Author Topic: Customizing IL2  (Read 627 times)

Offline Wotan

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Customizing IL2
« on: January 01, 2002, 06:36:00 PM »
On screen text
To eliminate text edit the conf.ini file in the root directory and add the line NoSubTitles=1.
The HUD log can also be eliminated, so that the warnings and victory messages and power settings notes are eliminated, with NoHudLog=1.

To get rid of speed/alt etc on bottom left of screen map a key fer Toggle Speed Bar.

Do these 3 you get rid of text on screen..

IL2Hk zip

if ya care I dont

Instrument View
Change the Snap View Down(Keypad 2) from a groin view to an instrument view by editing the \Users\doe\settings.ini file:

Under the header "HotKey SnapView" replace:
NumPad-2=Snap_0_m2 with NumPad-2=Snap_0_m1

To see nme gunners/pilots ded and blood spattered on the glass

in the CONF.INI File.

any one else have any other thing like the ones above please post umm. To many other sites to search through to get umm all.

Offline Wotan

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Customizing IL2
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2002, 02:24:00 AM »
also I was one of the ones that was turned off by the lack of planes to kill in the de campaign.

well the missions are editable you can add more planes, different planes and different skill levels for the ai.

goto il2/missions/campaign/de(for german)/bf-109

locate the campaign.ini then print it out.

it shows you all the missions in the campaign.

left click then "arrange icons by name" so you dont have to search fer each file.

then the 1st mission where you escort he-111's or ju-88s(these are seperate files 1 fer he111s 1 fer ju-88s) where you fight 2 lagg-3s.

its Smolensk1_1.mis

open it with wordpad

find where it reads

  Planes 2
  Skill 1
  Class air.LAGG_3SERIES4
  Fuel 100
  weapons default

and edit it to how ya want it.

heres what i put
  Planes 4
  Skill 3
  Class air.LAGG_3SERIES4
  Fuel 100
  weapons default

I assume you can change what group you fly for and how many friendly ai/type are up.

My only thing was the lack of nme and their lack of skill. I could careless about the rest.

Most of you folks probrably already know all this toejame. I am not one to buy a game then spend a bunch of time making it into what I want.

I usually buy it get js set and game set to run decently. Anything beyond that I find it hard to justify spending 40 bucks on something then instead of gettin right to the reason I bought it fediddlein around with it till its "playable" for me.

Thats why wwiiol is such a pos imho.     :)

so this is for folks who are like me.

With this game at 1st I was content to let it collect dust with eaw janes sdoe and falcon 4. Too much toejam out there to weed through to get decent gameplay. But IL2 being new I figured I jump on top of it early and maybe get my money out of it.     :)

anyway anyone else got stuff like this to add please post it here....


Also i through in  190a4 and 190a5's fer a couple of the missions but kept them in the right date/time frame.

I dunno why they just didn't do this to begin with     :rolleyes:

[ 01-02-2002: Message edited by: Wotan ]

Offline Sunchaser

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Customizing IL2
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2002, 08:53:00 AM »
OK, just in case this is not common knowledge, any coop mission you enter online in hyperlobby is stored in your net cache folder in the missions folder.

If you rename the .mis and .properties files to a name of your choosing and move them into your net coop folder you can then host them online or use them  as single player missions by creating your own multiplayer coop game.

You must first match the mis and prop files which I do by clicking the "modified" bar which pairs them by time.

Both files in the set must have the same name, ie: George.mis

Whatever you name it, when you open the mission to run it, it will appear with the proper briefing and map, etc.

I agree Wotan, I hate messing around with settings, the thing works or it does not.

The salvation of the gameplay online is that fantastic mission builder and the many simmers who have building missions and campaigns as a passion.

Torpedo runs in the fog are real nail biters!

Offline Wotan

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Customizing IL2
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2002, 04:41:00 PM »
I am not really impressed with online play....

Too much waiting around then when you get in the game settings are either way to ez mode or the no icons wonder around and keep flippin on padlock till ya id an nme.

I've played ubi hypperlobby and all-seeing eye (best of the three). Too much lag most of the time and i ping around 100 most of the time. All seeing eye i have it filtered to ping times under 200.
y frame rate stays about 30-45 depending on whats going on.

I had more fun with eaw when it 1st came out.

However I'm determined to get some of my money out of this 1.

Thats why I am actively searching for tweaks.

I have no desire to host my own games I just wanna pop in fer an hour or so have some good fights then log. Right now you really cant do this with IL2 online (you really can't with all box sims).

Any way still looking for tweaks

Offline Gadfly

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Customizing IL2
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2002, 05:02:00 PM »
It works good for me online, much better than I hoped t would.  I have seen 1 laggy game, but generally, it is smooth as silk up to 15 or people.

I have a different view of the conditons, though.  I love to be able to change things up and tweak it, althouh I will agree that it sucks to be forced to do so to make it run.  IL2 runs great out of the box, tweaking it is to improve it(personalize it, that is).  

Here are some missions I have made:

[ 01-02-2002: Message edited by: Gadfly ]

Offline moose

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Customizing IL2
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2002, 12:22:00 PM »

i changed the higore line but im not seeing gunners die or anything

as sick as it sounds i want to see the gore.

Offline Sunchaser

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Customizing IL2
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2002, 04:30:00 PM »
I have had gunners killed by flak, they slump over but I have not changed gore settings so I guess they could be sleeping.

Offline Wotan

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Customizing IL2
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2002, 06:14:00 PM »
hmmmmmm moose i haven't seen it either i only fly 109s but i have seenscreens that show, if the higore settings are at 1, blood splattered over the turret area.......

I will link the screens once I remember where I saw them...........

Offline capt. apathy

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Customizing IL2
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2002, 08:32:00 PM »
after changing to highgore=1 if you shoot a chute the dont just vanish you can do a flyby and see them laying there, and all the peices of a downed plane are scattered about on the ground.  thats the only difference i've seen

Offline capt. apathy

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Customizing IL2
« Reply #9 on: January 07, 2002, 08:33:00 PM »
btw, if you haven't seen them, there are a couple castles along the shore in the crimea map