Thanks eagler, that was the info I was looking at.
Deja, not sure where you're going with this. I checked the numbers and as far as I tell (have link at my fathers place, will go there tonight and then post it here for you to see), about 7% of the Danish population are immigrants.
If you've lived in Denmark for five years and have a clean sheet, getting a citizenship is no problem. If you're convicted for serious crime, it will be quite hard. This has to do with *citizenship*, not being unable to vote *as a citizen* after committing a crime and serving time.
"In European terms" means just that. The US consists of 90% immigrants if not more (not sure how big the indigous Indian population is), and comparing the two would be like comparing apples and oranges. I'm sure that you can see the logic in this.
I don't work. I'm a student still. There are three students with ethnic background other than Danish in my class which consists of 25 students.
The Danish state is quite concerned about lack of integration of immigrants into Danish society and a number of steps have been taken. None have been especially effective; amongst certain ethnic groups, Danes are considered dumb for letting people access the welfare system without making particularly tough demands. We'll see where it goes from here; I personally support a more open border figuring if a country like Denmark can't afford it, no country can. And that would be a sorry world.
Baron Claus "StSanta" Von Ribbentroppen
9./JG 54 "Grünherz"
"We are the light at the end of your sorry little tunnel." - A. Eldritch