Originally posted by Squire
Ya, bombing the crater would fix everything, and risking a war over a single crashed fighter thats already in 10,000 peices makes so much sense.
Lithuanian airforce commander in chief (former Soviet fighter pilot, who else he could be?) already got fired because he informed his Russian colleagues about the "friend or foe" answerer that is in enemy hands. At least it's what Lithuanian press said as a most possible version.
Again, the on-board elecronics and fire control systems of the Soviet (er, Russian) Su-27 is very much different from export version.
NATO "anti-aircraft defence" in Lithuania prooved to be absolutely ineffective. Famous German pilots didn't take off until the invading plane crashed. The plane was from the very beginning known to be a combat plane, not a civilian plane by any means. This inability to do anything to protect Lithuanian airspace gives you one clear answer to a question
why NATO is there.
We don't need war. But I think that we
must show the enemy that we are ready to answer. In this gamble of aggressive actions we don't bluff. Unfortunately, so-called "Baltic republics" don't understand that instead of protection they get dangerous provocators who don't care to write them off in case of war, like pawns.
I have to wonder again: and this people wanted to have a war with us. Like kids.
Now they are within several minutes of flight from Leningrad, er, SPb.
I think it's hard to understand what I said for the people who don't have enemy forces within artillery fire range from their major population centers and who never had the enemy dropping bombs upon their homes and starving millions in sieged cities.
Funny thing: there was an official report of NATO airforce in Estonia (another limitroph, an aggressive cavenen anti-Russian SS adoring EU/NATO member), "F-16 fighter can't reach it's top speed in Estonian airspace". Guess why? Estonia is simply too damn small for it to accelerate. In Riga, Latvia there was a panic when they heard a sonic boom from NATO planes "patrolling" their airspace. Can you imagine it: there were no supersomic flights over Latvia since 1991. They forgot sonic booms! They probably wonder why planes fly without waving wings like birds.