member? i frikken made the squad in AH1
Dead Man Flying:
My oath was not so much not to reply at all. It was not to argue with class against someone who can't. Mainly because no matter how tactfull you are they will play thier sad games till they die.
My oath in layman's terms is this.
reply/argue with me with class, and at least with facts and fair judgement and i will do the same.
be a childish word potato to me, and I will mirror that back from now on.
someone insults me or cant form a coherant sentace to argue their point, fine, ill throw back their game at them and see if they continue to think I am on 'thier hook' which seems to be the main reason for these games.
you have given me a good sentance or two there, and i respect what you say.
i agree that from your view point that is what has happened.
from mine, it is not.
OK, i'll be honest, i enjoy morph's weak trolls and bait, i enjoy arguing about a stupid game, and i espescially enjoy making myself an easy target for certain types of people. The reason? because the study of humans and human nature is one of the things that interests me the most.
maybe I'm being manipulative for my own means, i'm sorry.
like i said in response to your 'digging a hole' comment, the only place im digging any holes is in your heads because you too ccontinue to reply.
there is no soil on the internet.
with all due respect, Todd, i dont have a problem with your squad, its name or is beliefs. the problem is when 90% of you dislike me and enjoy trying to make a fool out of my internet alter-ego i find it very hard to distingiush between individuals and what the blue shield is most likely to represent to me on the BB here.
if you want to know Hamish, thats me, then you can reach him in real life or you can try to find him in batfink/mechanic.
if you dont want to know Hamish at all, continue to think of me as only a fart in the net code, for that is all i am.