Author Topic: Way for server to force ord.  (Read 677 times)

Offline Krusty

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Way for server to force ord.
« on: September 20, 2005, 11:29:45 PM »
Example: CT server or something is set to a 1943 scenario. 109G6 is in but you want to replicate early '43, so the server moderator can LOCK the gun selection of ord 1 (whatever, "ord 0"?) to the 20mm. Can also lock ord 3 (wings, I think) to gondolas, so that any pilot upping a G6 would hypothetically get 3x20mms armament and can select whatever gas/DT/bomb they like.

Could also force a late war setup where P47s used 8gun light ammo loads, wing DTs and no centerline for pure escort scenarios.

Could force certain bomb loads that were more realistic, regarding, say, lancaster. If the mission is supposed to replicate a bombing campaign that only used 1k bombs, then lock the lancaster into the 14x1000lb option and not allow the 2k/4k bombs.

This could be facilitated by simply adding a console command and NOT drawing the other options in the hangar.

example: .ordlock p47n 0 2
.ordlock (the command
p47n (whatever, some indicator of the plane)
0 (the hardpoint, internal guns take 0 I think, followed by belly as "1" and wings as "2" I think).
2 (the 3rd option starting with 0 - light 6x50cal 1 - heavy 6x50cal, 2 - light 8x 3 - heavy 8x)

Then when you pick p47n in hangar, the only gun option that draws on the hangar is the one locked.

Other commands: ordlock [plane]
list locks on plane specified

.ordlock clearall
remove all locks in place

And so forth.

It would add a big element to custom setups and scenarios, and improve the control that people have over the arena they are setting up.

Offline Ghosth

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Way for server to force ord.
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2005, 08:00:59 AM »

Currently there is no way to regulate ord loadouts at all.

Scenarios need this, plus Squad ops, snapshots and esp TOD.

In a 1942 scenario pilots should not be able to throw around 1k bombs like there is an endless supply.

Ideally once it is possible, in the main bombing the ammo factory should reduce possible loadouts available for a country.

Giving us a  tool to stop massive hordes of jabo's.