters I've created?

The world isn't screwed up. Not yet. We have time to fix what is rotten, but that means getting rid of politicians and educating the plebeian masses. I, of course, am way above them in all regards and in no need of reeducation  .

Never been to Norway – grandparents are Swedish
Nice place, Sweden  

JG54 "Grünherz"

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Hillary Pilloried, Gore Cornered
« Reply #32 on: July 27, 2000, 09:04:00 AM »
Once upon a time a man was walking along chatting with the Devil. After a while they noticed another individual up ahead of them bend down and pick up a shiny object.

"What was that?", asked the man.
"He found truth", replied the Devil.
"Aren't you worried?", asked the man.
"Not at all", replied the Devil, "I'll help him organize it!".  

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Hillary Pilloried, Gore Cornered
« Reply #33 on: July 27, 2000, 10:50:00 AM »
There was a great meeting in the depths of hell not to long ago.

Satan: "We have this group of Christians that are really pissin' me off! I want some ideas to get snag em from you-know-who".

Front Row Demon: "Lets tell em we don't exist"

Satan: "Naw, done that already"

Middle Row Demon: "Lets tell em that there is no God and that science and logic is the answer to all".

Satan: "Nope, done that to death".

Ancient Demon in last row slowly raises his hand: "Lets convince them that they have Time

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Hillary Pilloried, Gore Cornered
« Reply #34 on: July 27, 2000, 05:31:00 PM »
Tähän en uskalla koskea edes pitkällä kepillä!

Loose translation: "I wouldn't touch this even with a long stick"

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Hillary Pilloried, Gore Cornered
« Reply #35 on: July 28, 2000, 01:56:00 PM »
I will  

I’m sure all these quotes are getting hard to wade through so I will condense my response into two ideas.

I stand by my previous statements on this topic; basically, an ideology that claims that a personal moral code based on nothing more than personal judgment is weak.  Any response to any situation can be seen as the right response, depending on your judgment.  You are following the rules set up by yourself – therefore, you have taken the place of God.  That is what I meant by humans becoming God.  The greatest fallacy is that human wisdom is enough to determine a personal moral that can successfully bring us to do right.  

Just look at one issue in our society – previously in this thread people seem to be incredulous that a person would have the nerve to kill a convicted murderer to remove him or her from the society to which they have become a menace, and yet defend an innocent child from death at the hands of a doctor; a child who has not yet had the opportunity to take its first breath of air.  How can there be any doubt?  Is it any wonder that the general moral decay we have witnessed in the last half century corresponds directly to removing anything having to do with God from society and replacing it with a relativist philosophy?

I looked at the web page you suggested.

“This essay is a must-read for anyone who wants to participate in It lays out the land for evolutionists and creationists alike, presenting the ideas behind and the evidence for biological evolution.”

(This sounds fairly open-minded… cool )*clicks on essay*

“Scientific creationism is 100% crap.”

(Well - so much for unbiased)

I continued reading (yes I am a glutton for punishment...) Here’s a quote from a topic which I found interesting: Evolution and Philosophy.

"Microevolution can be studied directly. Macroevolution cannot. Macroevolution is studied by examining patterns in biological populations and groups of related organisms and inferring process from pattern. Given the observation of microevolution and the knowledge that the earth is billions of years old -- macroevolution could be postulated. But this extrapolation, in and of itself, does not provide a compelling explanation of the patterns of biological diversity we see today. Evidence for macroevolution, or common ancestry and modification with descent, comes from several other fields of study. These include: comparative biochemical and genetic studies, comparative developmental biology, patterns of biogeography, comparative morphology and anatomy and the fossil record."

Though many convincing arguments that can be made for these processes, the problem is they assume certain processes from other fields of science are fact, when they are nothing more than assumptions based on the processes from this field of science.  So what we have is a circular reasoning – a fallacious logical argument.  Assuming x is true, then y is possible, and assuming y is true, then x and z must be possible, and assuming z is true, then x is likely.  And this is reported as FACT, with no mention that z cannot actually be observed by any scientific methods.  

There is no more scientific evidence for a “natural” evolutionary origin than there is for a supernatural creation.  This means that any belief regarding the origins must be made on faith.  If you believe there is no God, then the choice is made simple, no matter how ludicrous the concepts.  As long as there is nothing to hold you accountable for your actions.  

As a “free” thinker, you said you form your opinions independently of others, especially in the sphere of religion, independently of the revelation or authority of the church.  I assume this includes the Bible.  But why ignore those who are experts on the subject?  You have no problem with the ideas and opinions of a scientist who spends his life studying the natural world, why do you not give a ideas and opinions of a pastor, who has spent his life studying the supernatural God, the same weight in your logic.  Are they not equally experts in their own field?  And often inaccurate and uneducated in other fields (they cannot devote the same amount of time to all fields of study, no)?  Yet the conclusions about the origins of life made by the scientist are not able to be proven scientifically.  He is out of his natural field of study and in the supernatural field of study.  But because a “free” thinker must form his opinions independently of the church, he must then ignore the experts in the field and instead be stuck with guesses of the inexperienced.  Much like if both of us were to train a man in skydiving – I have never done it, you are apparently close to being qualified <S!> - and he listened to me rather than you as you are a member of the establishment and an authority on the subject.

The existence of supernatural occurrences cannot be ignored.  There are things that science cannot explain.  I understand why it appears that you see the Bible as false (see the above paragraph).  However, people who have devoted their lives to the study of historical documents will agree there is ample evidence of the authenticity of the accumulated documents that make up the Bible.  Because I am free to use information gathered from expert religious sources as well, I believe that God does exist, and the Bible is His Word.  I have no reason to believe that God is not who He says He is in the Bible.  

A small amount of information on C.S. Lewis can be found at   The C.S Lewis Foundation lists only a couple articles published prior to Lewis’ conversion in 1931.  At any rate, the way the question is formed seems like you are willing to ignore his post-conversion works (admittedly the bulk of his material) simply because he was a Christian when he wrote them.  As if at the point of becoming a Christian, your brain is shut off and you are now a mindless and lifeless drone.  I hope that you don’t feel that way about me; I think there are smart Christians and dumb Christians, as well as smart atheists and dumb atheists.  You are obviously not dumb – you mentioned English is not even your first language.  I took 4 years of German in high school and I know I can barely hold a meaningful conversation, let alone a discussion of this magnitude.  Yet another product of the U.S. Public School system.  

I hope your foot gets better soon.  I studiously avoid bees as the sting tends to swell terribly for me as well.


-edited for readability-

[This message has been edited by LuckyDay (edited 07-28-2000).]

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Hillary Pilloried, Gore Cornered
« Reply #36 on: July 28, 2000, 08:27:00 PM »
Hey St Santa!

You are correct.  

As you said, your comments were offensive; to me, and it appears, others too.

You are free to express your opinion, but knowingly doing so in an offensive manner is rude  .

This thread is getting off topic from gunthr's post, and I would ask the moderator to please consider closing it.

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Hillary Pilloried, Gore Cornered
« Reply #37 on: July 28, 2000, 09:16:00 PM »
Great reply luckyday. Well thought out.


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Hillary Pilloried, Gore Cornered
« Reply #38 on: July 29, 2000, 04:49:00 AM »
Though sad as I am, I think I will not reply to LuckyDay's answer, even if I have a perfect answer. The creationism vs science debate is one of my favourite pet peeves, and I can go on about it. Luckyday's comment regarding some branches on science using others and this being invalid is one I would really want to devour  .

However, I read this:
Hey St Santa!

You are correct.

As you said, your comments were offensive; to me, and it appears, others too.

You are free to express your opinion, but knowingly doing so in an offensive manner is rude .

This thread is getting off topic from gunthr's post, and I would ask the moderator to please consider closing it.
Since it was not my intention to be rude or insulting, yet I've managed to be, I'll refrain from further commenting on this issue. I have in my mind been respectful, but it is hard to judge just how you may say something in order for it not to be offensive.

So, leaving off with a final statement; likelihood of something with support vs likeliihood of something without - take yer bet  .

JG54 "Grünherz"

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Hillary Pilloried, Gore Cornered
« Reply #39 on: July 29, 2000, 02:01:00 PM »
Hiya St Santa,

Quoting your first post:
"Oops, that sounded sacriligeous. But after rereading it, while it is offensive, it sort of is true, no?  And I have a nick to live up to."

And your last post:
"I have in my mind been respectful, but it is hard to judge just how you may say something in order for it not to be offensive."

Sounds to me like you had some idea that what you were saying was offensive.  

Far be it from me to ".squelch" the good intellectual discussion that you and Lucky Day are having.  You both seem to be enjoying it   .

I do appreciate you consideration.  As I said, you are free to post you opinion!  But please use discretion as to how you express your opinion   .

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Hillary Pilloried, Gore Cornered
« Reply #40 on: July 29, 2000, 03:52:00 PM »
"Seperation of the church and state is a myth anyway"

*cough* yes.. "In God We Trust"...all others pay cash.  

I give a damn about politics, but I do care about the kind of person put in charge. I've seen several interviews of Bush, the man's face screamed he was doing whatever he could to give the public what they wanted to hear.

This being my personal opinion of course. In person I dont have many friends because I know how to spot people I can trust by body language/eyesight/instinct (dont ask me on this, I just know). And Bush just makes me want to run away and hide. 'nuff said.

Besides, we all know the little green men from the Taurus nebula are the ones that run the whole show, so what the heck?