The population here, 78%, says "no apologies".
It's basically down to: foreign nations should have no say as to freedom of expression here. The absurdity that they expect our PM to step in - that they expect he CAN step in only stiffens the resolve.
I mean, sure you can ban whatever in dictatorial tyrannic states. Denmark ain't that. So you stop buying our goods. OK, cool enough. We'll manage somehow. If it gets really bad, we can just tap in to what goes as foreign aid to Muslim countries.
It's no big deal. Let them posture and burn flags. Let them protest, here and abroad - at least here it's a right - freedom of speech, the exact same one the dictatorial states want us to ban.
It has to get a good deal worse before we see a reciprocal response, such as stopping foreign aid, a counter-boycott, an alienation of the large Muslim minority here. Push too far and it'll happen though. Denmark is a nice little country, tolerant of lots of things and don't mind being pushed around a bit for the greater good. There are limits though and once overstepped, we're rather unreasonable.
Nielsen, "rar" doesn't have to come up. "Go' røv og store patter" is much more likely.