Author Topic: Wed. night snapshots  (Read 284 times)

Offline hornet36

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Wed. night snapshots
« on: February 08, 2006, 05:24:09 AM »
fun event planned tonight at 10pm EST...all players appointment necessary....

Foothold in the Philippines
Artist Credit: Dux screen shot
In late October 1944, 2 years and 7 months after leaving the Philippines, troops under the command of General Douglas MacArthur waded ashore on the island of Leyte, beginning the liberation of the islands. Three days later, the largest naval battle of World War II took place in the Gulf of Leyte. Four days after MacArthur's landing at Leyte, The 7th and 9th Fighter Squadrons of the 49th Fighter Group arrive at the island, and begin preparations to operate out of Tacloban, Leyte. The P-38s and P-47s of the 49th begin to escort bombers leaving from Morotai in the south, as well as attacking Japanese naval forces and land forces on the islands of Mindanao.The Japanese in response to attacks prior to the Oct. 20th landing, the 18th Hiko Sentai, with approximately 30 Ki-61s, was ordered to move to Bacolod on Negros Island in the Central Philippines to commence attacks on Allied airfields on Leyte and on invasion shipping in Leyte Gulf. The Battle of Leyte Gulf also marked the first time the Japanese employed Kamikaze, or Divine Wind, strikes.This Snapshot will pit the P-38 Lightnings of the USAAF 9th Fighter Squadron vs the Ki-61s of the 18th Hiko Sentai.

Country Percentages
35% IJA65% USAAF
  Allies Axis
Units: P-38J @ A3 Ki-61 @A53C55
Orders: Attack the destroyer fleet in sectors 6,6; 6,7 Defend the destroyer fleet in sectors 6,6; 6,7
Restrictions: none The CO can set any course for the fleet as long as it remains in sectors 6,6; 6,7

Offline WMLute

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Wed. night snapshots
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2006, 11:33:10 AM »
WOOT! sounds fun! I'll be there for sure!

p38 vs. ki61 great matchup.
"Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity."
— George Patton

Absurdum est ut alios regat, qui seipsum regere nescit

Offline rshubert

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I think...
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2006, 11:47:15 AM »
I can promise 8 or ten Birds of Prey to do our famous "clown car" mission where we sink the ships using kamikaze-style tactics, with the exception of a bomb drop prior to augering.  We always employ the Ki-61 due to its superior dive controllability up to 500 + mph.

Offline AutoPilot

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Wed. night snapshots
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2006, 11:47:36 AM »
Count me and my people in as well.I will try to get others too show up tonight,the more the better.