Ive thought about this idea, for me the thought was "hey lets get a flag of every Islomic nation thats out there buring US flags and throwing a 13yr olg girl hiss fit cause shes grounded off the phone, Call Al Jazerra (only them no US TV Stations or news groups) Hold a demonstration and beat em with our shoes then burn em till the ashes then stomp on the ashes"
Only to give them a taste of there own medicine!
Then the though opf just how much it would cost in Flags made me forget the idea.
So in protest i think i might just buy a Koran, set it on the back of my toilet, pull out a page every time im dropping the browns off at the super bowl and read the page then clean my bottem with it! (sometimes i might have to read a few pages) - ((no pun intended) BUTT it might plug the pluming with sheeooty koran pages.