Author Topic: HTC moderators are a joke  (Read 4685 times)

Offline Iceman24

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HTC moderators are a joke
« Reply #105 on: February 16, 2006, 01:32:41 PM »
I agree with Blixen for the most part, I think just about everyone in here has had problems with those two goofs in the past. There is only a handful of people in the community that seem to  be pizzing off everybody else, and it seems to happen on a very regular basis, and it seems to be the SAME people over and over again. Personally I could care less about them, I'm not going to fill out any reports or anything, I'm just gonna squelch it and go on my way, if they want to PM me with cuss words and threats go for it, i think its funny lol  But that's just my opinion on it. I've had the opportunity to fly with Blixen and against him many many times and have never seen him be a bad sport in any way. Now after reading this thread I have seen numerous reply's about the two guys Blixen has been  complaining about and it doesn't seem to be just Blixen. If they can't play this game without making 70% of the people that play it upset, then maybe they shouldn't be allowed to play....Its ok to go on 200 and talk some smack dont get me wrong that's what it's there for. But if you are saying something that is obviously making another player mad, then STFU... For example, look at the way Ruaml and I talk to eachother on 200, we say all kinds of stuff to eachother, but we both know we're just messing around, I couldn't say half the stuff to another person because they would think i'm serious. Kinda like WMLute was saying, sometimes things get taken out of context, and everyone has different tolerance levels. What 1 person thinks is funny could make someone else upset, like cussing for example. I could personally care less about them, but someone else could have 15 young children sitting around watching them and they don't want them to here all that... Its all about context

Offline betty

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HTC moderators are a joke
« Reply #106 on: February 16, 2006, 01:48:40 PM »
ok ok ok, i know that i'm a trouble maker on channel 200, i talk smack on there but i never go to the point that i feel that it could really upset someone, everything i say is all in fun and should never b taken seriously. there have been a time or two when certain ppl have said things that kinda got to me and were quickly taken care of whether they got muted or whatever. i have been muted myself. i just want to apologize to anyone that i might offend or make mad cuz of the stuff i say on channel 200, and i promise that i will never ever ever call anyone a poopyhead or turdknocker on channel 200 again :D

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Offline BBQ_Bob

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HTC moderators are a joke
« Reply #107 on: February 16, 2006, 01:57:32 PM »
In all seriousness Bear69 does not belong on the list that Blixen first put up. Jaxxo should be on that list instead. :aok
UKNIGHTED Propaganda Minister
"There are no Hells Angels in the MA, never"

"they are nowhere near the airport ..they are lost in the desert...they can not read a compass...they are retarded."

For a good time ~~

Offline Mugzeee

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HTC moderators are a joke
« Reply #108 on: February 16, 2006, 02:00:27 PM »
Originally posted by uberhun
Wow three pages for this pointless Pinot Grigio thread:huh
Lock it Hitech:t

Originally posted by jon
flagrent abuse of rule 16 :p

Actually rule #5...but whos looking anyway?

Like iceman says. I too will de-tune 200 most of the time. But then i will tune it to have a few nice words with an opponent after a fun fight. I chance leaving it tuned for a bit, and low and behold. Another creep is running his flipping mouth again. OK back to de-tune mode. I would love to be able to monitor the decent things on ch200. As there is plenty of decent chat on 200. But it is always laced with the Jerk off that is ever present. HTC tells me to just squelch them. Im telling HTC i would love to have a permasquelch list so i don’t have to go through the list at every login. It really is getting very very old. It is yet another element that is sucking the fun outa the game. There is no possible way to have your cake and eat it too with the current setup. And i am certain that it would be easy to fix so ALL types of people can enjoy it their way.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2006, 02:11:24 PM by Mugzeee »

Offline Blixen

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HTC moderators are a joke
« Reply #109 on: February 16, 2006, 02:05:28 PM »
bear just because im using blixen on the board doesnt mean im using that cpid in the game

i deleted blixen do to mods and certain players harrasing

and yes bear69 u did harass me after i asked u not to converse with me
u kept up ur insulting banter therefore i got pissed

ty ht for responding and i applaud ur efforts in this matter
i feel i shouldnt have to turn 200 off cuz of these idiots
cuz im friends with serveral players from different countries
and i should be able to converse with out these trouble makers
harrassing me and fellow country , and game players

Offline Brenjen

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HTC moderators are a joke
« Reply #110 on: February 16, 2006, 02:09:08 PM »
Well it's obvious to most people when two are poking fun at one another. And it should also be just as obvious that mods aren't on 24-7. But, that being said; some people are way too touchy about some things that bother them personally & they have mute powers. I myself don't like being called a cracker...but I got muted for asking the "person" who called me a redneck cracker if they were a ******; I bet the "person" who made the racial slur to me didn't get muted. I don't see people getting muted for calling others wops or kikes or beaners etc. It appears to me from my comp. screen that double standards & personality flaws rule instead of set in stone verbal rules which are what should be enforced exclusively.....IMO. I love the squelch function & now that I see the mods use personal feelings to guide them instead of written rules...I just squelch anyone who even begins to start spouting garbage....profanity or political or otherwise.

 EDIT: See? Can't even say the big bad "N" word or the net nanny gets you...but all the rest are ok even though it wasn't directed at anyone & only used as a relevant descriptive.  And that sort of stuff gets under my skin the same way things I say apparently get under other peoples skin. I may be a WOP & I may be a REDNECK...but the difference is the general public doesn't care if I get insulted. Politcal correctness is ignorance with a smile & a feeling of false superiority.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2006, 02:15:55 PM by Brenjen »

Offline uberhun

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HTC moderators are a joke
« Reply #111 on: February 16, 2006, 02:12:55 PM »
EEWWW Betty you are such a trouble maker ewe ewe.
Oh look I just called you a girl sheep LOL. This is so satisfying. I feel like a big burdon has been lifted off my shoulders. Some how I have this deep sense of satisfaction and vindication knowing I insulted an assumed Identity in a cyber world. Wow I should do this more often. I know next time someone collides with me in the MA. I will go on channel 200 and call them rude names and insult their intelligence and lineage. Maybe say rude things about their mother. Then I can feel vindicated just like now when I called Betty a Ewe.:O  I feel so good now. Thanks Betty You have always been there for me and I appreciate it. Your such a good Cyber friend!:rofl
I know lets all go on 200 say rude stuff about everyone and we all get muted and then no one will have to worry about it anymore, Then my boss can pay me for getting some real work done as opposed to me answering this thread evey hour.:D

Offline Mugzeee

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HTC moderators are a joke
« Reply #112 on: February 16, 2006, 02:18:09 PM »
Originally posted by Brenjen
Well it's obvious to most people when two are poking fun at one another. And it should also be just as obvious that mods aren't on 24-7. But, that being said; some people are way too touchy about some things that bother them personally & they have mute powers.

We have the mute power Bren....Its just that we have to re-do it every session...even after host connection lost or re-login for the 4 times we lose vox in a 3 hr session during heavy arena usage. And who is anyone else to tell anyone that they "are way too touchy about some things that bother them personally "?  It should be our own choice. That’s why we have/are requesting a Permasquelch list. :)
« Last Edit: February 16, 2006, 02:21:42 PM by Mugzeee »

Offline Mustaine

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HTC moderators are a joke
« Reply #113 on: February 16, 2006, 02:26:21 PM »
all this talk about the mods...

i used to know one in AH, a year ago, but i don't know if he even plays anymore. we discussed it, and i have to say WOW it is a hard job. you basically can't fly for fun, because in the middle fo a dogfight you may have to stop, log the offense, do the moderation, and make sure you document it.

imagine even trying to have a simbalance of "fun" while having[/I] to read everything[/I] on CH200 and country channel and room channel.... you get the idea. i do not envy that at all, and actually feel bad for them. imagine they are really having a good time, and they have to stop / get shot down for having to MOD someone? they are only human, and i bet i'd get PO'd major if some moran got rude on CH200 and ruined my fun.

i don't know how many there are, but i can imagine, there would need to be at least 5 per country minium, to try and hope one is online at all times at least. preferablly 2 or more on at one time. does HTC have that many players they can trust? are there that many honestly willing to do that job?

i say if they miss something, screenshot it, and email HTC, and make sure to use the "report" system in game.
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Offline Mugzeee

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HTC moderators are a joke
« Reply #114 on: February 16, 2006, 02:30:37 PM »
Originally posted by betty
ok ok ok, i know that i'm a trouble maker on channel 200, i talk smack on there but i never go to the point that I feel that it could really upset someone, everything i say is all in fun and should never b taken seriously. there have been a time or two when certain ppl have said things that kinda got to me and were quickly taken care of whether they got muted or whatever. i have been muted myself. i just want to apologize to anyone that i might offend or make mad cuz of the stuff i say on channel 200, and i promise that i will never ever ever call anyone a poopyhead or turdknocker on channel 200 again :D


The Key here is  "I"
Why does anyone presume to think that his or her personal interpretation of what is offensive should be a global opinion? What one feels is fine...another may find offensive. Yes we are actually "People" on the other end of that connection. And people are very different. Especially me. Cept i think they were being facetious when they said that at the hospital:noid

Originally posted by Mustaine
all this talk about the mods...

i used to know one in AH, a year ago, but i don't know if he even plays anymore. we discussed it, and i have to say WOW it is a hard job. you basically can't fly for fun, because in the middle fo a dogfight you may have to stop, log the offense, do the moderation, and make sure you document it.

imagine even trying to have a simbalance of "fun" while having[/I] to read everything[/I] on CH200 and country channel and room channel.... you get the idea. i do not envy that at all, and actually feel bad for them. imagine they are really having a good time, and they have to stop / get shot down for having to MOD someone? they are only human, and i bet i'd get PO'd major if some moran got rude on CH200 and ruined my fun.

i don't know how many there are, but i can imagine, there would need to be at least 5 per country minium, to try and hope one is online at all times at least. preferablly 2 or more on at one time. does HTC have that many players they can trust? are there that many honestly willing to do that job?

i say if they miss something, screenshot it, and email HTC, and make sure to use the "report" system in game.
Why ask any human to stop having fun? Why not keep working on a system to make moderation a personal (Auto) (Permanent)preference like some have suggested? One that can be edited by each player.
PS....don’t anyone bother explaining how HTC may be teaching us to cope in a multi cultural multi lingual multi philosophical society. Save it!.
Remember "Its just a game" as so many are eager to point out just after going out of their way to incite another player ;)
« Last Edit: February 16, 2006, 02:53:21 PM by Mugzeee »

Offline Iceman24

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HTC moderators are a joke
« Reply #115 on: February 16, 2006, 02:39:19 PM »
not tryin to jack the thread, just saw that Betty has posted recently and I wanted to say that I saw "your" plane on the military channel last night... There was a show on about P47N's and in the background I saw 1 that was called the "Betty" I tried looking online to find a pic with no success, if anyone has ever seen or has a link or pic for that plane we need to get it skinned so Betty can fly her own plane :)

I also posted this in the planes and vehicles section

Offline jon

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HTC moderators are a joke
« Reply #116 on: February 16, 2006, 02:47:44 PM »
Originally posted by Mugzeee
Actually rule #5...but whos looking anyway?


16- All posts, in public forums, should be made in the English language.:p

Offline bigsky406

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HTC moderators are a joke
« Reply #117 on: February 16, 2006, 03:09:28 PM »
the same 10 guys harrass harass harass and if u stick up for your self
u get muted i call pure bs you need to put some guidlines on these

475th FG "Satans Angels" M.A.
Nose Art

Uh, I think someone needs to switch to Decaf...

Offline Brenjen

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HTC moderators are a joke
« Reply #118 on: February 16, 2006, 03:10:33 PM »
I can see why people want the perma-squelch option Mugzee; I can also see why HT doesn't want to implement it. I also agree with Mustaine that being a mod would be a royal pain. But...I'm sure they aren't "assigned" that duty, it's an ego trip that's being fulfilled for some of them. I care less now about who does/says what than I did as late as last week. After having a five or ten minute conversation with Lute it became clear that no matter how little sense someones position makes to's the same for them. You can type & type & still not be able to make your point without sounding extreme because we as humans process body language in our communication with each other as well as the words that are said/printed.

 I realize it takes all types of people to make the world go round & my opinions are no more or less valid than anyone elses. As long as I pay for a service & that service is provided & I have the ability to ignore as well as erase the offending words from my computer it's all good. I don't become what I term as angry over any of this or the MA But I do get a little irritated with it from time to time. I just have little patience for people who have no common sense when they have a position of *slight* power entrusted to them & let it go to their head. I'm quite certain 90% or more of the people who are mods in the MA use their position very infrequently & even then with reservations. I have nothing against any of them & wish them all the best of luck in their hopeless endeavor.

 Salutes all around - even to the ones who vehemently disagree with my hard feelings at all on my end.

Offline Mugzeee

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HTC moderators are a joke
« Reply #119 on: February 16, 2006, 03:15:15 PM »
Originally posted by Brenjen
I can also see why HT doesn't want to implement it.

This is the part that interest me the most. What is your take on the Why part?