So, nobody has to guess where I’m coming from I'm a democrat, card cary'n union member.
Didn’t vote for Bush (either of them) didn't vote for Reagan (I still suspect Bush senior hired him to just act as president so he could beat the 2 term limit- only half kidding here)
I think most of Bush's policies are hell for the American working man (lowering work place safety standards and the like). Oh ya and I think he's a moron too.
However, since 9-11 I’ve kept my mouth shut, I’ve seen the need for use to grow together as a country and my complaints with this administration are trivial compared to the situation we now find ourselves in.
What pisses me off though is that many of the very people who are the first to jump up and wave the flag and say lets put our differences aside and come together to defend our country are still taking shots at the democrats. I guess they just want others to put aside their differences but aren't willing to do the same themselves.
So far I think Bush is doing well in this crisis, I’ve got no complaints with the way he has handled it this far and I sure don't envy the hard decisions he has ahead of him.
Most Americans who didn't vote for bush (and that is most Americans, remember) have come to support him in this time of crisis, last I heard his approval rating was 89%.
So if us democrats can manage to put aside our issues and come stand together with the republicans the least you guys could do is stop taking pot shots at us while we have been honoring the 'cease fire' against you
[ 09-28-2001: Message edited by: capt. apathy ]