Yup, remember Godfrog. I think I talked to him in AH as "band", but that must of been months ago. I had completely forgotten.
I remember seeing Udie pop into the Flight server a few times, only reason I remember that is because I remembered him from WB where I flew as wlfe/redw and rdwe.
That was such a long time ago, but it was so much fun. Especially the roadkillting we did out in the Kali servers, that was just as fun as the game!
What were the games we made up called.. we tried to land on the carrier, take off, rearm/repair, take off again and keep doing that. I think we also did that on the island, but that was a little more difficult.
FM was definitely great, I think that might have had the perfect modelling of control dampening (somewhat slowed response.. but not much) and the damage model wasn't too bad either.
Those were some fun times!