Author Topic: IL2....  (Read 591 times)

Offline Sunchaser

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« on: July 12, 2001, 04:10:00 PM »
....IS interesting.

It is also a beta with unproven online (offline will have you looking for your socks!) capabilities.

Even IF it does what Maddox Games hope it will do online it will still never appeal to those who must have several hundred people in the arena with them.

There is a very vague allusion to possible future MM implementation but that is dependent on so many unknowns as to be dismissed for now.

IL2 will not soon and perhaps never threaten AH or WB for many online dollars.

If Christ, Allah, Buddah, and ALL the Greater and Lesser Gods on the Planet collaberated on the FM and DM applied to your flightsim of choice there would still be cries of "It ain't right according to....!"

I see some tempers flaring, as usual when sims are compared and I also see some people posting to show just how smart they are, like it matters and will actually change mind sets.

I also see some people who automatically dismiss the thoughts of others as whining if those others see things from a different perspective.

IL2, when and if (I have to toss in the "if" beacuse I will surely be called on omitting it.) released will certainly raise the bar, hell if it did not why even bother, right?

Il2 is shaping up to be a great ground attack sim as it was intended from the first line of code.
It is now also shaping up as a great fighter sim for planes common to the Eastern Front and will naturally draw simmers interested in German and Russian planes.

If it works well online with 32 players it will draw a few from here and other online only sims who do not require  a hundred other players in the arena but not enough  to close anyone down.

IL2, when/if released will not be BETTER than AH, it will just be another option, something flightsimmers, no matter their gaming preferences or their maturity level should welcome.

Is it just me or are a few people on this forum a lot obnoxious?

Offline AKSWulfe

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« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2001, 04:57:00 PM »
If this was spawned by my remark about the video on that website, then I guess I should reply.

I hope it turns out well, otherwise I wouldn't be concerned with it.

I'm concerned with the flight model being better than what's currently out there/available because it looks like a fun game. I simply prefer flight modelling and decent damage modelling over eye candy, which is why I was concerned about the Fw-189 not flipping out of control when it lost it's horizontal stabilizer in the video.
That's all.

Offline leonid

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« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2001, 05:37:00 PM »
It's the one game I've been waiting for three years.  I'll be very happy when it comes out  :)  Won't be playing much else, except wargames.
ingame: Raz

Offline Nashwan

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« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2001, 10:24:00 PM »
I've been following IL-2 for a long time, but during that time I've seen some worrying quotes about the flight model. This is from the latest preview,
An interesting point to note is that while the IL-2 is a heavily armoured plane, it's not that difficult to fly. It's certainly not a nimble fighter, but it is a stable platform. And while you won't be performing stunts, even when unburdened by ordnance, it's nowhere near as fickle a craft as some of the fighters in other recent World War II sims. The developers have stated on several occasions that this is because the IL-2 was not a particularly difficult aircraft to fly. For this reason, novice pilots may be pleasantly surprised that a realistic flight sim doesn't necessarily have to be impossible to master. Of course, there are many other factors to being a skilful pilot, but the stability of the aircraft may make IL-2 a good candidate for beginning sim pilots (as long as they are interested in the subject matter) while also giving hard-core simmers a challenge. That would be quite an achievement, and the way the game is shaping up, it certainly looks possible. Of course, there are the standard options for increasing and decreasing realism by turning various parts of the physics model on and off. In this game, however - at least for certain aircraft - novice pilots may not need them.
Bruce Geryk,2160,2090756,00.html
When a general gaming site, which rarely looks at flight sims, says something like that it makes me nervous. Couple that with what seem to be novices raving about how easy the 109 is to fly, not like any other sim, and I get worried.
I've seen the names of some players I respect as beta testers, but they seem to be respecting their NDAs and aren't talking.
I for one will be hugely disapointed if IL-2 seems to be stuck in some sort of "easy mode"

Offline Wmaker

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« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2001, 06:49:00 AM »
Great post Sunchaser! Couldn't have said it better myself. There are some REALLY paranoid people here  ;). Every time new sim closes to its release date people start a witch hunt to hunt down people who think this new sim might be some ways better than the one they are currently playing. I just can't understand it. As you said I don't see IL-2 as a direct competition to AH and what if it was? Who cares? Everyone has the right to fly the sim they choose (or all of them) and not get flamed because of it. The things that have amused me the most in these bulleting boards are these big AH vs WB flame wars. Grown men on each others' throats arguing over PC multiplayer flight simulation games is beyond me!


Lentolaivue 34

Thank you for the Brewster HTC!

Offline Westy MOL

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« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2001, 07:53:00 AM »
Actually. There is no need for a Witch hunt as the witches thjemselves tend to come out of the wood work. Just see Poppi's topic for proof of that. People come here saying things like the new game/sim EAW/Janes/B17-II/WW2O/Il2 will kill/bury/put out of business AW/FA/WB/AH. Usually there is also a massive liberal sprinkling of how they know just how much superior the fm/damage model/gunnery model/gameplay will compared to AH.

 No. There is no need for a witch hunt  :) They do a good job of blatantly exposing themselve and they even sometimes light thier own bon fires (like Possi) much to others enjoyment.


Offline Wmaker

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« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2001, 09:28:00 AM »
True Westy, my reply didn't really come out the way I meant it. What I mean is why people have to be so black and white? There are people with different opinions on which is the best sim for them. And when some community of players thinks differently than other community and the jerks of the other one come to rub it in the other community's face on their BBS. What I meant to say why there are people who have to come and say "My sim is the best and the one you guys play sucks!" These morons usually manage to succesfully cause flame wars and bad spirit as there are these other morons who take the bait and start flaming. And my replys aren't here because of Possi's thread. Alltho it now being there makes everyone think I referred to it here. I think this all can be understood better if we start remembering this fellow called "MG" and his exploits in this BBS  :).

Lentolaivue 34

Thank you for the Brewster HTC!

Offline Kirin

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« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2001, 11:02:00 AM »
Funny thing is - if people would have thought like some of the *chearleaders* here 2 or 3 years ago - there would be NO AH...

Not here to argue what is better and what not - but developement goes on... new sims appear other disappear! Most pilots in AH came over from other sims like WB, AW and others. They tried out AH, liked it, stayed... forever? I doubt it - if you would have asked me 6 months ago I would have said AH is the best - no alternatives. IMO there are alternatives now and I chose them.

IL2 looks promising - I wouldn't judge it from one scene I saw in a video. It has one flaw for sure - limited multiplayer abilities... so no real threat for any of the big MMP sims. Waiting, watching its developement and prolly buying it when it comes out. The city of Berlin sure looks amazing!! (200'000 buildings or something like that)
Real men fly Radial!

Offline ~Caligula~

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« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2001, 11:24:00 AM »
IL2 looks very good.The attention to detail is beyond any other sim I`ve ever played.
The FM is decent,but still needs lots of tweaking.It`s not easy or simplistic for sure.It will be a fun game when it comes out,I recommend it to all that is interested in WWII aircombat.

Offline AKDejaVu

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« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2001, 11:24:00 AM »
weenie:  WWII Online will be the greatest sim known to man!
cheerleader:  Dude.. you haven't even played it.. how do you know that?

weenie:  Il-2 will be the greatest sim known to man!
cheerleader:  Based on what evidence?
weenie:  I feel it.
cheerleader:  Um... so?

Enthusiast:  I'm looking forward to trying out Il-2 when it is released.  I sincerely hope it is a decent game that drives the market to excel.

Two of the above scenarios could have been completely avoided.  The other makes anyone that argues against it seem narrowminded.

I have way too many flight sim boxes on my shelves to jump to conclusions about the new sim on the horizon.  Yet, I always hope for better.  What I don't do is pre-judge an upcoming sim.  Its not better nor is it worse than anything until it is released.

So.. don't sing the praises of something until it is released.  Don't knock something until its been released.  And, no matter what you do, don't form oppinions on a game based solely on screenshots or videos.
