Not trying to be a smart bellybutton or anything,
but have you ran the trace when the warping happens? as you said your self some days are good some are bad, You are on a cable modem i.e. a shared connection so if you are alone on the concentrator, then you have a good connection but if others are on the same concentrator, then you all are sharing the bandwidth, who is you service provider ?
I have looked back thru you other post and I only see one trace, that looks ok at the time the trace was ran, I assume you are using XP, if so run the following the next time you see the warping. Then post the output. : from the cmd prompt: run "Pathping" (without the quotes)
Also keep in mind that warps may not be on your end etc....
then next time it happens, log out, run the trace and then post the output.