Bombing Alt:17,000ft
12 B24s left A2 this afternoon for target A49. Although escort of P47s was available, the force was overwhelmed by waves of enemy fighters. The escort got engaged and the bomber pulled too far out in front. They were left at the mercy of the Luftwaffe, which appeared lacking in that today.
It appears all 12 B24s were lost. The B24 in its combat debut appeared to flame up more readily than the B17.
Some bombers did drop, but caused little damage to the base.
Bombing Alt: 21,000ft
12 B17s left A8, picking up many escort fighters along the way. They proceded to A46. They made it to target but not before a stunning headon attack by 3 luftwaffe fighters claiming one of Stringers B17s. The remaining B17s dropped, but due to cloud cover it appears the bombs went long. Light damage was caused by Kongkyuk's B17 to some structures on the base.
All but one B17 landed. Unknown status of escorting fighters but it is believed they faired well.
Overall, it is believed deep strikes into enemy territory at this time will be to costly to the fledgling 8th AF. Targets will likely be shorter range targets, such as coastal bases and cities.