seen alot of bands from the 70's mentioned here, more than from the 60's

Humble Pie (peter frampton)
Moody Blues
Crosby, Stills & Nash
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
Cowboy Joe
Niel Young
Beatles (anything post Abbey Road

Chicago (great driving music)( think their first album was in 68 or 69)
Santana man
the Dead (been mentioned already but they have to be on the list


hey they were at Woodstock!
Mama's and the Papa's
Carpenter's (cheesey, but from a musician's perspective really good music)
Arlo Guthry Jr. (Alice's Resturant)
Bob Dillan
Joe Cocker (lol made it big singing other people's songs, but hey he does it well)
There are so many that I can't remember right now. I'm sure I'll come back and edit this later.