Not to highjack a thread and turn it into a kamakazi discussion...but i have to agree with Raptor. (What follows is NOT a moral argument)
There is no loss when we lose a virtual it would be no big deal to up over and over again in the fastest plane possible with the idea of ramming a ship.
Not only that, when the Japanese sent in the Kamakazi, the would usually do it at 1 or 2 at a time... while the others heald their positions above the fleet. It was a tactical flaw on their part, but it gave the gunners on the ships at least a fighting chance. Given how much we tend to swarm in this game, I would imagine a bunch of folks would up and swarm a carrier, thus killing it much faster than they currently go down in the game. Ultimatly, i think playability would suffer as a result.
There are a few ways that this issue could be addressed... we could turn up the accuracy of the already deadly CV ack... but then folks who try it the old fashioned way with egg's or torpedos wouldn't stand a chance.
Or maybe it could be modled that only 1 type of plane can collide and damage a CV. That plane could be uber perked, guarenteeing that whoever flew it was going to lose a bunch of perks (100+?).
I dunno... just some thoughts.
BTW... they have an Ohkas (is that the plural?) at the Udva-Hazy annex of the Air and Space museum. It's pretty sweet (the Ohka and the rest of the air craft in the collection.) They also have a Do 335, another sweet German night fighter that I'm blanking on the name, and an Ardo 234 with RATO packs... oooooohhhh baby.
PPS... I myself would love to have the Betty too. I flew it a lot in WarBirds 2.77 because it's climb rate was amazing. It would be a nice to have in the arsenal when attacking a 10K VH base.
PPPS... sorry for changing the subject bud... and thanks to all for reading my $.02