Author Topic: Pentagon Breaks the Islam Taboo...  (Read 2506 times)

Offline Ripsnort

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Pentagon Breaks the Islam Taboo...
« Reply #15 on: December 19, 2005, 06:53:42 PM »
Originally posted by Gryffin

You'd have alot of poor people worse off than they are now if no religion existed.

Offline Yeager

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Pentagon Breaks the Islam Taboo...
« Reply #16 on: December 19, 2005, 06:57:00 PM »
there are many people in our society with the same feelings as expressed by ack ack.  Its a genuine american tragedy that so many people feel that way.
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Offline deSelys

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Pentagon Breaks the Islam Taboo...
« Reply #17 on: December 19, 2005, 07:10:17 PM »
(here we go again...Seagoon's hate of anything or anyone not following his religion makes me say bad things again...)

He's got a nice agenda indeed:

From Seagoon's sermons:

What's worse is our inability to call EVIL, EVIL in regards to Islam.

Islam: Jihad Against the Truth

While he is accusing Islam to be violent, he is not ashamed to use war, combat and armament analogies....quite ironic to say the least: The Whole Armor Of God

And finally: if you aren't a christian, you're doomed (hence you don't deserve any respect) He who is not with Christ is against Him  (too bad that the html version is gone)

Oh, this one is quite educating too (don't be a moderate): Above All be Zealous for christ
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Offline Gunslinger

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Pentagon Breaks the Islam Taboo...
« Reply #18 on: December 19, 2005, 07:44:30 PM »
wow defend islam by bashing christianity.  Great tactic guys.

What's funny is none of you have anything to add (with the exception of dowding) to the discussion other than to attack the thread starter and his views.  Most of you have a rather fascist view when it comes to religion.

Offline MrBill

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Pentagon Breaks the Islam Taboo...
« Reply #19 on: December 19, 2005, 07:57:20 PM »
I will not quote anyone in this thread as I may have misinterpreted their meaning.

I would point out that religion is the bane of mankind and has always been so. The slaughter of our fellow man in the name of, whatever name by which we call god, is well documented both world and history wide.

If each man kept his faith in the goodness of whomever he names god, by whatever name he calls him, and quit banding into sects of us against all outsiders, all this crap would cease.

There is little profit, in that kind of faith, to be exploited by those who seek power ... hence leaders/groups will always offer their own version of the golden calf (religion) to exploit the masses ... for both power and profit.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2005, 07:59:53 PM by MrBill »
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Offline Seagoon

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Pentagon Breaks the Islam Taboo...
« Reply #20 on: December 19, 2005, 08:44:32 PM »
Hello DeSelys,

Looks like I have a few posts to respond to on this topic, looks like my original expectations have turned out to be accurate...

Originally posted by deSelys
(here we go again...Seagoon's hate of anything or anyone not following his religion makes me say bad things again...)

He's got a nice agenda indeed:

From Seagoon's sermons:

What's worse is our inability to call EVIL, EVIL in regards to Islam.

Islam: Jihad Against the Truth

While he is accusing Islam to be violent, he is not ashamed to use war, combat and armament analogies....quite ironic to say the least: The Whole Armor Of God

And finally: if you aren't a christian, you're doomed (hence you don't deserve any respect) He who is not with Christ is against Him  (too bad that the html version is gone)

Oh, this one is quite educating too (don't be a moderate): Above All be Zealous for christ

It's difficult to know how to begin in responding because our worldviews are so dramatically different. You see I simply believe the message of the Bible, that the world really is fallen and that God sent His only begotten Son into it to redeem fallen mankind, and that the only way one can be saved from "the wrath to come" (1 Thess 1:10) is to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and that if mankind could have been saved by any other means, but by the atonement of Christ, then God would certainly have done that rather than have his own beloved Son endure judgment in our place. I know how "foolish" that message sounds, it sounded foolish in the first century to the sophisticated Greeks to whom Paul preached (1 Cor. 1:23), it sounded utterly idiotic to me as well for the first portion of my life. But like Paul, I was converted by the power behind that foolish gospel message, and went from hating it, to loving it and proclaiming it. I am a sinner saved by Grace, and for that grace I am eternally grateful.

So why do I preach the gospel? I don't preach it for gain, and I certainly don't preach it out of hate. I actually preach it out of love, I preach it for the same reasons I would seek to awaken someone sleeping in a burning building and lead them to the exit. The message that I preach is the same simple but admitedly exclusive gospel message that Christ and the apostles proclaimed "Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6)  If you read the sermons you quoted, you'll notice that I am simply expositing either the words of Christ or the Apostles, rather than publishing abroad my own opinions and in essence what I preach is no different in substance from what John Bunyan procalimed in the classic Pilgrim's Progress or what men like Spurgeon, or Jonathan Edwards preached.

As for unbelievers "not deserving respect" far from it, I have always endeavored to follow Peter's admonition: But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15) So if you feel I have treated you or any other member of this community disrespectfully, please tell me so that I might apologize and repent. As far as not being a "moderate" in ones Christianity, that too is what Christ commanded. He himself stated that it would be better to hate him outright than to be "lukewarm" in following him (Rev. 3:15-16). Again if you disagree, and feel that the bible teaches us to be lukewarm in our faith, rather than zealous, by all means feel free to contradict what I preached in the sermon you put a pointer too.

Finally, yes I use armor and combat analogies, because Paul did in Ephesians 6. But unlike so many Imams, I don't teach men to hate unbelievers, Muslim or otherwise, and certainly do not teach men to take up the sword and kill them for Christ. Quite the opposite. Just this past Sunday, I preached on Luke 22:47-53 where Jesus is arrested in Gethsemane and Peter wrongly attempts to defend Him by striking off an ear with a sword, and I included the following application. Keep in mind that almost every man in the congregation is either a member of the Special Forces or the82nd Airborne or retired military:

"Here I particularly want to speak, to the men of the congregation. It has been my great privilege to get to know many of you well. You are men of courage, conviction, sacrifice and zeal. And partially because of that, I have no doubt that many of you would find it difficult not to react exactly the same way that Peter did when you see Jesus and his gospel threatened. But I implore you never to do that. Be bold for the gospel in your speaking and writing and living, but never think for a moment that you can defend Christ or advance the gospel by striking with the sword. The sword is given to the magistrate and it is intended to be used in punishing the evil-doer and defending the citizens.

In many ways Magistrate makes it easier to advance the gospel. We worship freely because the sword arm of the magistrate suppresses those who would love to close our church, kill our officers, and scatter the sheep and we can see that in the fact that that is exactly what happens in places like Iran and Indonesia. But don’t cross the line into thinking you can strike a blow with the sword for Jesus. So Never, ever, think that it we should become Christian Jihadis.

Also, as a number of men have pointed out, it is much easier to be a crusader than a martyr. Much easier to fight for Christ, than to suffer for him. And in some cases men who would gladly storm the gates of hell will not take up the cross and follow Christ. And that tendency can become very sour. For instance, I know of men who are always fighting tooth and nail in the public arena for Christ, and yet whose own practice of piety, of self-denial, of Sabbath keeping, of turning the other cheek, of esteeming others more highly, of all the personal disciplines of grace, are a shambles. I know of one young man who confronted his own father, after his dad had once again carried on a personal crusade, who said essentially “Dad, I’ve seen you attacking the men you think are the enemies of Christ again and again, but as we were growing up, you know I can’t recall ever seeing you just sit down to read the word of God by yourself.”

DeSelys, I know you will find this difficult to believe, but hating people was something that I will confess to my shame that I did a lot prior to becoming a Christian (in fact, Christ and Christians were near the top of my "most hated" list), today however, one of the things that I try to be zealous about is loving and serving people and esteeming others more highly than myself. I will admit however that I do try to obey the biblical command to hate lies and love the truth, and that obeying that will necessarily cause me to condemn not people, but any ideology that the word condemns as a lie.

Anyway, my life is an open book, if you think I really could do what I do week by week simply by being consumed by hate, then you've obviously not spent much time counseling or at hospital bedsides.

« Last Edit: December 19, 2005, 09:35:41 PM by Seagoon »
SEAGOON aka Pastor Andy Webb
"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion... Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

Offline Flit

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Pentagon Breaks the Islam Taboo...
« Reply #21 on: December 19, 2005, 08:59:05 PM »
Good stuff Seagoon,keep up the good work.
 Don't let the Ignorant wear ya down !;)

Offline LePaul

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Pentagon Breaks the Islam Taboo...
« Reply #22 on: December 19, 2005, 09:00:06 PM »
Very classy response.

Offline Masherbrum

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« Reply #23 on: December 19, 2005, 09:02:17 PM »
Originally posted by Ack-Ack
Maybe one day you'll realize the rhetoric the bible thumpers spew is really no different than the rhetoric spewed by the jihadists or any other religious fanatic.


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« Last Edit: December 19, 2005, 09:12:32 PM by MP4 »
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Offline Mugzeee

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Pentagon Breaks the Islam Taboo...
« Reply #24 on: December 19, 2005, 09:09:20 PM »
I concur Karaya
Oh yes...and akak..shouldnt you be removing the second Quote in you sig?
« Last Edit: December 19, 2005, 09:17:14 PM by Mugzeee »

Offline Seagoon

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Pentagon Breaks the Islam Taboo...
« Reply #25 on: December 19, 2005, 09:34:37 PM »
Hello Dowding,

Originally posted by Dowding
Jihad is a pillar of Islam, but it is not neccessarily holy war. It's direct translation is struggle, and most moderate Muslims would talk about personal struggle to live a life in accordance with their religion.

Yes some would, just as many liberal Christians redefine Christianity into being entirely about social justice. The critical question is what does Islam actually teach? Certainly the practice of its founder, Mohammed was not that Islam is a "personal struggle" but rather he led the faithful in the first Jihads of military struggle and conquest and his successors continued that practice. So when the Wahabbis, the Mullahs of Iran, the Taliban, and so on deny and condemn the idea that Jihad is not primarily an armed struggle, they are on solid ground because they are backed up by the Quran, the Hadiths, and the early history of Islam.

Charity is another pillar. To intimate that Islamic charity is restricted to funding extremist activity is a gross distortion of the truth. To present the undoubted presence of this activity as a norm is a distortion of the truth.

To not notice that a large proportion of the Zakat (especially the massive Saudi and Emirate Zakat) is going to fund terrorism and Wahabbism would be  to distort the truth. If an equal proportion of tithe checks going into offering plates were going either to terrorism or training in terrorism, don't you think the world would be to condemn "so-called Christian charity" in a heart-beat? As I've pointed out elsewhere, its odd how if these religions are "equally bad" Christian charity ends up funding relief efforts such as the Tsunami recovery, but Islamic charity doesn't seem to be able to find its way to Hurricane victims on this side of the Atlantic.

Seagoon, after reading this and other posts, I'm come to the conclusion that you're little more than scare-monger, cherry picking from various sources to present a particular picture. Your bias is a clear as day as is your lack of balance. Posting editorialized interpretations of classified reports, that reveal no clue as to their scope or context is tantamount to propaganda. Given your background as an evangelical Christian, this comes as little surprise.

Dowding, you'll have to forgive me. Studying the history of Islam in University prior to becoming a Christian, and then being in constant contact with the men actually fighting the "war on terror" for the last 4 years and speaking often with missionaries and Christians who live in Muslim countries has given me a rather different perspective on Islam than Westerners whose only general contact with Muslims is via occasional contact with Muslim moderates and businessmen living and working in the West. [If I can make an analogy, it would rather be like a Muslim drawing a conclusion about Christians and Christianity having worked with a couple of Church of England members on an oil-field in Bahrain.]

You speak as though I am working from a few politicized reports generated perhaps by "Zionists" and anti-Arabs and placed in Conservative media, when in fact I've been reading Islamic material first hand since 1988, and commentary from both sides, as well as speaking with the men who have to live and work in the 10/40 window, or fight against the Jihadis. Now I know you put my contention that Islam is inherently a violent, rather than a peaceful religion, down to my being  an Evangelical, but I can tell you honestly that I would have been surprised at the idea that Islam was "peaceful" during my time studying it as non-Christian in University "Where on earth did you get that idea?" I probably would have asked (in fact at that time I admired it because it wasn't all "sissified" like Christianity). Additionally, you may not have noticed this, but I don't accuse other religions with which I don't agree of being inherently violent and Jihad oriented.

Let me make that absolutely clear, I don't believe Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, Judaism, and most of the other biggies in the world religions to be inherently violent or bent on world conquest.

Paul Sperry is a writer for WorldNetDaily (which you also seem to have failed to point out). Even a cursory examination of the (limited) quotes Sperry provides points to the conclusion that a particular interpretation of Islam has been a central feature of radicalized doctrine. This is not news.

Actually, I found a link to the article on an Islamic website, which pointed me back to the article in Front Page magazine, which I believe is his actual main magazine (since its also conservative, that will hardly help from your perspective). Ultimately what does it matter? Liberal news sources run scared from any suggestion that Jihad and Islam are inseparable so I was hardly likely to find it in the Guardian (although I read that as well). The point is, the American military is actually beginning to institutionally wake up to what many American fighting men already realize...

Europe won't of course, especially because they have no means of combatting the Muslim revival and are slowly but surely being overwhelmed so instead they'll continue pointing out that the real problem is America and that if America would just become more like Europe then everything would get better. Not too different from the men in the 30's who maintained that the problem wasn't National Socialism but rather warmongers like Churchill.

SEAGOON aka Pastor Andy Webb
"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion... Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

Offline Estel

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Pentagon Breaks the Islam Taboo...
« Reply #26 on: December 19, 2005, 09:59:43 PM »
Originally posted by LePaul
Please name off some recent Christian terror groups that have bombed, attacked or maimed innocents in, oh, the last 50 years?

IRA for example.

If to look across, it seemed to be correct. But. In that esse there is nothing about relations of real life muslims to haddats for example. I'v read both Quran and Shariat. And I'v read a lot of haddats. Some of them are in use by sunnits, some of them by sheets amd some of them by both main streams of Islam.

The main mistake: Djihad (as it written in Quran) is a war against an aggressor who invaded your country. Djihad can be only a selfdefence war. Another variants such as Gazavat and others, appeared later.

Offline Gunslinger

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Pentagon Breaks the Islam Taboo...
« Reply #27 on: December 19, 2005, 10:06:18 PM »
Originally posted by Estel
IRA for example.

If to look across, it seemed to be correct. But. In that esse there is nothing about relations of real life muslims to haddats for example. I'v read both Quran and Shariat. And I'v read a lot of haddats. Some of them are in use by sunnits, some of them by sheets amd some of them by both main streams of Islam.

The main mistake: Djihad (as it written in Quran) is a war against an aggressor who invaded your country. Djihad can be only a selfdefence war. Another variants such as Gazavat and others, appeared later.

Arent the IRA Catholics?


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Pentagon Breaks the Islam Taboo...
« Reply #28 on: December 19, 2005, 10:10:18 PM »
LOL another US nut who thinks catholocs arent christians....

Offline Suave

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Pentagon Breaks the Islam Taboo...
« Reply #29 on: December 19, 2005, 10:18:15 PM »
Originally posted by Ack-Ack
World would be better off without pretty much all religions, especially Christianity.

It's funny how the bible thumpers fail to recognize they are nothing more than the American version of the Taliban.


Werd. I'd add political fanaticism to that list too.