Author Topic: Offline tanks bug? How does this work?  (Read 183 times)

Offline Krusty

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Offline tanks bug? How does this work?
« on: October 26, 2005, 02:51:43 PM »
I was trying to figure out the most effective anti-tank plane by offline testing. I tried the 190F8 with 12 rockets and a bomb, I tried the Hurricane MkIID, and I tried the IL2 with 2 boms 4 rockets and guns.

Well.... I was getting what I thought were hits... But nothing ever happened. The 190F8 bomb got a near miss kill, but the rockets didn't get any kills. The guns after about 5 strafing runs smoked one of the turrets (can't remember if it was the tiger or the t34) but that was it. The HurrIID did almost nothing. Despite seeing my shots land, I never did any damage. Not even when I landed 2 perfectly converged shots almost straight down into the uppder hull of the T34's engine compartment. Nothing. I managed to smoke the tiger after about 20 hits, but no explosion, no turret popping, no nothing. The IL2's bombs missed (I didn't have a good attack profile) but the rockets were dead on, with no damage. The guns did nothing at all despite only using the cannon.

So I took a T34 out, spawned, and fired to see if it was possible to kill the tiger at all. every last shot I fired bounced off. So I tried different angles, HE, and AP, all bounced off. It was bs! Not ONE hit anywhere on ANY PART landed.

So I rolled film.

I parked myself directly behind the tiger, literally point blank, and fired AP... and.... the shot went through the armor, through the engine, through the turret base, through the driver, through the front armor and OUT THE FREAKING FRONT of the tank! I got this on film. I shot it from the side and the AP went all the way through tracks, through armor, through crew, through the other side's armor, and out the other side. No matter what I did nothing worked. That's just the odd few rounds that wouldn't bounce off immediately. I found a couple of odd angles where the shot simultaneously bounced off and passed through (it split into 2 tracers).

So this really got me ticked off. I took a tiger and shot the tiger and..... BOOM. Huh? Hrm.... Okay... tiger tank drone respawns, Click BOOM! Wtf? That was too easy. Any shot anywhere in the turret at any angle or any direction instantly killed the tank. Shooting the treads blew the tank up. Shooting through the side didn't do too much. Shooting the engine took 3 hits to kll (2 hits to smoke engine). But anywhere from any angle along the front of the hull killed it (pilot kill?) and any turret hit killed it.

So I upped a panzer. I could kill the tank by hitting it in the turret half the time, and my other shots did nothing. They too seemed to pass through the tank. I noted the spot I was landing "kill" shots from the panzr. It was low on the turret at the gap where turret and hull meet. Tried same with T34. Bounce! Zing! To the moon. But the turret didn't take a single hit from any angle anywhere.

So either these tank models are so fubared you can't kill them with rockets or tank-killing guns, or the drones offline are fubared to the point they don't take damage. I realize that drones are not real planes, but at least the plane drones take damage properly and parts fall off, smoke, or blow up according to hits taken and damage done.

I've got the film if HTC wants it. I set ammo multiplier to 10x and took hurrIId and just kept hitting the two drone tanks over and over and over til I got bored. No kills on any of them, the entire time. I don't know if I filmed that one or not.