Posted by betown:
I am by no means trying to make a small deal of what the Nazi's did to the jew's and all the rest. What makes me anoyed is that people think that the jew's where the only ones afected. But they where not. The Greeks suffered greatly when they para'd down onto the islands and raped pillaged and murdered inocent civvies.
Not only greeks, the polish, russians, nomads suffer the same treatment, even german communists and gays (nice the choise of the symbol's color: pink).
The point is the allied governments for long years said they dont knew anythink about the holocaust, they told us they discover it only when entering in the lagers, this new make us understand they new even before the actual start of mass genocide, strange they dont use it for propaganda.
"excuse me Mr hitler, do you mind not killing the jews?" He would have pissed himself laughing.
Oh, wow, why they dont think this at that time?
This cut have been the ultimate secret weapon to kill the bastard Adolf.
"Death for laugh excess", LOL