Author Topic: Dogfighter: The Greatest Air Battles  (Read 1331 times)

Offline Rino

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Dogfighter: The Greatest Air Battles
« Reply #30 on: December 20, 2005, 09:15:33 AM »
Originally posted by hubsonfire
Watched it the first time it aired, then watched it again, and again, and again...

     Obviously watching the Cunningham/Tomb fight with his little
"gomer goggles" on :aok
80th FS Headhunters
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Offline Bruno

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Dogfighter: The Greatest Air Battles
« Reply #31 on: December 20, 2005, 10:07:30 AM »
Originally posted by Rino
Obviously watching the Cunningham/Tomb fight with his little
"gomer goggles" on :aok

Toon/Tomb was a fictional creation of Ami pilots in Vietnam, there was no Col. Toon or Tomb that flew for the North. Even the most basic research would show that.

back o/t

That show sucked, as I said in the last thread. It sucked on many levels from basic research, to the selection of stories. They just took the most popular Ami accounts of air combat rather then actual search for 'great dogfights'. Even the animation wasn't that great. While I would agree that the Cunningham was a 'great fight' there wasn't a whole to choose from in that era. But in WW1 and WW2 and Korea I could list a number of better accounts of 'dogfighting'.

Offline Mister Fork

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Dogfighter: The Greatest Air Battles
« Reply #32 on: December 20, 2005, 12:23:30 PM »
Does anyone have it in digital format? BITORRENT anyone?
"Games are meant to be fun and fair but fighting a war is neither." - HiTech

Offline Rino

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Dogfighter: The Greatest Air Battles
« Reply #33 on: December 20, 2005, 12:40:07 PM »
Originally posted by Bruno
Toon/Tomb was a fictional creation of Ami pilots in Vietnam, there was no Col. Toon or Tomb that flew for the North. Even the most basic research would show that.

back o/t

That show sucked, as I said in the last thread. It sucked on many levels from basic research, to the selection of stories. They just took the most popular Ami accounts of air combat rather then actual search for 'great dogfights'. Even the animation wasn't that great. While I would agree that the Cunningham was a 'great fight' there wasn't a whole to choose from in that era. But in WW1 and WW2 and Korea I could list a number of better accounts of 'dogfighting'.

     Yeah, they should have shown nothing but Nazi accounts instead of
pandering to us "sub-humans".  I do wonder how they managed to lose
the war being so obviously superior to the Allies in every way :rolleyes:
80th FS Headhunters
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Offline BigR

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Dogfighter: The Greatest Air Battles
« Reply #34 on: December 20, 2005, 12:56:14 PM »
Bruno...Strange that an American produced show, made for an American audience, aired on American TV would feature mainly American dogfights. Thats so freakin weird! Dont worry though...I believe they show "Triumph of the Will" late nite, after the kiddies are in bed....set your TIVO.

Offline Bruno

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Dogfighter: The Greatest Air Battles
« Reply #35 on: December 20, 2005, 02:15:31 PM »
Here we go with Ami tards who can't except any criticism of their favorite TV show...

Offline Shaky

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Dogfighter: The Greatest Air Battles
« Reply #36 on: December 20, 2005, 03:20:42 PM »
And hear you go complaining that the world revolves around us Americans, just as it should, and your helpless to change, all you can do is complain!:rofl

OK...thats enough arrogant bait....I'm sure someone in Great Britain has made the same sort of thing referring to RAF aces. If no one makes one for the nazi aces...hey...well, they lost, right?
Political correctness is a doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical, liberal minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.

Offline Bruno

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Dogfighter: The Greatest Air Battles
« Reply #37 on: December 20, 2005, 03:36:49 PM »
And hear you go complaining that the world revolves around us Americans, just as it should, and your helpless to change, all you can do is complain!

I never typed any such thing. Quote it please...

I will do it for you:

They just took the most popular Ami accounts of air combat rather then actual search for 'great dogfights'. Even the animation wasn't that great. While I would agree that the Cunningham was a 'great fight' there wasn't a whole to choose from in that era. But in WW1 and WW2 and Korea I could list a number of better accounts of 'dogfighting'.

That show was poorly researched, poorly put together, the stories they chose to highlight as 'the greatest dogfights' are nothing more then those that are 'most popular / publicized'. There are plenty of better air combat accounts by pilots, including Ami pilots. Even the animation wasn't that great. You can see better 'films' by folks in the flight game community.

So whatever nonsense you chose to 'read into' what I said above is on you.

However, that show sucked...

Offline eilif

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Dogfighter: The Greatest Air Battles
« Reply #38 on: December 20, 2005, 04:11:17 PM »
it was fun, no reason to get super critical, ya there were alot of holes, like explaining what the wingmen were doing when the "aces" were doing their thing, but it wasnt made for us virtual pilot tards, it was for the entertainment value, boom bam crack zing.

Offline BigR

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Dogfighter: The Greatest Air Battles
« Reply #39 on: December 20, 2005, 08:38:53 PM »
Bruno, I would love to see other accounts from other countries, but I just find it hilarious that EVERYTIME something like this comes around, the closet Nazis come out and have to share their "expertise". I don’t deny that there were some problems with the show, but it’s hilarious how the show actually personally offends you. Get a life Heinrich.

Do you even play or are you a board troll with no account?

Offline Bruno

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Dogfighter: The Greatest Air Battles
« Reply #40 on: December 21, 2005, 01:45:33 AM »
I never mentioned 'other countries'. Try reading what I wrote instead making things up in your head.

Asking me if I 'play the game' is irrelevant but since you asked I bet whatever amount of play time I have in AH exceeds your 24 minutes this tour...

Offline BigR

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Dogfighter: The Greatest Air Battles
« Reply #41 on: December 21, 2005, 03:19:39 AM »
I was merely mentioning the fact that I too would like to see shows featuring other fights, but I was just amazed at the fact that all the Lil Adolfs take such offense to shows like this.

Offline Bruno

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Dogfighter: The Greatest Air Battles
« Reply #42 on: December 21, 2005, 04:47:08 AM »
I didn't 'take offense'. This is a thread discussing a TV show. Most liked it, I didn't. I said so and gave my reasons.

It's folks like yourself who foam at the mouth and 'took offense' (whether that 'offense' was/is real or feigned) at my opinion of that poorly put together show. I never mentioned anything specifically about 'wanting to see other nations'. Go back re-read it.

Offline Harry

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Dogfighter: The Greatest Air Battles
« Reply #43 on: December 21, 2005, 05:08:56 AM »
lol why should this board be any different from the rest. :lol   I get the feeling that many americans have overly sensitive national pride. Even the slightest hint that someone else may be better or just as good, and you'll get a swarm of deeply offended americans telling you where you can stuff it. God forbid it is something german that is discussed, you'll get nazi comments comming out of the proverbial woodwork.

Offline KD303

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Dogfighter: The Greatest Air Battles
« Reply #44 on: December 21, 2005, 06:21:12 AM »
Anywayyyyyy.....talking about TV shows on air warfare etc. Over here - the UK - we get a good selection of British made docs on the air war but they tend to cover the same old stuff over and over. I imagine it's the same in the US of A. However, Channel 4 (one of our non-cable, non sat channels, ie. "quality"Channels)did a doc on the history of bombing. Interesting, but mainly same old same old. What was interesting to me, were the candid interviews with aircrew - German fighter pilots, American bomber crew, British bomb aimers and gunners etc. They talked more about the actual emotions involved in fighting an air war - something that used to be glossed over a lot more in the past. Willi Reshke was interviewed extensively and talked about the aesthetic appeal of watching his 20mm cannon shells taking a bomber apart bit by bit, or how he used to open fire at 600 metres rather than the 400 metres he was supposed to because it helped calm his nerves. An RAF bomb-aimer talking about how he agonized for years after the war, because of the civilians he'd helped bomb to bits. Interesting stuff and quite different from the way documenteries were in the past.
A lot of these guys are dying off now, so soon we won't see any more interviews with WWII combat crew...