Author Topic: So what is the best fighter for rank?  (Read 1765 times)

Offline DoKGonZo

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So what is the best fighter for rank?
« Reply #15 on: November 15, 2005, 03:04:21 AM »
Flying for rank/score isn't as satisfying as it may seem at first. You'd be better off picking a plane you enjoy flying - something that fits your style rather than a scoring objective - and then find some people to fly with who you can count on. Do that and the ranking will improve on its own - and a lot faster than trying to run up a score on your own.


Offline Ack-Ack

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So what is the best fighter for rank?
« Reply #16 on: November 15, 2005, 03:52:56 AM »
Originally posted by Stang
Finally, only after a decade, do you realize this.


I realized it the first day I flew one but I've got to handicap myself or I'd be uber like one of 'em Unknighted fellows.

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Offline Schatzi

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So what is the best fighter for rank?
« Reply #17 on: November 15, 2005, 04:16:03 AM »
Best plane to improove rank is Hurri Mk1. People told me that more than once.

(Only reason i keep flying it ;) )
« Last Edit: November 15, 2005, 05:19:44 AM by Schatzi »
21 is only half the truth.

Offline Whisky58

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So what is the best fighter for rank?
« Reply #18 on: November 15, 2005, 06:23:58 AM »
Originally posted by DoKGonZo
Flying for rank/score isn't as satisfying as it may seem at first. You'd be better off picking a plane you enjoy flying - something that fits your style rather than a scoring objective - and then find some people to fly with who you can count on. Do that and the ranking will improve on its own - and a lot faster than trying to run up a score on your own.


I'd agree with that.

Also if you're a stats anorak choose one aspect of score & try to improve over time ie gunnery/bombing accuracy etc - that's about only use for scores/rank imho.

Regards :)

Offline DipStick

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So what is the best fighter for rank?
« Reply #19 on: November 15, 2005, 07:20:15 AM »
What's rank? I mean besides SuperDud...

Offline SkyRock

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So what is the best fighter for rank?
« Reply #20 on: November 15, 2005, 07:40:24 AM »
Artlaw, I dont fly for rank as anyone can see by my scores,lol, but I have in past and I will say that the choice of th3 battle is probably the most important aspect.  When you log on, look for a close battle to a friendly base. Ask on country what the cap of the battle tops out at and chose the ride for the situation.  I found that planes with more guns did well in battles below 8K as you can usually cherry planes at top of loops, hence increasing hit percentage.  p47's are great for this.  8 guns= 8 hits per round shot!  If the battle is a little more hot, then fast planes like temp/tiff/dora/ponies work so you can climb better and run better.  But by far the easiest way is to find cv battles near enemy bases and up seafires kill quick, don't get greedy, and land after 3-4 kills.  Get in quick, kill quick, and retreat quick.   If done correctly, the cv battle and seafire scenario can really rack up the needed points in the right catagories, (time, hit%, death's)  The absolute best way to get fighter rank is fly a plane with big ammo loadout and find a base to vulch every sortie!   hee heee  :D :aok

Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"

Offline SuperDud

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So what is the best fighter for rank?
« Reply #21 on: November 15, 2005, 09:29:27 AM »
Originally posted by DipStick
What's rank? I mean besides SuperDud...

Oh, and rank is very important. Surprise you guys didn't know that:eek:
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Offline Vad

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Re: So what is the best fighter for rank?
« Reply #22 on: November 15, 2005, 12:32:31 PM »
Originally posted by ArtLaw
What is the best fighter to fly to lower fighter rank.  Or what are the statogies to lower fighter rank.  Should someone fly low ENY or hi ENY.

I would say that it is not so important what you fly, more important how you fly.

I would like to list some of the "never do".

1. Never get into bad situations - never up from capped field, never dive into swarm of red dots, never attack acks or GVs on enemy field. If you see your country man on the deck chased by horde of reds never dive to help him. He is already dead, and you will be too soon. Fly alone and think about your score, not about how to help others or win the war. It was always the most difficult thing for me to do because my mom told me that I have to be good boy, help old women to cross the streets, share my candies with friend and same bs. I will give you one tip how achieve some progress in that. Make few sorties with BK! Usually, couple of sorties is more than enough for them to steal so many your kills that you will hate green color the whole next week.

2. Never attack bombers. It only seems that it is easy kill. May be it was before but there are too many nine-nine-nineties nowadays, and they are very deadly, especially in fall and early winter.

3. Never HO. This is very difficult to do but try. You know, there is possibility that you meet me in HO, and you have no chance to survive! HO is my favorite move, and I have a lot of adherents.

If you follow my instructions you will share the first lines of the score screen with the greatest pilots who learned these lessons a long ago.

Offline Zazen13

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So what is the best fighter for rank?
« Reply #23 on: November 15, 2005, 12:39:51 PM »
I wrote this awhile back for the Help Section for newer players but it applies to this discussion so I will repost it here.

Fighter Rank: Plane & Pilot Analysis

1) Kills per Death
2) Kills per Sortie
3) Kills per Time
4) Hit %
5) Points (Damage)

So, for each category there is an optimal aircraft flight characteristic that affects it, for example.

1) K/D-The single biggest plane attribute that effects this statistic is speed, that is the ability to engage and disengage at will from virtually every other plane in the plane-set.

2) K/S-There are three plane attributes that effect this statistic, ammoload, gun-type and fuel-load. The more ammunition and/or cannons equates to a better K/S along with flight endurance provided for by fuel load.

3) K/T-There are two few factors that effect this statistic. First, is climbrate/acceleration, the quicker you can get to combat altitude the quicker you are in the fight, this pertains to re-alting mid-flight as well. Low altitude performance is the other factor, if your plane does not require you to be above the majority of your enemy for optimal performance you will require less time to get altitude and re-gain it mid-flight.

4) Hit Percentage- There are three plane characteristcs that effect this statistic; ballistics, gun mounting and nose-low deflection view. Typically, nose mounted weapon systems are easier to hit with than wing mounted ones as convergence is not an issue. Certain munition types have poor ballistics and/or slow rates of fire, these will hurt your hit %.

Something alot of people never consider but I consider of paramount importance in choosing a fighter is nose-low deflection view. If a plane does not have it you are taking away from your repetoire a HUGE number of otherwise valuable high deflection snap-shot opportunities that would otherwise be kills in your pelt pouch. Having a plane with good nose-low deflection view means you will almost never be shooting 'blind', that is shooting at a target for deflection that is actually below the visual obstruction of your engine cowling, this improves your hit % dramatically.

5) Points-There are two characteristics that effects this statistic, ammoload and gun-type. Cannons and lots of 'em make you gather points faster. It would have been better to just call this category Damage. So, obviously the bigger your guns the more actual damage you are doing to a given target. For example, I know this will seem counter-intuitive but a burst from 6X50cals sufficient to remove a wing from a plane will do less damage and therefore garner less points than a burst of 20mm to remove the same wing. My guess is damage either transfers or damage beyond that required to destroy the plane part is still calculated even though passed its threshold for sustaining.

So, from this list of plane performance characteristics you can take a given plane and match it up against them. So, take a plane in the set and take these 9 factors that effect the 5 statistics that go into calculating fighter rank (2 repeat Ammoload and Gun-type) and give check marks where it satisfies the condition. We will use the La7 in this example:

1) Speed- The La7 is the fastest non-perk plane in the set, obviously it gets a CHECK.

2) Ammoload-While the La7 doesn't have a huge ammoload it's pretty plentifull. CHECK.

3) Gun-Type-Most fly the 3 cannon version, CHECK.

4) Fuel Load- The La7 has no capacity for drop-tanks and limited internal fuel, no check.

5) Climbrate- The La7 climbs great up to it's optimal performance altitude. CHECK

6) Low Altitude performance- The La7 is in hog heaven below 12k.CHECK

7) Gun Mounting- The La7 has nose mounted guns. CHECK

8) Ballistics- The Russian cannon's ballistics are not great, no check

9) Nose Low Deflection View- La7 has exceptionally poor nose-low deflection view, most deflection shots will be 'blind'. no check

So, as you can see of the 9 characteristics the La7 gets a CHECK in 6 of them, fuel load, ballistics and lack of nose-low deflection view being the only drawbacks to optimal fighter rank. But, due to the La7's great low altitude performance it does not require as much fuel to fight effectively as other aircraft which must get and preserve higher altitudes to be effective.

Of note with this ranking system is one important factor. You will notice that Ammoload and Gun-Type appear twice but are only factored once. This means, relatively speaking, for optimal fighter rank, Ammoload and gun-type are of greater importance relative to any other factor by a 2/1 ratio. It is because of this fact you will notice in any given camp the predominance of cannon equipped planes. There is a huge bias toward cannon planes in the MA in AH2. This is a result of the above as well as the harder gunnery model.

As far as fighter rank is concerned this takes into account the aircraft. But, obviously, the pilot plays a huge part as well. If you take the plane's characteristics as it relates to the 5 statistics that effect fighter rank and combine that with the pilot's flying style as it pertains to the 5 statitistics that go into fighter rank you should be able to approximate anyone's 'potential' fighter rank. Briefly, let's evaluate the pilot characteristics that go into fighter rank just for fun:

1) K/D

a) Altitude-You'll get gang banged less and be able to choose your fights more. (within realistic parameters of your chosen ride's optimal performance altitude relative to the altitude of the enemy)

b) SA-You will get cherried less and avoid being gang banged more knowing when to engage and dis-engage.

c) Staying fast- Once you get slow you are committed, you lose the luxury of eggressing if the situation worsens, either by you getting outflown or by additional enemies engaging you mid-fight.

2) K/S

a) Vulching- Obviously this is the easiest kill in the game, you can rack these up very quickly if there are enemies dumb enough to up from a CAP'd field for you.

b) Re-arming-This will definately increase your K/S, but as is the case wth many of these factors there exists a mutual exclusivity with other factors. Re-arming is time consuming and somewhat dangerous as you remain vulnerable during the process, unable to defend youself.

3) K/T

a) Vulching- Obviously this is the easiest kill in the game, you can rack these up very quickly if there are enemies dumb enough to up from a CAP'd field for you.

b) Fight Low- Another paradox, fighting low and even dying helps your K/T as you do not spend time alting, re-alting or RTB'ing. Suicide warriors have the best of it in the K/T category. Base defenders upping from CAP'd or high CAP'd fields and CV defenders/attackers would fall loosely into this category. Also, the 'runway vulcher' who alts to 10-12k dives past 15 intervening cons to make a few passes up and down an enemy runway vulching before he inevitably gets wacked fits this general profile.

4) Hit Percentage

a) Vulching- A stationary or a slow moving, defenseless target on the ground is easy to hit.

b) Buff Hunting- Bigger target, easier to hit, simple.

c) Get in Close- Closer is better from a lethality and hit % point-of-view.

5) Points

a) Buff Hunting- Buffs take alot of damage therefore they give alot of points if you have the proper weaponry.

Notice 3 things. Firstly, a couple of factors on the pilot's factor list are congruent to factors on the plane factor list, staying fast and Low altitude flying and performance, so you would want to weigh these more heavily. Secondly, vulching is the best way to achieve 3 of the 5 statistics with pilot factors, this explains the lust for the vulch in the MA. Conversely, those who do not vulch yet achieve a very high fighter rank are really accomplishing something, they are effectively competing with a severe handicap so must be doing the other things EXTREMELY well to compensate. Thirdly, notice buff hunting appears twice as a means to achieving better rank for both points and hit %. Buff hunting all but requires cannons, another reason cannons are the dominant weapon of choice in the MA.

Anyways, excuse the long post, I'm a statistics nut so enjoy analyzing such things, hope this helps, especially the newer players.

« Last Edit: November 15, 2005, 12:42:57 PM by Zazen13 »
Zazen PhD of Cherrypickology
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Offline Schutt

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So what is the best fighter for rank?
« Reply #24 on: November 15, 2005, 01:17:19 PM »
Its mostly about killing lots of enemys and not dieing while doing it.

Any plane that lets you manage that will get you to the top of fighter score.

When you check the scores of the top fighter pilots this and last tour i see that with low eny planes like p51d as well as with high eny planes like c205 people mangage to get top scores.

You need a plane that you can use to achieve a high k/d, k/t, k/s for others P51D, 190D9, Tempest, C205, P38J, Spit16, P47D11, F4U-1C seem to work. So i think choosing the plane rather depends on your flying style. Eny comes into play only in the score category, so flying a low eny fighter gives some points but it does not matter enough to bring you up in score if that fighter hinders you in any other category.

BTW the guys i randomly checked for score did not fly in la7, who are the top fighter pilots flying la7?

1. forget the speed. firstly your going to shoot down anyone anyway and secondly you can avoid being ganged with some alt and looking at dar bar. Wilbuz,killnu and others manage easy to get better than 10 k/d with not the fastest plane.

2. forget the nose mounted guns. if you want to be top fighter pilot you can hit with any guns. its not that hard

3. Fuel duration helps to be longer in combat, which means shorter to/from flights in relation to improove k/t

4.What do you need 3 canons for? be it 1 3cm, 2 hispano, 4 cal .50 any of that or more than that and the plane can do it.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2005, 01:27:20 PM by Schutt »

Offline Zazen13

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So what is the best fighter for rank?
« Reply #25 on: November 15, 2005, 01:24:28 PM »
Originally posted by Schutt

BTW the guys i randomly checked for score did not fly in la7, who are the top fighter pilots flying la7?

Check people like Fariz, Ghi, Falcnwng, Hammy, Shane, Ruaml, pacerr, pug, may1, EZeepkns, MAddbull. These people have all achieved a relatively high fighter rank almost exclusively flying the La7.

« Last Edit: November 15, 2005, 01:37:54 PM by Zazen13 »
Zazen PhD of Cherrypickology
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Offline dedalos

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So what is the best fighter for rank?
« Reply #26 on: November 15, 2005, 01:32:43 PM »
All these posts and no one named the kings of score whoring?  

The D9 and the 1C.
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

Offline SuperDud

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So what is the best fighter for rank?
« Reply #27 on: November 15, 2005, 01:42:52 PM »
Just vulch a squady, that's what my skwad did:aok
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Offline DoKGonZo

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So what is the best fighter for rank?
« Reply #28 on: November 15, 2005, 01:58:09 PM »
I don't know if Vad is being serious or not, but the only thing I agree with him on is avoiding bombers. Unless you've got 4 20mm's the odds of living against the gunners is slim.

Diving in to help a friendly in trouble is not a bad thing. Blowing all your energy doing so is - clearing someone's 6 does not require you commit to a 120 mph stall fight.

Diving into swarms of enemas is not necessarily a death sentence either. If you have some combination of altitude and angles on your side you can get right in the thick of large numbers of enemies and never get a scratch. Sometimes you can kill one or two in the process, often you can drag some of the dumber ones away from the herd to meet their eventual demise.

Who you fly with is pretty important, though. Flying with people who steal kills and don't at least cover you in return is not helping you much. "Stealing kills" is also subjective - if you're in a P51D and they're all in C-Hog's or Tiffy's, well, duh.

The plane you fly won't in itself improve your rank. Especially if it goes counter to your style. And many of the better and/or experienced players will switch off between 2 or 3 or 4 different planes in an evening, depending on the situation at hand.

Offline Kermit de frog

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So what is the best fighter for rank?
« Reply #29 on: November 15, 2005, 02:02:34 PM »
Originally posted by SuperDud
Just vulch a squady, that's what my skwad did:aok

That's what makes you guys so ghey...errr a happy squad.
That kind of bonding makes you closer.:)
Time's fun when you're having flies.