Fly spit 1 for a month and youll be able to afford the 14 no prob.

If youve never flown Spitties, then id go for the Spit9 or Spit5/2c (they are basically the same) for starters.
All Spits are fairly good turners at low speed, but can also be flown BnZ-style, since they retain E very good.
Spit 5/2c: Very nimble turner, good handling at very low speeds (flaps!). Short fuel range, not much canon ammo (240 rounds) .the 303s are mainly for spooking, as they dont do much damage and have serious convergence issues (far out on wings)
Spit9: Better engine performance, less nimble, drop tank available -> better range. Same ammo load as Spit5, but cal 50 insted of 303s.
Spit1: Even more nimble than the 5, weak engine which cuts out when pulling negative G-forces (gravity carburetor). Ammo loadout is 8 303s with 300 rpg.
Spit14: PERKED! Very strong engine, less nimble than the 9. Even though its not exactly a bad turner, turnfighting it wouldnt do it justice. The Spit14 is a high alt performer.
More to read on
Soda's Aircraft page.
If youre more of a turnfighter, id recommend the Spit5. Set the convergence close (200-225) and get up close and personal for killing.
As Batfink already said: Youre welcome to fly with us (71 Sqn) on knight chan 171.