And now that I'm thinking about this...
I've always been inclined to leave killshooter on, just because I so hate fraggers. But I have noticed, now that we generally have it turned off, that it really DOES change your flying behavior in a realistic way. In the old days, if you were trying to pick someone off the tail of a friend, you just opened up and hoped that your shots hit the bad guy. Now I catch myself easing off the trigger until I get a clear shot at the trailer, for fear of doing his dirty work for him.
I guess we should all recognize that some friendly fire is going to occur, and that when it does it will often be unintentional - as it appears to have been with Republic shooting Storch. Also, newer folks from the MA probably won't even know that killshooter is turned off. In these circumstances, patience and understanding will be key.
It's the fraggers who open up on you while you're sitting on the runway in front of them, or who fire at you when there clearly aren't any enemies nearby, who should be run out of town on a rail.
- oldman