Author Topic: Loose Cannons - and the future of Aces High  (Read 25754 times)

Offline Wax

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Re: Loose Cannons - and the future of Aces High
« Reply #15 on: March 28, 2006, 05:57:31 PM »
Originally posted by Killjoy2
Dismissing the Loose Cannons Alliance as just a horde is missing the point of what is happening.

It's not a horde when the LCA mount a mission.  It's planning.  It's leadership. It's really difficult to sustain.  It's relatively easy to take a plane up and furball.  

It is a magnitude more difficult to organize a raid.  It is much harder to do several in a row.

We have a wonderful tool with Aces High, but it is under utilized.  It's being used as an arcade game when it has the resources to be much more.

What LCA is fooling with is a new level of warfare in Aces High.  How will ithe "other" countries meet the challenge?  So far all we get is whineing.  The Nits and Bish might as well be the French when Germany rolled right over them.  NO FAIR, they used  BLITZKRIEG on us, what a bunch of losers."

I hope the pathetic Nits and Bish can pull their heads out and organize an LCA of thier own and then we will battle plan against plan.

More planning, better execution of plans and co-ordination of plans within planes.  Many of us have reached our limit with Aces High game play.  There's just so many dweebs you can hammer with your favorite plane before you begin to get bored.

The challenge is organizing dweebs into an effective fighting force.  This is unlimited potential for Aces High.

Salute to the LCA!

OMG :rofl
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Offline Zazen13

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Loose Cannons - and the future of Aces High
« Reply #16 on: March 28, 2006, 06:00:35 PM »
Not to put this too harshly, but it really doesn't require any individual skill or talent to horde bang base after base into oblivion. Not to pick on Bish but they are famous for herding 50 noob lemmings into a mission, most of which don't have the first foggy clue how to fight, yet they successfully take base after base. There's a reason we call them lemming missions, one leader, 49 lemmings laden with ordnance willing to follow the leader to a field to drop FHs and viola, overwhelm, annhilate and capture...rinse and repeat...It's not complicated, difficult or innovative, it's just horde toolshedding and land-grabbing...what it isn't usually, is actual fighting.

Really all LCA is doing is emulating what Bish have always done, and Rooks have the numbers right now which makes it even easier, just like Bish did three years ago when they were doing this to Rooks non-stop for the better part of the year. The only thing 'new' about this whole scenario is the newbs doing it...

« Last Edit: March 28, 2006, 06:06:09 PM by Zazen13 »
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Offline StracCop

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Loose Cannons - and the future of Aces High
« Reply #17 on: March 28, 2006, 06:10:39 PM »

Somewhere, somehow, a bunch of people have missed the point about the LCA.

What is 'new' about this concept is the order of magnitude of cooperation and teamplay, and how finally, a venue has been established for mission-oriented players to find some of their kind of fun.

I began playing Aces High many years ago.  Maybe 5 years ago.  I have come and gone from the game a couple of times due to boredom with the unfulfilling and one-dimensional nature of gameplay.  Sure, I was in a squad (113th Lucky Strikes) and I enjoyed real teamwork once a week but it didn't satisfy my yearning for something more organized, something bigger.  The fact was that during squad night you could only be marginally successful in fulfilling the objective of the game: base capture.  It wasn't enough.  Even with a couple of squads working together there wasn't enough to get many base captures...especially not with the numbers in the MA now.  A greater force is needed.

Posting Missions
Naturally, I experimented with posting missions...only to advertise..and advertise some more only to get a mere handful of takers.  That exercise in frustration just added to my sense of burnout and dissatisfaction so I left the game twice over the years.  I rejoined the game 3 months ago to see if gameplay had become more multifaceted and developed more depth ... only to be disappointed once again.

Filling the Void
This time though, I became convinced that it wasn't the gameplay that needed work.  A great many players enjoyed missions...there just wasn't a quick and easy structure for them to participate in them.  We've remedied that (at least for the ROOKS at the moment).  Its now as easy to get into a mission as it is for the furballers to find a dogfight in fightertown.  Shouldn't the mission-oriented players be treated to a frictionless path to enjoy their preferred style of gameplay as the dogfighters and treadheads have with fightertown and tank town?   Sure they are.

Perception is Reality
Its not surprising to me that many furballers are having a hard time grasping why this is something new.  Their perception is based on their particular style of gameplay which rarely, if ever, involves organizing or participating in missions.  They just want to take off, get into a dogfight...rinse, repeat.  They want no part of the complexities and challenges associated with organizing and executing missions. They haven't experienced the frustration of wanting to be in missions only to find none. But to those of us who love mission style play something has been missing for many, many years.  

New Life for Mission Players
Now, with the advent of the LCA, mission-oriented players have seen new life infused into their preferred gaming style.  They now have missions available for them on a continual basis.  Teamplay, indeed, mission play, is now easy for them to find.  They only have to tune their vox to 111.  No more setting up missions with no takers, no more begging people to participate in group efforts, no more struggle to get people to join posted missions.  No gentlemen, the worm has turned.  

A New Dimension...A New life
I can't tell you how many people have come to channel 111 only to share with us that 'this' (the LCA) is exactly what they were looking for.  Some of them were burned out and considering canceling their sub or not purchasing a subscription beyond the trial period when they found us.  Once they stumbled upon us and started to have some fun they found a new Aces High, one that they had heard about but hadn't fully experienced.  An Aces High that featured missions, and teamplay.  No longer was that style of play something to be experienced occasionally.  No, now they can experience a new dimension in Aces High gameplay anytime just by tuning their vox to 111.  We offer them mission-style play but perhaps more importantly, we offer them a sense of community, another thing that brings mission-oriented players together.

Another element of 'newness' that seems so difficult for some to grasp is the number of players that coalesce together to play in a coordinated fashion on a regular basis.  We're not talking about a 'squad night' where there are 12 or 20 squad members who get online together and play as a team.  And we're not talking about an occasional posted mission either. The LCA runs missions every day and in larger numbers than single squads...and none of it is compulsory.

The Alliance
And here's yet another point of distinction regarding the LCA. The LCA doesn't limit themselves to a 'squad' but is composed of many different squads and individuals who enjoy joining together to achieve common objectives and, in the context of how this game is designed, that means taking bases. Cooperative effort is what the LCA is all about.  We are a true alliance within the ROOK community.

The LCA Impact
I think that all of these factors is why their presence is being felt so acutely.  Because this is a new idea that has been considered and dreamed about by many for years:  squads and players joining together to capture bases and reset maps.  Only this time, it has come to fruition....quite by accident, I might add.  If someone is convinced that they have seen it before...please direct me to the post or some other reference so we can learn from their experience.

Opposing Gameplay Concepts
The concept behind the LCA is diametrically opposed to the style of gameplay championed by furballers who, in most respects, are of the lone wolf variety.  And that is their Achilles heel.  In order to confront the LCA, they need to join forces and work as a team and not alone.  But, in doing so they will invariably become what they abhor...a horde.   So they're stuck scratching their heads and waiting for us to 'burn out'.

The Future
I don't know how long the LCA will last.  I'll be the first to tell you that it might be a fad.  But as long as there are players who enjoy missions and don't want to struggle with organizing them on their own, there will be an LCA.  Maybe not in its current form, but present nonetheless.  And we are growing everyday so if the bubble is going to burst the end isn't in sight yet.  If it does collapse, I believe it will be because of the weight of its own success, not becaue there wasn't a demand for it.

We think the idea of an alliance of this type has finally come of age.  We think its new.  You may disagree, but its new to me and to those who participate in the Loose Cannons Alliance...and that should be enough.  I'm not looking at what was, I'm looking forward and for alot of players, the LCA is a harbinger of things to come.

« Last Edit: March 28, 2006, 06:15:59 PM by StracCop »


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Re: Loose Cannons - and the future of Aces High
« Reply #18 on: March 28, 2006, 06:18:10 PM »
Originally posted by Killjoy2

It's not a horde when the LCA mount a mission.  It's planning.  It's leadership. It's really difficult to sustain.  It's relatively easy to take a plane up and furball.  


:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl ....yea right

Yes it is.
No it isnt,
No it isnt
ok the last two I'll agree with
A very large mission is a horde and nothing more.
Not a whole lot of planning needed other then "ok you take bufs, and you swarm the feild and keep everyone vulched and you and you and you bring goons.

Give me 15 that are willing to pay attention and do exactly what they are asked.
and I'll show you how to accomplish the same thing with half the numbers
« Last Edit: March 28, 2006, 06:26:01 PM by DREDIOCK »
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Offline killnu

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Loose Cannons - and the future of Aces High
« Reply #19 on: March 28, 2006, 06:20:34 PM »
wtf is complex about getting large group together, killing FHs then dropping town against lower numbers, if any defense at all?  dont answer, its retorical, i know the answer....nothing.  sorry to burst your bubble.
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Offline JB42

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Loose Cannons - and the future of Aces High
« Reply #20 on: March 28, 2006, 06:26:32 PM »
Look, the concept is very simple:

If you don't like what they're doing.....stop them, if you don't want to stop them ..... shut up.

I swear, with all the problems in this world, I see more time spent crying on this BBS than ever before. Use your blog time wisely and try to make a difference in the world instead of spending countless hours on this board whinning. ENOUGH SAID!
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Offline Toad

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Loose Cannons - and the future of Aces High
« Reply #21 on: March 28, 2006, 06:32:00 PM »

Sounds like a whine about whines.
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Offline SlapShot

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Loose Cannons - and the future of Aces High
« Reply #22 on: March 28, 2006, 06:38:50 PM »
Originally posted by JB42
Look, the concept is very simple:

If you don't like what they're doing.....stop them, if you don't want to stop them ..... shut up.

I swear, with all the problems in this world, I see more time spent crying on this BBS than ever before. Use your blog time wisely and try to make a difference in the world instead of spending countless hours on this board whinning. ENOUGH SAID!

Very deep ... very very deep ...  :rolleyes:
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Offline The Fugitive

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Loose Cannons - and the future of Aces High
« Reply #23 on: March 28, 2006, 06:40:50 PM »
StracCop, sorry to burst your bubble, but it has been done many times before.

 A couple years ago the bish had 3 or 4 guys that got groups together. When ever they were on people beg them to run some missions. Ya want to talk about missions??? LOL!!! you guys are a "horde" in every sence of the word. The only co-ordination you guys have as you get to the same base at about the same time !

These bish "leaders" use to run multi-pronged attacks, some forces leaving 30 minutes before the main forces. Advance forces would deack and disappear, or pork fuel at long range bases. Meanwhile other forces would up from a number of bases to shortten dar bars only to meet at arranged spots all over the map.

Talk about land grab !!!  LOL!!! 3 and 4 base fell with in minutes of each other all because of a few guys planning out missions. That was a co-op set-up!! they never called themselve any "alliance" or any other "name" they were the Bishops and they worked well toghether with these guys leading.

But time changes, some left the game, I think one passed away, others didn't want the hassle of running them all the time. So no, your not the first, nor will you guys be the last.

Enjoy your fun, but not at the expence of others. Leave TT's and FT's alone.

Offline Waffle

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Loose Cannons - and the future of Aces High
« Reply #24 on: March 28, 2006, 06:46:28 PM »
Until you guys take a base with nothing but PTs and one goon.....then you might be on to something...

Oh wait...I already did that :)

Offline culero

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Loose Cannons - and the future of Aces High
« Reply #25 on: March 28, 2006, 06:54:23 PM »
Originally posted by Toad

Sounds like a whine about whines.

Oh, stop whining about the whining about the whining.....

culero ;)
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Offline DoKGonZo

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Loose Cannons - and the future of Aces High
« Reply #26 on: March 28, 2006, 07:11:44 PM »
Well since my name is being bandied about, and since I do often fly with the LCA, I'll chime in.

There are some new things happening with how, why, and when missions are put together. A lot of it is basic military strategy - as opposed to the AH strategy of "I Pork Therefore I Am."

And, speaking of porking; much, much more often than not we tell people not to. Mission plans are to take bases intact.

When LCA started up it wasn't a horde. Odds were generally pretty even. Then as the group started being successful and Rooks started winning more resets, a shift in country affiliations became evident. The number of people who are actually in LCA who fly typical missions is still relatively small. But other people tag along and so be it.

Another thing which LCA has changed, at least in Rookland, is that there is now a choice. There is a group that has several missions posted per hour which always have enough people to work with. So a Rook has the choice to join the mission, tag along with the mission in his choice of plane, or go fly with his regular friends/squad/whatever.

And, for me anyway, having that choice makes a difference - it provides something to do other than dealing with the HO-dweebs, and the endless flow of lawndart pork-dweebs, and the equally endless flow of NOE bomber dweebs (who still miss the hangars at point blank range).

Oh yeah ... my creating the scenario format isn't legend, it's fact. I created it in AirWarrior, brought it to WarBirds, and then even ran an AH2 event last year.

Offline Masherbrum

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Loose Cannons - and the future of Aces High
« Reply #27 on: March 28, 2006, 07:12:05 PM »
Originally posted by SlapShot
Funny part is they think this is something new ... after the CAF wrote the book on it about a year or so ago.

Can't wait to hear more ENY whines after this gets going ... they might end up having the Rooks hate them for it.

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Offline FiLtH

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Loose Cannons - and the future of Aces High
« Reply #28 on: March 28, 2006, 07:20:06 PM »
Oh jaded ones...remember when you first fell in love with your first online flight sim..whichever one it was?  Remember the days at work where you were only thinking about getting home and forming missions, or just to fight?

   They may be new...the idea may be old...but the enthusiasm someone feels..better yet, a group feels when they start playing is timeless. Don't dump on someone because of it. They should pity you because the passion is gone, and all that remains is the quest for rank, or to belittle someone you despise for some odd reason.

  *Not directed at anyone in particular
« Last Edit: March 28, 2006, 07:36:03 PM by FiLtH »


Offline thndregg

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Loose Cannons - and the future of Aces High
« Reply #29 on: March 28, 2006, 07:45:22 PM »
Originally posted by JB42
Look, the concept is very simple:

If you don't like what they're doing.....stop them, if you don't want to stop them ..... shut up.

I swear, with all the problems in this world, I see more time spent crying on this BBS than ever before. Use your blog time wisely and try to make a difference in the world instead of spending countless hours on this board whinning. ENOUGH SAID!

Right on the mark, JB42 !
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